All people are NOT racist. Racism is a learned trait. However, people, like animals, do have a tendency to group with others with similarities to themselves. That may be based on color, ethnicity, dialect, region, interests, etc. Then, there is a general tendency of people to be afraid of things they do not know or understand. A common defense mechanism is to shun and degrade things/people that are different. To justify in one's mind that something/something as lesser or inferior adds to the fearer's confidence. So, racism may be based on ignorance, and the inability or lack of desire to learn of other peoples.
2007-01-07 05:39:31
answer #1
answered by Mangy Coyote 5
I wouldn't say it is all because of insecurities, I would say that a lot of racism occurs because of competitiveness inherent in the human race. We are always striving to become bigger and better. Competition is in our genes and it is part of what makes us who we are. When you look at a black, asian, white, or hispanic person there are obvious physical differences. Even though they are only physical differences it is a difference. It is only natural to compete against people that are different, and this is why racism and discrimination occur. People take it to far. That being said, I honestly feel that racism will never be truly wiped out. When people learn to be proud of who and what the are, then racism will have no hold over them. I mean think about it. If you are black and proud of who you are and where you came from, will you care what someone else thinks? To the people that say not all people are racist. I think they are to a certain degree. If you are white and you walk into a room of mixed racial origin, you will feel more comfortable going up and talking to someone of the same race. This is a racist act, but at the same time it is an instinctual drive in all of us. Because through history man has found safety in numbers of his own kind. Some people will say no, they wouldn't feel more comfortable talking to someone of their own kind, and this might be true. I was just using that as an example. I am sure their are other situations and actions that happen and you don't even realize that it is a racist action because it is an instinct left over from evolution.
2007-01-07 14:00:52
answer #2
answered by Danny 6
It seems in America and UK's Big cities people are almost gone past the racial divides. However in other countries and small cities where there are only few people of other races ---- racism is still a problem. For example in big cities it may go without questions if white and black marry. However in places where the races are isolated, if a foreigner of different race comes in (and in some cases any stranger even of the same race), may not be easily acceptable. So yes, racism is a natural phenomenon, but through education and knowledge we can be well informed that all people are humans and hence try and treat them equally. But a case will always arise where a person is insulting or swearing at the other person of different race (even if s/he loves him/her) -- they tend to use the most painful words just to inflict pain. The words maybe racialist just to cause pain only as a way of revenge against some wrong doings.
2007-01-07 14:18:55
answer #3
answered by imbabala_egxhakaza_ematsheni 2
I think everyone does have their own biases and insecurities, but you cross the line and become racist, when you start judging people unfairly and discriminatingly just because they are of a certain color or ethnicity.
2007-01-07 13:33:44
answer #4
answered by ohmycinderella 2
Racism is not necesary anymore, just like war, rape, murder and looting is no longer necessary for human survival.
The only environment it might have any place in the survival instinct might be in a racially segregated prison otherwise EVOLVE damn it.
2007-01-07 13:33:54
answer #5
answered by Soundjata 5
All people are NOT racist. Just the ignorant @sshole are, that are afraid of who they hate.
2007-01-07 13:26:15
answer #6
answered by INDRAG? 6
racism will always be around as long as there is humans in this world it is in every country and if you believe otherwise your still in disney land pretending the world is perfect
2007-01-07 13:55:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
sorry, your wrong! i love everyone.
2007-01-07 13:28:01
answer #8
answered by mom*2 4