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2007-01-07 03:49:31 · 31 answers · asked by Artsy 1 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

31 answers

I am pro choice as I do not believe that the government has any right to control a citizens reproductive system.It has to be a terrible choice to make, and it certainly is not my place to make judgments upon someone in regard to something so personal.

That is a private decision to be made by those concerned, the rest of us should stay out of other peoples business.

2007-01-07 06:00:29 · answer #1 · answered by slipstreamer 7 · 0 0

I feel that abortion is VERY wrong. I used to think it was just wrong and then i became pregnant. Once i found out i was pregnant i did alot of reading. I learned alot... let me share some of it with you:

At only 5 weeks the baby's heart is already contracting, the major organs are already under construction, as well as the facial featires. Also it already has nubs that will become arms and legs.

At 6 weeks the baby's brain is forming three parts the heart is beating, blood is circulating, and the kidneys and liver are growing.

At 7 weeks the baby's heart formed the left and right chamber, the facial characteristics are more evident the esophagus and trachea are changing and differentiating into separate tubes, with lungs positioned on either side and an ultrasound will now detect heart motion.

At 8 weeks the brain is growing rapidly, the heart is separated into four chambers, intestines form within the umbilical cord, and muscle contractions are begining.

At 9 weeks the baby is very active, has all major organs, muscles and nerves. The testes/ovaries are formed, and eyelids are begginning to form.

At 10 weeks the baby has fingers and toes, the eyelids are fused, the ears and upper lip are formed, the genitailia are forming, and it is refered to as a fetus.

These weeks refer to weeks after the last period, and most people don't even know they are pregnant- let alone get the abortion by the 6th or 7th week. Many abortions would take place between 8 and 10 weeks or later... and after reading how the baby is developed by such a short time i just can't see how someone could justify killing it.

I hope that answers your question

And besides there is a MUCH better alternative to abortion- put the baby up for adoption. There are many many couples that want children but are unable to have them and they would be glad to take another couples "mistake" (how you could call a child a mistake i don't understand)

2007-01-07 12:33:09 · answer #2 · answered by NewMommy!!! 3 · 1 0

As a woman I can understand the my body my choice argument of the pro-choice camp but I just have never been able to get passed the idea that whether it is in your body or not you are destroying another life. There are also all sorts of arguments about when the fetus actually becomes a human being. When is this magical moment. I don't know and the truth is no one really does. It is had to say that it should be illegal because I can totally understand how freaky it would be to find yourself pregnant and in a bad situation but that doesn't change the fac that to get out to of that situation you have to kill a child, your child. I have also been around when friends had legal abortions. One roommate almost died and another had to go back because she was bleeding internally and yet another was damaged inside because the doc cut her. It ain't a nice procedure. The thing to that a lot of girls use it like a form of birth control and apparently don't respect their own bodies very much. If there was some way it could only be availble for rape vics maybe I could buy it but even then it is hard because it still isn't the babies fault. I do agree though if a doctor prescribes it for medical reasons.

2007-01-07 12:09:36 · answer #3 · answered by Constant_Traveler 5 · 0 0

Opinions are not as important as facts. It is a fact that every abortion kills an innocent human being and carries risk for the mother as well. Here's proof:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help:

2007-01-07 19:21:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Babies are not miracles from God, they are the natural by-product of sex between a man and woman. Sometimes contraception fails. I think its a personal choice for every woman and I dont see that politics should ever have had a hand in it. 200 years ago a woman could pick her own herbs from the fields and induce an abortion if she chose to.
If you do not want to raise a child, you shouldnt have to. I dont feel adoption is a viable option for many people. Being pregnant and delivering a baby brings you very close to that baby and makes it SO much more difficult to go through with an adoption. Some people just couldnt. There is nothing wrong with abortion in my opinion and we should not collectively shame women who do not feel ready to care for a chiild...yet do feel ready to have sex.

2007-01-07 12:00:49 · answer #5 · answered by motherhendoulas 4 · 1 0

I used to be pro-choice before I had children. Now, I'm against abortion. Denying a person of his/her life to avoid a woman having to endure the hardships, embarrasment, or inconvenience of 40 weeks of pregnancy just isn't fair, ESPECIALLY when there is the option of adoption. I was young and unmarried when I became pregnant with my first child, and I won't lie that I considered an abortion, BUT NOW, my son is 8 years old and I love him more than life itself. I can't imagine him not being here. It would have been a very selfish thing for me to do.

2007-01-07 14:50:24 · answer #6 · answered by Sarah M 2 · 1 0

i think it is a legitimate option for a woman or girl who finds herself in a position of being pregnant with a child she either cannot care for, doesn't want, or both. it should not be used as an habitual form of birth control, but sometimes is the best option. not everyone can live with the notion of having a baby then giving it to someone else to raise. it is also a very personal issue, not for others to try to insert themselves into, unless specifically asked. it is not murder, just like killing a terminally ill person who has asked for death is not murder. lastly, it is not something to undertake lightly, nor is it something to be criticized for. to each his own. if abortion isn't a choice you would make, fine. but understand that it is a choice someone else might make. that makes neither of you right, and neither of you wrong. it only makes you different. if you are facing a decision about abortion, i encourage you to put a lot of thought into it, and try not to be too swayed by people who, when the day is done, really have nothing to do with your decision.

2007-01-07 12:06:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

say no to abortion. unless medical reasons fall into place or you were raped and thats how you got pregnant or insest. that should be the only reasons for an abortion. raise your child and deal with it. give your baby a great life and you wont regret it. if you get an abortion you will be wondering later on down the road what if. so i would never get an abortion unless it was one of those factors above.

2007-01-07 12:20:21 · answer #8 · answered by malibu 3 · 0 0

I don't think that anyone else should have the right to tell a woman that she "must" carry a child 9 months, go through labor and delivery, and then raise a child until he/she is old enough to be on their own. I especially don't think that a man should have a right to do this, as it is statistically proven that woman are the ones that take the responsibility most of the time for the complete rearing of the child after they are born. The father is therefore free to enjoy his life and do whatever he damn well pleases.....no court of law will "make him" see the child and help take care of the child...........therefore, he should have no say.
ultimately, it is the womans body, it should be her say, what happens to it, and to a big chunk of, if not the rest, of her life.

that said, let's us not be ignorant, abortion, as birth control, is morally and ethically wrong; there are much better choices out there, that one could and definatly should make.

2007-01-07 12:02:59 · answer #9 · answered by amber 5 · 0 1

Pro Choice
Pro-choice describes the political and ethical view that a woman should have total control over her fertility and pregnancy. This entails the guarantee of reproductive rights, which includes access to sexual education; access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, and fertility treatments; and legal protection from forced abortion. Individuals and organizations who support these positions make up the pro-choice movement.
Pro-choice activists believe that women should have access to safe and legal abortion and, equally, that women should be protected from forced abortions. Some see abortion as a last resort, and focus on a number of situations where they feel abortion is a necessary option. Among these situations are those where the woman was raped, her health or life (or that of the fetus) is at risk, contraception was used but failed, or she feels unable to raise a child. Some pro-choice moderates, who would otherwise be willing to accept certain restrictions on abortion, feel that political pragmatism compels them to oppose any such restrictions, as they could be used to form a slippery slope against all abortions.

2007-01-07 11:59:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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