Safe inside a locker in the district policeheadquarters in east Delhi, lies Anju Ilyasi's story: What marriage to theman she loved meant to her, her ecstasy on giving birth to a beautifuldaughter, her frustration on being neglected by Suhaib Ilyasi and not beingable to pursue a career, her apprehensions about the other women in herhusband's life and finally, the last words capturing the final moments ofdesperation.
n her diary, Anju blames Suhaib for harassing and torturing her every timeshe committed a mistake at home, when the food was not ready when he camehome and when she questioned him when he came home late. ``He is alwayslooking for an excuse to get angry on me,'' she once wrote.
There are instances where an angry Anju has unabashedly abused Suhaib. Onesuch entry reads: ``Kamina....rakshas...uska sapna hai ki woh mujhenaukrani banake rakhe. Mein aise nahin hone dungee.'' (He thinks he cankeep me like a servant in his house. I will not let it happen.)
At several places, she had accused Suhaib of not giving her money to meether personal expenses while he apparently spent a lot of money on his owntrips abroad.
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