Couldn't help but feel bad for the guy when I stopped laughing at how you mess up on an empty net like that.
2007-01-07 17:48:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Despite the foul up on the empty net, the whole game was awesome! From the 4-1 comeback, the missed empty net. Then the Oilers scoring! Five minute overtime with no stoppage in play. Then the icing on the cake. A shootout! Of course I'm glad Dallas won, I live there, but by far the best game, visually,this year! I have it DVR'ed, and plan on watching it again.
2007-01-07 20:36:35
answer #2
answered by redeye069 4
It was as if the Hockey Gods were looking down at the Oilers and making up for them losing a point to Mr. Magoo's horrible and incorrect hand pass call earlier this season, costing them a point. They didn't deserve that call, and they didn't deserve to even get the point in this game. Sort of like all works out in the end.
2007-01-08 02:08:30
answer #3
answered by Nice Guy 3
I'm with sgold. I felt really bad but I felt that as I was laughing my **** off on the floor.
Also though what a goal for Dallas on that one where the guy practically scored an Ovechkin and I loved the shot where the goalie was glad they wear masks now.
Did you all see Crosby's goal tonight? I'll post that in another question for thoughts.
2007-01-07 19:41:12
answer #4
answered by playmkr278 4
My god.... that's a stoke of luck.
I'm speechless.
okay, I've recovered fro the shock. That was perfect for the Stars. They saw a chance and seized it. the guy had missed the empty net and had taken himself out. They had a 6 on 4, and made the best of it.
And I really feel sorry for the guy who missed the empty net shot.... That must have felt horrible.
2007-01-07 17:39:23
answer #5
answered by The Big Box 6
That was an unbelievable ending! Not only did he miss the empty net, but he took himself out of the play.
I'm still glad the Oilers lost.
2007-01-07 17:29:17
answer #6
answered by Clint H 3
My reaction was that the media has already found its 2007 blooper highlight of the year.
2007-01-07 20:21:16
answer #7
answered by JohnnyO 3
i would feel so bad if i was the player wh missed( didn't catch who it was) if you have it on an empty net ...don't be fancy just put it in as soon as you have a clear shot.....feel bad for the kid n the dallas goal...watched him twice and he's not that great....
2007-01-08 00:19:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
amazing. And I found out that Nedved plays for the Oilers now.
2007-01-07 18:06:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Pretty amazing.
What do you mean by, "I thought that was movie material."?
2007-01-07 19:52:59
answer #10
answered by gebobs 6