I think god hates librals...........
2007-01-07 12:47:11
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Those are some very tough questions, and they're ones that many Christians are working on, not just Catholics.
Personally I believe that Jesus gave us the most important commandments when he said "Love Thy God" and "Love Thy Neighbour", and I'm all for allowing gays to marry for that reason (and others).
I honestly feel that if you listen to your conscience and pray about something then God will forgive you if you make a mistake. It's possible that this does go against the divine plan; if so, I want to feel that I erred on the side of mercy rather than on the side of harshness.
2007-01-07 20:58:55
answer #2
answered by Dilettante 5
Homosexuals do not have states rights to marry. It is against the law in most of the world. We are to follow man's laws and God's laws. You will not go to hell unless you have unconfessed sin in your heart. . God will judge you on judgment day as he will all of us. Unless you indulged in homosexual behavior, I think, you are okay. You might have to give an explanation to God and confess your ignorance. You need more education on the scriptures which preach against homosexuality. You don't understand it because you haven't been shown in the Bible was it is a sinful. It is an abomination to God. Your parents have a good reason to worry about your mortal soul because if you question the church on this what else do you question. " If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything!" Life is not fair, plain and simple. The are rules. The government and God gave us rules for our own good. God gives us a freewill to choose right or wrong. I hope you choose right.
2007-01-07 20:56:17
answer #3
answered by ruthie 6
Catholics believe in man and woman being together so they can procreate. That is what our special parts are for. Yes, church doctrines are against homosexuals, and certainly them marrying because they cannot produce offsprings. God loves all. Gays and straights. If you are a good person, God will accept you. Not every Catholic believes everything their religion professes. He is a good, loving and forgiving God.
2007-01-07 20:55:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am Orthodox Catholic and gay and both my Priest and Bishop believe that gay people are normal and deserve a dignified, human existence just like any other (can you tell I'm Anglican?). I don't believe that you will be punished in the afterlife, because your intentions are good and within the Theological Virtues. God loves all of God's children and you are simply bearing the virtues of that love.
+Peace be with you
2007-01-07 21:17:58
answer #5
answered by OrthoAng 2
This question has more of a political tone than theological. Okay, let's examine the issue politically then:
First of all, our government does not guarantee happiness. It guarantees the "pursuit of happiness". The reason it does this is because our founding fathers recognized that just because something makes us happy doesn't mean it's good.
Governments are supposed to look out for hte greater good of the people they are responsible for. It accomplishes this by legislating laws that are in favor of the common good.
The "common good" does not include everybody. You cannot make everyone happy all the time.When a government starts legislating morality for the benefit of one group, the majority is descriminated against. This is NEVER a good thing. It is NOT good government because the government ceases to look out for the common good and starts looking out for the minority.
Poltically speaking, homosexuals have exactly the same rights to marry as heterosexuals do. They have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. The fact that they've chosen to waive their rights does not constitute descrimination.
What about equal treatment under the law? If homosexuals are allowed to marry, what about polygamists? Every group encompassing every bizarre sexual orientation will come forward looking for the same marriage rights - and the governmetn will have to grant it to them if it grants it to homosexuals, circa equal treatment.
Try to imagine a society that finds almost every conceivable union sociall acceptable...Not a pretty picture. Is it?
A popular Catholic preacher is quoted as saying, "God's ways are so far above our ways, as the heavens are above the earth."
We aren't going to understand everything God wants us to do. Some of what He wants may even seem contrary to His own will.
It doesn't matter what you think about same-sex marriage. It doesn't matter what I think, or what anyone thinks. What has to matter to anyone professing belief in God is what God thinks.
You've heard the phrase "dying to one's self". When you foresake your own views and opinion and adopt God's ideals as best you can, you've died to one's self. People who do this are in the world, but not of the world.
Nothing is "wrong" with you per se. You seem to be aware enough of your own Church's doctrine to know that, while homosexuality itself is not a sin, acts of homosexuality and same-sex marriage are sins.
When it comes to Catholic Doctrine, all that is "required" is a knowledge of the basics. Of course, the more you learn, the more capable you will become at following church Doctrine. More important - you will be more atuned to WHY Catholics believe what they believe.
Life is a journey in the faith. If you do not know, or if you cannot accept, a certain doctrine at this time, there's no reason for despair. Stick with the Church; go beyond knowing what you are supposed to believe and discover 'why' you are supposed to believe it.
If you have not already, I recommend you obtain a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I am willing to be you will find many of your answers there.
The best governments are the ones that look out for the common good. God is the ultimate in looking out for the common good of all people.Trust Him. Trust His Church. In time, you will find your answers.
2007-01-08 11:25:10
answer #6
answered by Daver 7
Be worried for your parents and anyone else who casts such judgements. You, on the other hand, gracefully accept people. This is a divine virtue, given to you from God. Religious Judgement is actually very much contrary being a Godly person.
And here you are asking if something is wrong with YOU ! Actually there is "something wrong" with those who judge.
2007-01-07 22:24:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Leave the catholic church, it is nothing more than an institutional cult. They want you to be like minded in almost every aspect imaginable. You see, they have put propaganda out and it has gotten to your mind as you think it is possible to go to hell for sympathizing on gay issues. Beware anyone who claims to know specifically and with certainty what the afterlife has in store. They don't know. They may think that they know. They may profess that they know. But they don't.
Don't be afraid to think for yourself. Be pragmatic, not dogmatic.
Question authority! Look at the state of the world. Do you think it is in the state that it's in because of everyday people? Question authority!
good luck
to ruthie. Obey man's laws; I question that premise. At one time it was okay to own slaves in this country. Women were not allowed to vote. Japanese Americans were put into interment camps and stripped of their property. I could go on and on. Ruthie you are just what the Grand Institutions want, obey the laws, obey authority, obey and conform.
2007-01-07 21:07:47
answer #8
answered by James O only logical answer D 4
the simple fact is that we don't make the rules nor did the church or churches. God made the rules didn't make many and kept them simple to understand and follow if the desire is to truly follow the will of THE MAKER AND THE JUDGE.
. I think it is wonderful and good that you do not judge others.
i know that God will be the judge and anyone who does not follow the rules most importantly those who know but do not heed.
2007-01-07 21:18:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You talk of believing in the church and believing in God, but you can't approach God unless you believe Jesus is the Son of God, have asked for forgiveness of sins and you follow his teachings.
It's not a matter of being punished but a matter of which Kingdom you will be in. The Kingdom of God or the other one that is prepared for those who rebelled against God. It wasn't made for people but there is no other place for us who have rebelled to go. God cannot be in the presence of rebellion because of his perfection. That is the reason for the perfect sacrifice that takes our place and covers our rebellion so that we can enter into God's presence. Your soul will never die, because you are made in the image of God, so you will spend eternity in one place or the other. I pray that you will choose wisely.
2007-01-07 21:19:59
answer #10
answered by akoloutheo2 2
We are in many tests in our life tests that God makes to see who will opay Him and who won't ; such a feeling that you have is a test for you that will you prefere opaying God not to do so or will you do what you want no matter what He says because you get "happiness" .Suppose ,for example,that you saw a beautiful dress on a friend and wished it may be yours and you will be very happy by wearing it ,will you feel that it's okey to steal it? I don't think so.As long as you belive in God and in the hearafter, you should control your desires during our short life to get all happiness and satisfaction in the heaven .Although I'm not christian but I think that it is not allowed for you to think so because ,simply, it is not natural.
2007-01-07 21:05:42
answer #11
answered by nor 1