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Yesterday.. My baby fell of the bed & I feel horrible she is 6 months old.. & the worst thing is that I never put her in the bed with me. But I did yesterday. My bed is pretty high & the next thing I remember is hearing a sound & then seeing my pumkin on the floor on her tummy crying. It was horrible shes my 1st baby & I feel like a horrible mother. I took her to the emergency room even though I called the nurse line prior & was told that she sounded ok. She only cried for about 10 mins then was back to smiling and moving around. The doctor told me that I wasnt a horrible mother & that I happens to alot of people including himself. He gave her the all clear.. & just advided me to look out for vommeting.. or unsual behavior.. She has her 6 month check up comin up so I am happy that my doctor will get a second look at her.. But I still feel horrible.. Does any one share my feelings.?

2007-01-06 19:32:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

24 answers

I understand why you feel horrible, I would and did feel the same the first time any of my children took a tumble. However, as your doctors have given your sweetie the all clear, do not punish your self for something which has already happened and cannot be taken back. Learn from your mistake, and believe me, there will be plenty more. You wouldn't be "normal" if you didn't feel this way. It just shows that you really do care for and love your daughter.

2007-01-06 19:39:39 · answer #1 · answered by LEEANE G 3 · 4 0

hahaha this was so funny!! Because your child was NOT hurt! But yes this happens to a lot of first time mothers. With your first child you have no idea when they are going to start moving around so you really dont know what to look out for. Keep her on the floor and she will be fine. BOth my kids fell out of bed several times and they are okay. Your child is moving around now so NEVER leave her on the bed, even if you have pillows around her and shes sleeping. You taking her to the ER was a real *first time mom* thing. Once you have a second child you will realize that most of the time they are made of rubber. My 4 year old fell down the stairs yesterday. I picked her up, brushed her off and told her to slow down and then shes back upstairs jumping on her bed.

2007-01-06 20:15:51 · answer #2 · answered by I hate stupid ppl like you 4 · 0 0


I am a father of three (All teenagers now 17, 18 and 21). Being a parent is a learning experience. I suggest you put a pillow behind your baby so she does not fall next time. A few pillows on the floor may make you feel a little more secure. You do not sound like a bad mother. Just do not use Britney Spears as an example. :-)

2007-01-06 19:48:49 · answer #3 · answered by captg1526 1 · 1 0

Something like that happend to me. Both of my daughters were sleeping. One of which was in her room sleeping and my baby I had laying on the couch with me..I got up for just a minute to go to the bathroom and make a bottle cause I knew the baby would be getting up soon. Just for a minute!! Of course I had some pillows around her and her blanket. But my 2 yr old. had suddenly awoke and walked into the living room and pulled her sister off the couch cause she was trying to hold her. I felt so bad.My baby cried and I cried and my 2 year old cried. I am very protective..even now days even though they are 12 and 10. I picked her up and checked her over,called her doctor just to make sure that she was in the all clear and there was no need to bring her in. I was relieved. I sat my 2 yr old down and explained to her that she couldnt pick the baby up like that and always make sure it was okay with momma first. I definetly share your feelings..cause even though everything was alright...I still felt like the worse mother in the world,but I was told time and time again that it happens to most people and I should just forget it...And prevent it from happening again

2007-01-06 19:48:16 · answer #4 · answered by breeze279755 2 · 0 0

Yes, this happened with my first child. She would nurse for two hours straight and maybe take a half hour break to let me sleep. After about three months of getting up to nurse her after her little half hour nap, I was exhausted. I brought her into the bed with me, placed pillows around her because she was not crawling yet, and let her side nurse while I got some sleep. I am not exactly sure what happened, but at some point I switched sides and after about 4 feedings I heard a thud. She had fallen onto the floor and I freaked out. My husband was at work or wherever (I was married at the time) and I frantically called him home to double check. He was in the area so he came and looked at her and gave her the all clear. I called the doctor's line first and her her ped paged first, so she called back after my child's father left and said the same as your's. It's ok. You are not a horrible mother. It was a simple mistake and most women would never harm their children and would rather die before letting harm come to them. It's ok. You can relax. If she is acting like before, then nothing is wrong.

2007-01-06 19:40:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Hi Gem, When I first became a mom in 1974 I was scared too. Iam so glad the baby is okey. You absolutely did the right and (good momie) thing to do. You took her to the er,and as a Grandma now I want you to remenber this as long as you live. When God choose you to be that little babies mother. he did not make a mistake. Our children are as you might say, on loan to us for as long as life its self is the life that we have been given also. When I brought my baby daughter home from the hospital I was so excited because I knew that nothing in this world could ever break that bond of love between my child and myself.So what iam telling you is that you will make mistakes, we all do.But I had been given DR.Spocks baby book( the top seller of the day) and I kept that book by my side at all times.As your sweet baby grows and changes you will be doing the same thing along with her.Get this book if you can,it will help alot. It will take you through all the daily,weekly,monthly steps of taking good care of your baby.If I can make a sugestion for putting her on a bed, don't. They grow and move and change from day to day and just put yourself into protective mode because you should not be down on yourself for this happening, Okey? I know you are a good mom and like I said before, we all have been through a terrible scare with our children.So, hang in there and enjoy that wonderful gift you have been given. Take care and I will be around if you ever need help or have a question.Take care of YOURSELF too and hope to talk to you again. God bless you and baby allways. Brooklyn 92.

2007-01-06 21:03:52 · answer #6 · answered by brooklyn 2 · 0 0

My son fell out of our bed once. I felt the same. Our bed is not too high up and we have carpeting in our bedroom though. I scooped him up and took him into our (unlit) walk in closet and rocked him until he stopped crying which was less than a minute. It is important to KEEP CALM, they will freak out more if you are freaking out. These things do happen. Most times the child is okay.
I did see a lady on TV getting charged with neglect in our state one time. She had been feeding her baby while sitting on the edge of her bed and totally exhausted (like most new moms). The baby slipped from her arms and she partially grabbed the baby but it's head hit the floor causing it to require hospitalization. I really felt for her. One inch this way or that and that could have been anyone.
No doubt our children will have more tumbles and spills, as much as we try to hold their hands at every second. I remember by little brother going to the ER for everything from bee stings & cuts and bruises from running around in the woods to stepping on nails.

2007-01-06 19:53:07 · answer #7 · answered by Eileen 2 · 0 0

If he's lower back To accepted then you truthfully shouldn't worry To a lot perhaps Take Him To The docs for a short verify merely In Case. Your Husband must be helping After something Like This Has befell supply Him Time He might want to Come round. So What in case you've been meant to Be gazing the toddler you're for sure drained and desire relax He might want to also help If He Had you may want to not Of Dosed Off And It does not have befell!! strong success <3

2016-12-01 23:00:20 · answer #8 · answered by northcut 4 · 0 0

You just need to know kids at about 6 months can turn over by themselves so it would be wise to put them between you and another person, if in bed, or long large pillows they cannot get over!

Feeling guilty is good for you as it shows real concern on your part. Just try and remember, no one is a perfect parent and all parents make mistakes! Learn from them and move on!

One thing I learned investigating child abuse is very few children are hurt falling out of bed!

I would suggest you read a child development book as you will need to child proof your home soon!

2007-01-06 19:50:48 · answer #9 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

It happens. Try not to worry too much about it.It doesn't mean you're a bad mom, it just means you learned a pretty valuable lesson. No matter HOW careful you are though, your baby is going to get bumps and bruises. I have 4 adult children and sometimes I am amazed they made it through childhood! All you can do is your best,learn from you mistakes, and don't beat yourself up over every little thing. I hope the little one is doing well and I completely understand that horrible feeling when you heard a thump and the ensuing guilt.Be well!

2007-01-06 19:43:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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