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lied under oath to a grand jury in a court of law? Are you not disgusted by his lack of respect for our counrties judicial system?

(please don't stray from this very direct, simple question)

before you say, "bush lied,,..yada yada yada",, this question has nothing to do with bush. It is very simple.

and before you say, "quit bringing up the past,,," I got permission from one of your fellow liberals: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070107214431AAPQwxf&r=w&pa=FZptHWf.BGRX3OFMhzxXU69HW2uN4jsqbe7MvxLpIuSc8B.fIg--&paid=answered#NbUvWzS8UDUDlxhJv65V

2007-01-07 16:50:55 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

wow, so many liberals ignoring the question, and others saying it is ok to lie about having sex while being investigated for sexual assault, as if some lies in a court of law are ok.

2007-01-07 16:57:54 · update #1

30 answers

No. He didn't kill anyone with his lie. Know anyone who succeeded him and lied? How many good American men and women have died because of that lie? Is it 3k + now? Know anyone who lied about believing in a balanced budget even when he had no deficit at the beginning of his term in office, and now has created the largest the world has ever known? Know anyone who lied to the American people about the cost of their medical care? Know anyone in public office like the Presidency, who has denied being a member of AA instead of acknowledging their membership and the good it did for their life and their family .stability? Are you jealous still ,that you never had a ******** and want to blame the judiciary for the lack of your success.?

2007-01-07 17:24:48 · answer #1 · answered by tjdepere2003 6 · 3 1

Does it bother me that Bill Clinton lied under oath?


Am I disgusted by his lack of respet for our country's judicial system?

Not particularily. He could have said 'I don't have to honor this subpoena because the Constitution I don't have to' but he decided to testify anyway. Smarter legal minds than me have argued that that was a really dumb thing to do from a legal perspective, but I guess President Clinton respected the courts enough to honor their orders when he didn't have to.

To be honest, the last six years have done a lot to mute my irritation with Bill Clinton. Our current President regularly disregards the fundamental Constitutional guarantees, like habaes corpus and the requirement to obtain a subpoena before conducting wiretaps or searches even after the Supreme Court orders him to obey them. Compared to that, Bill Clinton is a model Presidential respect for the judicial system.

2007-01-08 05:05:57 · answer #2 · answered by opendna 2 · 2 0

I have problems with it, but I also know that he was the target of a vicious witch hunt that conspired to put him in that situation where he would either have to lie or admit to having an affair. He had no business being asked those questions in the first place as Ken Starr's initial task was to investigate Whitewater. When that turned up nothing he started looking around and with the help of several conservative lawyers, including Ann Coulter, brought Paula Jones' sexual harassment case into the matter, a case which many impartial legal scholars have dismissed as groundless.

Ultimately Clinton accomplished more good by lying under oath, as he was able to balance the budget and bring about surpluses and record financial growth, than he would had he told the truth. After all, had he told the truth, Bob Dole might have been elected (shudder).

2007-01-08 01:00:07 · answer #3 · answered by Guelph 5 · 5 3

No, it really does not bother me. Clinton was hounded for years by his detractors. They were pushing him and just waiting for him to break. Did he? yes. Was it wrong? Yes. Did anyone die as a result of it? No.

As a staunch conservative, libertarian, I can admit that William Jefferson Clinton was about as good a President as we are going to get these days. G Dub Bush is, I hope, the worst that we will get. He has exploded the deficit, expanded the powers of the federal govt-particularly the police powers, destroyed the bill of rights whenever he could, and sent our children off to die in foriegn lands without proper moral justification. That is obscene!!! Why can't conservatives just admit that?

2007-01-08 06:17:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

This is how i see it. Lying in a court of law is wrong. But when you lie about a non-crime, its not such a big deal.
If clinton's lie was about anything that had to do with his job, any american affairs, or any crime, thats a different story. But because he lied over a personal, non job related incident, that was immoral, but not illegal, it doesnt bother me.
Scooter libby is being charged with perjury, but since his perjury charge was on a non-crime, then i think the judge should dismiss the case. Now if fritzgerald found a crime, and was going to charge someone with this crime,then scooter libby should be held accountable for perjury.

2007-01-08 01:05:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

What Clinton did effects him and his wife not me. Bush started a war based on lies. What Bush did is 100 times worse than what Clinton did. Besides Clinton didn't assault anyone she thought he was hot and had sex with him then tried to get him in trouble. I wish Clinton was still President because as another poster said he is the best president I have seen in my life time also. If Clinton could run again I would vote for him.

2007-01-08 01:05:51 · answer #6 · answered by The_Game 3 · 6 2

Well of course it bothers me. Taken in context, however, the whole Lewinsky witch hunt bothers me more. Was that really the most important thing going on in the world at that point in history that it warranted do much time, energy, and taxdollars be spent on the issue? I don't think so. Besides look at who clinton's heros were (Umm JFK) and you could have seen it coming a mile away. I don't agree with eveything that Clinton did in office, but that one act did not cause me to lose the respect that I have for him as a whole.
BTW, like conservatives there is a far range of different types of liberals. While I personally respect your right to ask this question, and don't need a seal of permission from another liberal to have you ask it, you have to remember that one individual is not representative of the entire group.

2007-01-08 00:59:23 · answer #7 · answered by Martiedawn 2 · 8 2

Resulting in What? Nothing. I'm sure is anyone was disgusted by a lack of respect there would have been a conviction. Don't be so naive to forget that Newt Gingrich--the Speaker of the House during the ordeal--was in fact, cheating on his second wife with another Representatives staffer at the same time he was berating Clinton--

Can you say--HYPOCRASY??

Sex between consenting adults isn't quite as bad as the rampant homosexual-ism and pedophilia we were exposed to as of late courtesy of Conservatives.

Clinton may have fibbed, but he did not do it repeatedly on National t.v., directly to you, over and over again---like someone we all know....

2007-01-08 01:05:06 · answer #8 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 5 2

No, it does not bother me because the question did not relate to the case at hand and thus had no place in that court. In fact, under normal court procedure that question would have been dismissed as irrelevant to the case. (The case was about Paula Jones, Not anything else. They asked him about Monica. In a court of law, they are totally different things.)

Oh, and I don't see permission to bing up the past. I don't mind debating it, (History and Poli-Sci Buff) But I don't see permission fro anyone to dig up what was a partisan move intended to find an excuse to impeach somebody the republicans didn't already like.

2007-01-08 01:00:02 · answer #9 · answered by The Big Box 6 · 6 2

No, it doesn't bother me in the lease.He lied to try to protect his family. It was a matter of personal morality. He was wrong to do what he did, but in the great scheme of things what he did wasn't a big deal. Other presidents have had affairs: Jefferson, Harding, Eisenhower and Kennedy. No one persecuted them for it.
On the other hand, Bush's lies about WMD in Iraq have caused the deaths of thousands of Americans and even more Itaqis. Which is the bigger crime: lying about sexual misbehavior under oath or lies that cost the lies of thousands? And oh yes, I hope the judicial system goes after Bush for his lies, his malfeasance in office, and his corrupt management of this country. He will go down as the worst president in history.

2007-01-08 01:04:29 · answer #10 · answered by notyou311 7 · 7 3

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