because the media portrays us like we are all ignorant and stuff like that, i have seen white people act worse than us and they are still seen as better than everyone. i see so many white people using food stamps at the dollar tree, (im a cashier) and yet we are the only ones on welfare
just ignore it, the truth is racism isnt because how people of a race act it is because of our color
look at oprah, i mean people respect her and everything she worked for what she has, and there are people who are racist against her, she had a show asking about the war in iraq and then she got letters saying she was a hairy ***.ger and that she neeeded to go back to africa. does a woman like her deserve that i think not
2007-01-07 09:11:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Don't you think saying white people smell like wet dogs is wrong? I understand you were mad because it was an ignorant a*s question, but you turned around and did the same thing by making a racist comment right back. I read alot of your questions, so I know your normally not like that, but that wasn't cool.;_ylt=AnneCbHC9bFT8FWGdDbsudjsy6IX?qid=20070106213636AADlNqI&show=7#profile-info-fa7e8f1295d2670fc02862670592c771aa
Some people are just ignorant and make judgments by appearance without any knowledge. I understand where your coming from. I grew up in a low income housing that was predominately black and got hell growing up( I'm white). But I met a lot of amazing people.I also met some people I can't stand. I have learned to look past skin color and like or dislike someone for their morals and life attitudes. Unfortunately not everyone has had opportunities like this and continue to live in ignorant bliss. I almost feel bad for them.
2007-01-07 11:24:52
answer #2
answered by ♥ BuffaloGirl ♥ 5
Trust me there are a bunch of jerks out there. I'm not black but, I have been treated wrongly for other things. Just like being short and stubby. Not a big deal but, sometimes others think that if someone is different than them they decide to be mean.
I try to get to know everyone before I make judgments on them. And just because the people who act snobby to you won't be your friends doesn't mean that they are all bad. Find someone that you know will treat you like a true or white or tan. Race isn't the issue. It's who you are as a person that matters. If those people can't handle that it's cuz there is something messed up in their head!
I'm your friend...I know that's weird but, at least you know there is someone out there praying for you.
2007-01-07 09:19:43
answer #3
answered by sleepy 3
I am hoping this is changing. I am white and have a 7 year old son and he has black & white friends, I have black & white friends, this never happened when I was growing up. My son has yet to hear the "N" word. So, I think that times are changing. There are still ignorant people.
2007-01-07 09:10:03
answer #4
answered by Colette B 5
First of all may i say I'm not racist in any way. I think today's racism stems from recent history, and of course what history tells us, mainly from the way racism was portrayed in the Southern states of America.
I truly believe its more distrust and not hatred, look at recent events, people in the UK refused to fly on an airplane because of two Asian gentleman talking in there own language, look at the world conflicts today, mainly black and religious conflicts. I'm no politician and my views are my own,
I'm sure people don't hate you, but are cautious,
I don't want to cause controversy, but in my experience many (by far not all) have an attitude problem an carry a chip on there shoulder, they truly believe, as you do, that people hate them, which is simply not true, just look at your answers,.... my answer to you would be, to be yourself, don't pre-judge others thoughts, if you have a genuine personalty it will shine through.
2007-01-07 09:39:35
answer #5
answered by Tony a 2
A lot of White people are just born that way. Much in the same way that I was born hating broccoli. Don't take it personally. Some can be trained not to think that way though.
2007-01-07 09:13:18
answer #6
answered by lil star 3
One thing I have learned in life( and I have lived a lot of years) is that its not RACE that makes us all different but culture and lifestyle..Here is an example. Jim is white and lives in Texas. He wears wranglers and cowboy boots and listens to country music.He dips snuff. He likes to hunt, fish, and goes to a Baptist church every sunday.
Steve is also white and lives in Texas. He likes rock music, plays video games for fun, doesnt use tobacco or go to church. He doesnt enjoy killing animals.
Both these people are white and from the same area but grew up with different lifestyles. They arent friends not because they hate each other, but they just dont have enough in common to be friends.
So if someone doesnt want to be your friend, it may not be because of your race but because they dont have anything in common with you.
2007-01-07 09:25:34
answer #7
answered by fgdhfghr 4
i am white, and i say this alot, about myself, pertaining to blacks, i do not get on with some white people either, i have lived along time, and this problem seems not to go away, you live with it, read the bible, find truth and light in the scriptures, and face it, it is a fact of life, to you i say God bless you and keep you well and strong, but whatever you face, life is good and it is to be lived, shrug it off, pray for such people but do not be surprised if there seems to be no affirmitive answer, take care and again God bless
2007-01-07 09:16:12
answer #8
answered by chinpingmei 2
Because people are stupid.
Blacks are intimidating for some white people. Especially white people like me who have grown up in an all white community. To be honest, I have only personally known two black people in my life. They are both lovely people and my children call one "Aunt" out of respect for her age and at her insistance.
2007-01-07 09:11:10
answer #9
answered by siriusblackpearl 2
The scar of racism is healing, not as fast as we'd all like it to. There is not as much hate out there as you may think. Give people a little credit, have a little blind faith that we will all do the right thing.
2007-01-07 09:12:19
answer #10
answered by Bad Samaritan 4