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(I did not know where to post this, so I figured why not here?)

We were told that as soon as a road is paid for, the toll would stop on the tollway. All that has happened is tolls increasing. We are well aware that the roads are already paid for and that maintenance monies are received from the government.

So why are we still paying tolls for roads that have been paid for many times?

2007-01-07 01:40:26 · 8 answers · asked by The Hell With This Constitution 7 in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

I dont know. That is a good question though. In CT we dont have tolls and the roads are maintained fairly well. When I drove up to Maine it was the states that had tolls, that had the worst roads I had ever driven on in my life.

Obviously its because the state wants to make as much money off of people as they can in any way possible.

2007-01-07 02:13:50 · answer #1 · answered by Perplexed 7 · 0 0

Up-keep, maintenance, construction. A road is always deteriorating in some ways or they need to be improved. Tolls are not for a specific road, but for running the Department of Transportation, who over see the roads.

2007-01-07 01:49:20 · answer #2 · answered by taxidriver 4 · 0 0

Road maintainace cost a lot of money as we all want good pay ckecks. So, the Govt can't do it all from just the income taxes as there are too many other programs like medicaid and welfare etc. Thats why the toll tax is to help maintaining the roads.

2007-01-07 01:45:12 · answer #3 · answered by Terry 5 · 2 0

The road needs to be maintained. They also need to collect tolls in order to pay the salaries of the people who collect the tolls.

2007-01-07 01:48:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ALl of the previouis answers are correct. I do know of ONE toll road that is now free: the Coronado bridge connecting the mainland of San Diego with Coronado Island. So it is possible...

2007-01-07 01:52:28 · answer #5 · answered by firefly 6 · 0 0

Some states are going to start charging tolls on the Interstates. I don't like it.

2007-01-07 01:44:19 · answer #6 · answered by tumbleweed1954 6 · 1 0

For maintenance.

2007-01-07 01:42:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are paying for the up keep and maintenance.

2007-01-07 01:44:24 · answer #8 · answered by ὀκτάπους 5 · 1 0

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