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2007-01-07 09:00:17 · 14 answers · asked by Kevin G 1 in Sports Hockey

14 answers

i allow myself 30 minutes.normally it takes 15 at a steady pace.10 if i'm running late.but i like to allow for repair.you can break a skate lace a strap or a belt,all which require extensive time to fix if you break them.i also try to stretch a bit.also liek the one guy said you shoot the bull while getting dressed.

2007-01-07 13:50:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was a roller hockey goalie (not street hockey, actual roller hockey league) and the only difference between my gear and ice hockey gear is the skates I wore, so I feel that I can answer this too. I took about 10-15 minutes to put my gear on, so that I wouldn't be using much energy, and allow myself to relax and focus better than if I was in a hurry.

2007-01-07 09:11:11 · answer #2 · answered by Kaotik29 4 · 0 0

Realistically...20 minutes. Because you cannot sit in the locker room totally silent and put your gear on. You are always going to be talking, fooling around, throwing/shooting pucks (yes, even as an adult). It should only take 10-15 but it is never that short. I used to get to the rink about 50 minutes early to get stretched out, get in my gear, screw around a little, and then have a few minutes to prepare to play.

2007-01-07 09:28:55 · answer #3 · answered by Cayl 2 · 0 0

It depends on how long the goalie wants to take to get his equipment on. Some like to dress quickly and some like to take their time and socialize with the other players before a game.

2007-01-07 09:50:22 · answer #4 · answered by Jamie 4 · 0 0

the goalies on my team take about 10 min

2007-01-07 09:13:51 · answer #5 · answered by novaicedogs9 4 · 0 0

I'm not sure, although back-up goalies have to have their gear on all game, just in case they have to go in.

2007-01-07 10:47:14 · answer #6 · answered by jesus_mysuperhero 3 · 0 0

5 minutes

2007-01-07 09:08:51 · answer #7 · answered by dancer18 2 · 0 0

My nephew takes 5-10 minutes to get his on. He is 10.

2007-01-07 09:05:30 · answer #8 · answered by Colette B 5 · 0 0

IT all depends on how fast the kid is my friend is 12 he can get dressed in two minutes if he really wants to but it usually it takes about 15Min's

2007-01-08 02:04:16 · answer #9 · answered by BRANDON 1 · 0 0

about 10 15 or 20 mins.....the bottom pads are kind of hard to put on and so is the chest pad

2007-01-07 09:38:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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