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2007-01-07 16:58:40 · 4 answers · asked by canadian_lefty16 1 in Sports Hockey

4 answers

It means that you were on the ice as a forward or defenseman when an even-strength goal was scored. If your team scores, the players on the ice at the time of the goal are a +1, if your team gave up the goal, you are -1.

2007-01-07 17:04:47 · answer #1 · answered by joey_blue_eyez 3 · 0 0

In hockey, a player's +/- rating is determined by when a goal is scored at even strength (meaning neither team is on a power play). A player receiver +1 point when their team scores and -1 point when the opposing team scores.

2007-01-07 17:04:56 · answer #2 · answered by sblocko 2 · 0 0

Both the above are correct with the exception of one distinction: if you are on a power play and the opposing team gets a shorthanded goal, you get a minus.

2007-01-07 19:57:09 · answer #3 · answered by gebobs 6 · 0 0

lets say you score on your shift that's +1, if the other team scores on your shift thats -1. if neither your team or the other team scores on your shift your +/- rating is 0

2007-01-08 00:21:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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