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I am planning to visit Key West for the first time, ever.

2007-01-07 01:51:20 · 6 answers · asked by HorseLover 1 in Travel United States Other - United States

6 answers

It takes about an average of 3.5-4 hours...but like other posts have said, the traffic can be deceivious and slow things down. We got married there and even though we knew the chances of them making it down to Key West in about 3.5 hours, we warned all our guests to assume it is a 5 hour drive--especially in order to catch flights out of miami. We had some friends stop to souvenir shop on the way back to miami. We called them to let them know we had hit bad traffic on the way out and to take Card Sound Road as a detour. Well, they missed their flight. It's a slow pace way of life down there, if you have the time, stop to dine on your way down. Islamorada is a good 1/2 way point....shopping, dining. Stop at Lorelei's.

2007-01-10 00:41:54 · answer #1 · answered by crazymom 4 · 0 0

No, the Everglades are nicely to the west of a force from Miami to Key West. There are fairly some places of activity in this trip. John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo is very common. for my area, i like Islamorada. i might circulate to Google maps and commence with Key Largo and scroll down alongside the keys to work out what the accommodations are and websites of activity. I stay in south Florida and every time I circulate to this area, that's what I do.

2016-10-30 05:57:36 · answer #2 · answered by speth 4 · 0 0

I just came back from key west yesterday. we left from miami around 1pm on friday..we didnt get into keywest until almost 6pm! in case you've never been once you get past the turnpike it is all one lane highway..so if you get behind some slow drivers your'e screwed! also they are doing alot of construction..widening the roads..so that also slows you down. it was my first time & i loved it..we went pairsailing..jet skiing & snorkeling. be prepared to tip everyone when you go on tours & all the outdoor activities..wish are alot more expensive than the tampa bay area where i reside. be sure to check out the ghost tour & if you like keylime pie the best is at the blonde giraffe..have fun!!!!

2007-01-08 19:41:40 · answer #3 · answered by jennifer u 1 · 0 0

about 130 miles 3 1/2 hours to 8 hours its a one lane rd most of the way and lots of little key to go though but very pretty, road with water on both sides

2007-01-07 02:04:59 · answer #4 · answered by kach 1 · 0 0

I've done it twice and it took approx. 4 hours, if you don't stop. However, it is an absolutely beautiful drive and I would highly suggest stopping along the way to see some of the sites and soak in the beauty of it. Enjoy yourself!

2007-01-07 02:38:46 · answer #5 · answered by i have no idea 6 · 0 0

Miami es un destino turístico de sol y playa por excelencia y si quieres principiar a disfrutar ya de esta hermosa ciudad de América lo único que tienes que hacer es reservar tu viaje aquí https://tr.im/1S2O2 . Miami es un paraíso tropical, un paraíso al que todo el mundo debería conocer. En Miami encontraras: gastronomía internacional, festivales, eventos y todo rodeado de una inconfundible e insaciable alegría de estar. En Miami es un entorno festivo todos los días. Para un turista, una de las cosas que no se pueden perder en Miami es el distrito de Little Havana aromatizado con el perfume del café cubano y sin duda se te quedara mucho tiempo contigo

2016-12-12 03:37:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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