I think walking cats is a bit silly. Cats are natural explorers. Sometimes my cats follow me up to three blocks away from my house when I take walks. I have to explain to everybody outside that she follows me.
One time she followed me when I walked to the post office, and she stayed outside and meowed when I went inside to get my mail. It was pretty funny!
My old neighbor/teacher took his cats for walks everyday. A bit weird, if you ask me.
2007-01-07 14:19:59
answer #1
answered by NecropolisXR 6
You can take a dog for a walk and you can only take a cat for an inch or two. Dogs are up for the opportunity to get around. Cats are offended by a leash. Cats will take it so far as to lie down and stay down when you put a leash on them. Cats may decide to climb the leash and attack the hand at the top.
If you are talking about an employee to walk your leash trained (presumably from birth) cat, not many people are willing to take that chance. Too many lawsuits could result from getting to the sidewalk and having the cat climb the leash and go over that employee like a chainsaw.
From an evolutionary standpoint,dogs were domesticated long before cats. Some people insist that cats aren't domesticated yet.
2007-01-07 22:24:02
answer #2
answered by Mature Witch 6
Have you seen what happens most of the time when you put a leash on a cat? I saw a video a long time ago on Americas Funniest Home Videos where a lady from the humane society was talking with an animal control officer and she had a cat on a leash and all the sudden the cat goes bezerk, then starts attacking the officer, pretty much ripping one of his legs open as he latched on and dug all 20 of his claws in his leg and biting him at the same time.
2007-01-07 22:23:32
answer #3
answered by corneileous 2
This is a good question... I give up, why?
No, really... there are a few that walk cats but cats are not as submissive when it comes to doing what they are asked. Plus dogs just look better than cats being walked.
2007-01-07 22:19:36
answer #4
answered by Tara 3
Have you ever tried to put a leash on a cat to walk it? They don't like it, at all!!! Besides they do better walking by their selves, if a dog or something tries to get it they can just shimmy right up a tree or whatever. They are independant!!
2007-01-07 22:28:17
answer #5
answered by Donna J 4
because cats really dont like wearing collars or leashes.
and also, what if u have a house cat who doesn't like the outdoors but have a house dog who loves the outdoors?
house cats are afraid of going outside (at least mine is) so it would be impossible to try to take a pet out for a walk.
2007-01-07 22:20:19
answer #6
answered by [CooKie] {♥} 2
I think it's the leash too, I saw a cat on a leash once and I laughed for the rest of the afternoon, poor thing, it looked terrified
2007-01-07 22:19:27
answer #7
answered by d☻min☺ 5
I saw a person TRYING to walk a cat once. It was on a harnass and a leash. The cat was doing flips and freaking out. I guess maybe that's why.
2007-01-07 22:18:51
answer #8
answered by Princess Purple 7
Most cats hate a leash
2007-01-07 22:18:01
answer #9
answered by pri_i_oh 2
There are cat walkers but they are rare
2007-01-07 22:18:16
answer #10
answered by Pantherempress 7