I am a male to female crossdresser. People think I am gay but am not I like women sexually.
2007-01-07 09:01:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Everybody is stereo typed in one way or another...all ethnicities, white black hispanic, you name it...ancestry as well, Germans are seen as nazi's russians are seen as commies...everybody stereotypes the french as dirty and the women hairy, british people in cartoons always have bad teeth (austin powers) none of those things are necesarily true but they are all commonly said
2007-01-07 17:02:42
answer #2
answered by Adam 4
stereotyping sucks and people who must assume that you are part of a hate group just because you're a German need to be more educated. I work for a guy who is of German descent and he is not racist. Just laugh it off.
2007-01-07 17:02:16
answer #3
answered by sunny4life 4
No way! I'm of Austrian ancestry and have brown hair and brown eyes and a toothbrush mustache and people call me a Nazi too.
2007-01-07 17:01:00
answer #4
answered by snapple232 3
I have been stereotyped. People think all because you can speak Spanish you are automatically from Mexico and i really hate that and i have no problem with Mexican people but seriously Mexico is not the only country that can speak Spanish
2007-01-07 17:01:44
answer #5
answered by Michelle 2
Yes but I try not to let ignorant people faze me because there are too many of them.
I try to live my life as the best person I can be and I have found that attracts quality people &
That makes up for the idiot losers.
2007-01-07 17:21:18
answer #6
answered by kate 7
this is an excellent question. i have been on the board for a quite a while today and i have seen people defend/condemn black stereotypes. sometimes you can forget others have it just as bad.
2007-01-07 17:09:32
answer #7
answered by atlas shrugged and so do i 5
Of course I have, it's practically human nature to stereotype.
2007-01-07 17:03:41
answer #8
answered by lil star 3
I'm asian and everyone assumes I'm good at math. Usually stereotypes, good or bad, are true. If they weren't true, they NEVER WOULD HAVE BECOME stereotypes.
The person who called you a Nazi because you're German, that isn't a stereotype because there are no Nazis in germany. However there are lots of Asians good at math and lots of blacks in jail. A stereotype for you would be that you're industrious.
2007-01-07 17:02:12
answer #9
answered by Eric W 1
yes, just like the rest of you. agree totally there are those who stereotype and confess there are times I have also. however, try to avoid this as I grow older
2007-01-07 18:20:27
answer #10
answered by Marvin R 7