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12 answers

God, The Creator, Trumped By The First Law Of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is neither created nor destroyed but it may be transformed from one kind into another.
Einstein suggested that energy and matter are interchangeable (E=mc2).

My theory is that man’s thinking is myopic and egocentric. Just as man used to think that the Earth was the center of the universe. The fact that man is mortal, that he is born and then dies, makes him think that the universe must have been created. I propose that the universe did not have a creation; it has always existed and always will. The universe is made of matter and energy in motion throughout time. The universe in total is the only perpetual motion machine.
Energy (and matter) can neither be created nor destroyed implies that it has always existed and always will. Since it has always existed it was not created by God. This renders the question “Who created God?” moot. This also invalidates any “cause” for the universe because it always “was” and “is” and always “will ” exist. Existence exists.
Be brave. Follow the reasoning. The Big Bang cosmology model becomes a repeating cycle event of expansion and then contraction and then expansion again etc. etc. etc.
Life on the other hand did have a beginning and most probably will have an end. The conditions for life probably only exist for a certain limited amount of time within a Big bang cycle.
Time can only be relative from one moment to another since there is no beginning (creation). You can relatively date our universe as being 12 to 14 billion years old, which is the age of the current Big Bang cycle we’re in.
Human consciousness and self-awareness seems miraculous but can be explained through cosmological and biological evolution. The early cycle of a Big Bang is a very hot place. Very early in a Big Bang, the temperature of the universe is roughly 10 billion degrees filled with a soup of sub-atomic particles and energy (neutrons, protons, electrons, etc. etc. and electromagnetic radiation). As the universe expands and cools hydrogen, helium and traces of lithium form and attract each other and become stars. Elements heavier than lithium are generated in stars through nuclear fusion up to iron. Elements heavier than iron are produced in super-giant stars or in supernovae explosions. This is cosmological evolution. All carbon-based life on earth is made of recycled stardust.
Life began from ever-increasing self-replicating complex molecules and about 3.5 billion years ago an original primordial single cell organism arose who all life on earth is descended. With the long slow gradual process of evolution through natural selection we arrive at the human brain, which creates the concept of God by egocentric default to explain the unexplainable. God did not create the universe. Man created God.
This is just a theory for discussion. Please don’t hunt me down and kill me.

2007-01-06 23:33:00 · answer #1 · answered by pre(!) 1 · 0 0

May be the energy to create this universe came from other place, we are thinking like the people at the time they think that the earth was the center of the universe!!! probably this is not the only universe ,may be there are millions of them and the energy came from another and the big bang was only the connecting point between another universe .We are very very very very very small in this universe, why we can not be a little bit more!!!I know it is not nice but we are already nothing!!

2007-01-07 04:11:01 · answer #2 · answered by Santiago Beau.. 2 · 0 0

... and I believe that it is with the same devotion to egocentricity and false pretenses that man today seeks to explain the nonexistence of God.

Indeed, the universe is made of matter and energy in motion throughout time, but to think that the universe is nothing more than a perpetual motion machine, is believing that a pendulum has been swinging itself ad eternam, just because we did not see the perpetrator of such swinging.

I am not a lawyer... but the Law of Inertia clearly dictates that "a body in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an outside force" and that the converse of which is true. If so is true, and the "perpetual motion machine universe" is also true, then the universe will have been redoing and undoing itself in perfectly the same manner (since no God nor "outside force" would have been present). If so, have I or will I perpetually in some point of time be again sitting on my bed and answering this perpetually debatable question?

Reducing the mystery of creation in a relatively simple formula, I believe, is too hasty for a species that has never been greater than a dust in the universe's vast space and time.

2007-01-07 00:48:31 · answer #3 · answered by rupee_ramski 1 · 0 0

The energy and matter required came from another universe. Our own universe creates new universes as well with its blackholes. When a blackhole seperates from a universe it instantly causes a 'big bang' as there would no longer be any gravity to hold it together.

Think of all the energy inside of a blackhole at the singularity. All that matter is being compressed and held there by massive gravity. When that gravity instantly disapears all that energy will come flying apart like a compressed spring being released.

2007-01-07 06:41:14 · answer #4 · answered by aorton27 3 · 0 0

Energy can be created by destroying matter for one thing. However energy is always been produced by various methods. But the universe was created according to laws we still don't know!

2007-01-06 23:35:00 · answer #5 · answered by Mesab123 6 · 0 0

The universe may be a vacuum fluctuation, something relating to quantum mechanics - in quantum mechanics the fabric of space on a tiny scale is rough and chaotic with tiny bits of spacetime going back and forwards in time and energy appearing out of nowhere - it can do this, as long as the energy is given back.

2007-01-07 00:21:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"It's OK to study the universe and where it began. But we should not inquire into the beginning itself because that was the moment of creation and the work of God.'' The physicist, author of the best seller "A Brief History of Time,'' added that John Paul believed "God chose how the universe began for reasons we could not understand.

2016-05-23 02:39:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This law of conservation came into existance after there came the Energy. When there was no energy, how can you apply the law to it!!

And I am not joking... I am serious...

2007-01-07 01:01:33 · answer #8 · answered by Hrushi 2 · 0 0

Go created the universe. Everything that God created exists.

2007-01-06 23:36:44 · answer #9 · answered by Jeniv the Brit 7 · 0 1

You don't know what was here before the universe.

2007-01-06 23:37:49 · answer #10 · answered by vampire_kitti 6 · 0 0

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