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,,, Believe in, like Red China, Russia, or Somalia?
Wouldn't they be happier there?
Hey, Love it - Or Leave it, right?
Or do they truly have true convictions in their souls? Or are they just Commie infiltrators for propaganda purposes?

2007-01-06 19:08:13 · 12 answers · asked by ? 1 in News & Events Current Events

12 answers

Bush admits we are losing. he admits that he is waiting for the next president to figure out how to end this. His great new plan is "Send more troops!" Which was announced 2 times previously.

Cindy is right, this PRESIDENT and this CAUSE are bullshi*t. The country is just fine.

2007-01-06 19:13:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mikelew...you did a good job on that answer....it addressed both sides of an issue we have in our country. It seems the theme now has become "love it or leave it"....too much. Just because we don't agree with policies doesn't mean we are less American true to the heart of our soil....we can support the men who are fighting..and dying for what has put them there without agreeing them being there.
I travel a good bit overseas and am always on layovers for long periods of time and get into conversations around tables with people from europe...That is the best way to really learn what is happening and what the real people there want. They too want peace, the know about Iraq but they wonder why we went into Iraq but yet support Turkey when the gov't of Turkey was doing the same thing that we went into Iraq over. (not oil) but suppression of the people. My thoughts or wondering if you want to call it that is if the countries own neighbors over there didn't see the need to go in and "help" why did we feel the need? Oh, i know to spread democracy.
Hasn't Ireland been fighting for years and years? and what other countries have been fighting each other for years and years?
Are we going to also go into them and try to stop them? There has to be this fight against terrorism I know, but we need to ask ourselves if that is the real reason for going into all the next wars we get ourselves into.
Tears were brought to my eyes when I called the US Embassy to register one time and when put on hold our national anthem was playing....made me feel good to know my country was still close to me no matter where I was...God Bless US and pray for us and our future

2007-01-07 11:37:17 · answer #2 · answered by Gypsygrl 5 · 1 0

Sheehan is announcing her opposition to her government's policies and that is a fundemental American right, no one can take that away. That is the beauty of this country.
What about other people that oppose other government policies? Should be throw them out to? Where do we draw the line?
Remember that this woman's son fought and died for this country and you should, if you think yourself such a patriot, speak about him with more respect. He is more couragous and more a man than i will ever be.
Since you are such a supporter of the Iraq war, then you know that main reasons that we went there, or at least the ones that President Bush keeps repeating us. The main one is freedom and this is what Sheehan is doing, she is exercising her freedom. If you can't stand anyone disagreeing with you, then you reject every good thing about this country. I support the war, but for entirely different reasons, but i have always listened to those who reject the war because everyone has a valid point, or should have at least.
How ironic would it be for us to invade other countries in the name of freedom but then stifle freedom here at home?

2007-01-07 04:50:46 · answer #3 · answered by Mohamed K 2 · 2 0

How grand of you to pick on a dead person, let alone one no matter how he felt did go and fought and died. As for the mother, the whole part of a democracy is to be able to test and hold your government accountable. Love it or leave it???...grow up buddy, and I believe oh him of the mighty poisoned keyboard the name is Sheehan. May you never suffer the loss of a child in a war.

Funny how those with the most ignorant things to say never back it up with an email or IM address. You can be a big man when you are anonymous can't you.

2007-01-07 03:43:09 · answer #4 · answered by Cherry_Blossom 5 · 0 0

I presume you mean Cindy Sheehan? Whether you believe as she does or not, she still has the right to free speech. Just as we have the free will not to listen to her. She has the right to speak but not the right to be heard and heeded neccessarily. This is still a free country. Remember her son joined a volunteer military and yes, unfortunately died as a result of that decision, that he made with his free will. No we do not exile our citizens to another country nor can we. She of course could go of her own free will and see what happens when she speaks out against their country, then she'd be wishing for the good ol' US of A.

2007-01-07 03:16:47 · answer #5 · answered by Aine 3 · 1 0

No, not love it or leave it. If your country is doing something it shouldn't, it is your right and obligation to address your grievances to the government. Yes that is in our Constitution, if want to learn more. Sheehan and the other anti-war protesters are doing what they believe is best for their country. They believe that we were lied to, that we were misled into supporting this war. "Love it or leave it" is not a sound philosophy, especially when the majority don't agree with what the govt is doing. I love the United States with all my heart, I am a patriot first; I just do not harbor the same love for the corrupt and inept people running it, and I'm not just talking about Republicans (Seriously what is the Democrat strategy in Iraq?). I support the troops, I do not support the failed strategy that's getting them killed and not allowing them to succeed in Iraq. This is why they protest, they do not hate America, they just do not want to see another casket come back from Iraq. They majority believes we were lied to, and you know what, the facts seem to support their view :The fear-mongering and propaganda of WMDs, the propped up Saddam-9/11 link, the supposed ties to Al-Qaeda, falsified documents of uraninium yellow-cake, cylindical tubes used for weapons, the fear of a mushrom cloud to get us all on board. (Hmmm... someone using fear to influence, sounds like terrorism, oh wait... IT IS TERRORISM!) Simply put we were duped by this administration into a war in a country which posed no threat to us. Yes Saddam was evil, and was worthy of death by hanging, you can find no "liberal" saying they wish Saddam was still in power. But with 3000+ of our troops dead, 22,000+ wounded, 58,000+ Iraqi cvilians dead, 500 billion+ spent on the war and another 1.5 trillion on the way before its all over, a civil war breaking out in Iraq, a new base of operations for Al-Qaeda, thanks to this war, do the ends really justify the means? Do not love it or leave it, when you don't love it, fix it.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism"- Thomas Jefferson
Sir, where is your patriotism?

2007-01-07 04:28:25 · answer #6 · answered by Liberals love America! 6 · 2 0

Casey Sheehan has been rolling over in his grave since his nitwit leftist mother has been discrediting his service. Casey Sheehan re enlisted knowing full well his unit would be sent to Iraq. His other family members have disowned Cindy for dishonoring her brave sons service. The woman is like a moth attracted to the bright light of celebrity.

2007-01-07 06:58:43 · answer #7 · answered by mr_methane_gasman 3 · 0 1

"Commie infiltrators?" You sound like a bad Joseph McCarthy caricature. Who are you to judge? Are you over there fighting for this cause?

Everybody's a tough-guy war supporter - as long as they don't have to do any of the dying.

2007-01-07 03:13:36 · answer #8 · answered by Underground Man 6 · 0 0

It's Sheehan not meehan. Her son did not feel the same as his mother.
She has the right to say anything she likes and we have the right not to listen.

2007-01-07 03:21:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You mean Cindy Sheehan?

2007-01-07 03:15:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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