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Who should I keep or drop?

Dany Heatley
(Ott - LW,RW)
Pavel Datsyuk
(Det - C)
Daymond Langkow
(Cgy - C)
Daniel Sedin
(Van - LW)
Scott Hartnell
(Nsh - LW,RW)
Alexander Semin
(Was - LW)
Alexei Yashin
(NYI - C)
Dan Boyle
(TB - D)
Tomas Kaberle
(Tor - D)
Tom Preissing
(Ott - D)
Viktor Kozlov
(NYI - C,RW)
Mike Commodore
(Car - D)
Sean Hill
(NYI - D)

Goalies are:


2007-01-07 09:30:20 · 5 answers · asked by Manu D 1 in Sports Hockey

5 answers

A lot depends on who is available to replace your weaker players. If there are better options available then the guys you should look to replace are Yashin, Preissing, Kozlov, Commodore, Hill and Thomas. You would be crazy to dump Hartnell as others suggest, I know I can always find a spot for someone with 17 goals (9 on PP) 27 Pts., +13 and 40 penalty minutes. Yashin is an inconsistant and unreliable fantasy source, Kozlov got hot for 1 week for most of his production, Hill-Commodore and Preissing arent good options, never have been and never will be as far as fantasy hockey goes and Tim Thomas is so hot and cold it isnt worth the gamble every night. You need to evaluate what is available in free agency and see if there are any willing trading partners (often in fantasy most players wont trade, they think cutting guys is easier or one guy offers his bench for a stud...not a way to get a deal done). Find someone who is real weak at goalie and offer Thomas for a decent forward, center or defenseman. Offer your centers for forwards, goalies or defensemen. Get the idea, find other teams weakness and offer what you have that they need for areas you want to improve.

2007-01-07 13:09:36 · answer #1 · answered by viphockey4 7 · 0 1

Definately drop Darren Langkow, Scott Hartnell, and Alexi Yashin and possibly Hill. Your goalies are weak besides Nabokov and he splits time. Guys like Semin, Kaberle, Datsyuk, Heatley, and Sedin are must keeps but try to move Kozlov and someoe else for a better goalie

2007-01-07 09:42:56 · answer #2 · answered by SNIPES8 2 · 0 0

Get rid of Darren Langkow, Scott Hartnell, Alexi Yashin, Sean Hill, and maybe even Daniel Sedin. also get rid of Thomas, he is no good.

Goalie's Fernandez and Nabokov are good, last year Fernandez was platooned with Roloson and Nabokov was plattooned with Toskala

2007-01-07 10:07:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In nets,Nabokov is your best bet but he's injured wright now. Get rid of Hill, Commodore, Preissing. Switch up the d a bit.

2007-01-07 09:55:23 · answer #4 · answered by Deavious999 3 · 0 1

nabokov splits alot of time, that hurts...thomas gets alot of starts so i would ride thomas and fernandez. i dont like boyle, i would go after a premier defenseman.try trading for a scoring forward too,heatly scores but sedin and datsyuk pass first.....

2007-01-07 10:05:19 · answer #5 · answered by slapshot 1 · 0 0

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