It can be a gush, or a slow leaking.
2007-01-07 05:47:20
answer #1
answered by Melissa 7
My water broke the first time I went into labor and I thought I'd peed, though it didn't feel like I was peeing. It was just a warm rush. The 2nd time I gave birth, the water didn't break until about 5 minutes before I started pushing and my midwife wanted to break the sac with a long, pointy tool that scared the crap out of me and the stress of thinking of that thing possibly scratching my baby made me clench up and the sac burst all by itself from the extra pressure and it gushed out all at once and sprayed the midwife! (Served her right, I thought at the time!) It doesn't hurt, though, so don't worry about that & believe me, looking like you peed will be the least of your worries, too, if that happens, because your labor will ususally escalate to the next level when it does (if you're not already at the pushing stage!) and if you're going natural (no drugs), the pain will erase any embarassment you might have experienced! (It's a good pain, though, and it does end. And when it ends, you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms.) Then the real work begins and you'll be wishing you still had that baby in you!
Think you're losing your mind now? Wait until about a week AFTER the baby comes and he or she won't stop crying and you haven't slept for more than two hours at a stretch for days and your milk comes in and your breasts feel like they're going to explode. Then you'll really know what losing your mind feels like!
By the way, I wholeheartedly recommend breastfeeding, it helps you lose your extra pregnancy weight faster, and the endorphines released when you nurse (oxytocin) will act as a calming agent on both you and your baby.
2007-01-07 06:09:56
answer #2
answered by Stacy Cuccia 3
It can happen either way. You might be leaking and never notice it. Like if you are having a watery discharge that could be your water. My best friends been pregnant twice the first time she was leaking and due to the lack of aminotic fluids her baby would havedied and possibly her too if she went to term with her. So sh went in and had her baby and she died an hour after. But this was early on. Her second she had in sept of 06 and it all came out with a gush ten another gush she said shehad to put a towel in her truck seat becuz it kept gushing. She didn't feel a contraction pain until 5 hours after though. So if you are wondering when you go in have them check if you are leaking.
2007-01-07 05:57:16
answer #3
answered by Kimi is 31 weeks 1/7 w/#2! 3
Losing your mind?? It will get better. I had what is called a leaky water bag. There is a some moisture, enough to wet my pants. That was time to go to the hospital because you are supposed to be in a sterile environment when this happens.
My other birthing, the bag just broke... More than just regular peeing, like gushing. I was taking a shower at the time, so it was fine. Another quick trip to the hospital for that one.
Best of luck to you.
2007-01-07 06:09:54
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It depends on how big the tear is. It can gush out or can trickle for a good long while. Ways to tell if it is indeed amniotic fluid vs. urine: The smell: amniotic fluid smells sweetish, like hay; if you have been practicing your Kegel exercises, then you know how to stop your flow of urine, if you can't make it stop this way, then it's most likely amnitioc fluid; also you may go to your doctor, they have a strip of paper just like they use for your regular visit urine test that will tell them right away if it's amniotic fluid. Don't feel bad to go to the doc if you still aren't sure, they would rather have you show up and be sure than sit at home if your water DID break and possibly expose your baby to infection. P.S. If your water DOES break at home, NO BATHS, just a shower, and no sex. Hope this helps!!!
2007-01-07 05:56:02
answer #5
answered by Proud Mommy of 6 6
It never comes out all at once... there is still some up and around the baby that will come out when you deliver.... but you can have a GUSH or a trickle... they say if you want ot know for sure, put on a pad and check it in 5 mins, if it's wet then you're leaking. /cheers you're going to have a baby soon. Wait until your contractions start and are coming ever 5 mins to go to the hospital, should be within 24-48 hours although docs usually prefr you to come in by 24 hours. Good luck!
2007-01-07 05:48:37
answer #6
answered by Gig 5
When my water broke a little came at out first and I didn't know what was going on because I expected it to all come out at once. So I went into the hospital and when I was sitting on the exam table it started coming out really fast and the doctor used some type of paper to determine if it was amniotic fluid and it was. Then sitting in the room I was put in, more slowly came out.
2007-01-07 05:55:50
answer #7
answered by 2007 5
It's a little thicker than urine, and doesn't usually gush, especially if you're standing up, because the baby's head acts a bit like a cork to stop the flow. The fluid isn't clear, but more straw-like in color and you can't control it. If it is a definite break, you'll know it. You'll feel a bit of a release and you certainly won't be able to control it, like a period.
Hang in there. It will be over soon!
2007-01-07 05:51:58
answer #8
answered by Kim A 2
It can come as a gush of water, or a slow trickle. I've heard Docs suggest that if you think your water has broken, to put on a pad so they can test the fluid leaking when you go to the hospital to see if it is, indeed, amniotic fluid.
2007-01-07 07:29:55
answer #9
answered by Lisa 3
it will first come out like you just wet yourself. then it will keep draining until its all out. But, if you are just seeing a little bit of water? it is more than likely not your water braking. Sorry to say, sometimes when you get further along your bladder can get smashed by the baby and you will wet a little. The doctor may tell you to wear a pad. I hope this helps.
2007-01-07 05:54:31
answer #10
answered by WINDY 1
The inital break is sort of a gush, almost like you laughed really hard and you peed your pants. Then afterwards it slowly seeps out.
2007-01-07 05:53:47
answer #11
answered by LP's Mommy, RN 6