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I'm not asking you to quote your favorite part of the bible, least of all to show me any hypocritical pity for my being an atheist. I want to see a real argument, one that can knock my cynical teeth right out of my metaphysical face. Go ahead, indulge yourselves in this one sided debate for the best pro-deity argument.

2007-01-06 16:57:50 · 25 answers · asked by snakker2k 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

25 answers

r u deaf or blind? maybe both! listen deeper and closely and with both mind heart eye ear sign. listen...listen...there is a voice and amazing answers deep within you and your relationship with God. u must listen closer than the satan before you'll even hear Him. He is talking to u and answering u but u ignore it so thats your disadvantage!!! i can hear Him. He says somethings gonna be fun and it is! He gives me answers for exams. i can chat with Him about everything like normal ppl do. talk to Him and listen hard. u must listen like u wanna listen if not... listen!!!i tell u , listen!!! if u dunno how to, u gotta get the Bible first and understand it then the power of listening will be yours. u'll be special and happy and knowing!!! listen!! don't be deaf and blind!!! don't be...

2007-01-06 17:40:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

One can't make that conclusion without many assumptions. Assumptions are just those... guesses. Guessing is all we can do at present because we have no concrete evidence to support those assumptions. But, one can wonder how all this (life, the universe, etc.) came about. Has it always existed? Nothing has ALWAYS existed just as nothing exists forever. Then how did it start? The Big Bang theory is the most plausible at present. But what caused the Big Bang? Hmmmm.... Maybe it was a black hole that drew everything into it until there was nothing left outside and it imploded / exploded sending forth all matter. Maybe not. But, that doesn't make sense as that matter had to come from somewhere before it was spewed out in the Big Bang. It implies that there was something that existed before. What was that something and how was the matter that makes up the Universe made? Answer that and you will be able to answer many questions that haunt minds better than mine.

2007-01-07 01:48:45 · answer #2 · answered by smilindave1 4 · 2 0

There's no way that anyone can prove to you that God does exist, that's why the belief in Christ requires faith. If anyone actually knew for a fact that God was real, then there would be no point in having faith in him. If he was down here on Earth ever day performing miracles, some people would still choose not to believe that God exist, they would say he has demonic powers or something of that nature.

They only way one will know that God is real is when they have some supernatural unexplainable encounter with Him. You hear many people say how they feel him, or how they just know, there's no other way the explain it. You have such a reassurance in your heart that he's real.

I challenge you to ask God to prove his existence to you, and I'll bet you'll see that he already has.

2007-01-07 01:47:43 · answer #3 · answered by jesusfreak64127 2 · 2 0

The very fact that we exist, that we have life, proves that God exists. And the life that we humans have is not one equal to any other animal. We have been given the ability to know God. We have emotions, moral judgments, conscience and intellect. Can an animal pray? Can an animal wonder about the existence of God? The world and universe that we live in prove the existence of God. If a simple watch that we wear on our hand requires the hard work of an engineer, mechanic etc, what more the complex, sophisticated and yet precise design of our human bodies, emotions, personalities? Nature, animals and human life point towards a higher power. If we humans were made with such precision, it shows that special care was taken. Would a God who loved us enough to create us, leave us wondering about aimlessly on this earth? No. He gave us the Bible to point us to Him. Written thousands of years ago, it contains perfect relevance even in today’s world, and so accurately describes the condition of Man’s heart (if we ever bother studying it). Unfortunately, humans have pride, and that prevents us from wanting to turn to God as Lord and Savior. We have underestimated God and His power, and placed ourselves above Him. The fact that we are having this debate proves that God exists. Because sin exists, and God exists, and sin will try to justify its reasons for rejecting God. “For the invisible things of him from the creation of this world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” – Romans 1:20-21

2007-01-07 02:08:04 · answer #4 · answered by BD 1 · 1 0

Just look at your question,!!!
The answer is right there in it, why do you even think of it if you did not have a doubt, having a doubt itself says that you think that may be god exists. This tells us that you are not sure that he does not exist.
Another way of trying to put your doubt to rest is that you are looking only what is outside you through your human eyes, what you see is only the manifested part of god, with this we can only describe the manifested part. The UN manifested part is visible only to the inner eye of intelligence, this eye is in the casual body and the subtle body.
The doubt that arises in your mind is actually enough proof that God should exists.
If you are not convinced then tell me at 'hakotiankar@npcil.co.in'

2007-01-07 02:29:25 · answer #5 · answered by mr.kotiankar 4 · 1 0

Rational, no. Faith, yes.
At an early age I knew there had to be a God. I'd sit on the patio and just watch nature. It's amazing what God can do. The wind blowing a leaf, the birds singing, the grass swaying... There is no end to what his higher power can do. How do you explain the very notion of thought? Eyes blinking, ears hearing, tongue tasting, our brains having the ability to think of such amazing things...Medicine, Airplanes, Cars...etc... There is a God. His name is Jesus.
When I talk to him about specific things and my prayers are answered, I know there is a God.

2007-01-07 02:51:12 · answer #6 · answered by I_got_answers 2 · 1 0

Let me tell you this - are all priests considered irrational? Are they just people who follow religion and belief in god as a dogma? NO. They know that somewhere there is the almighty. Even if it’s a little over exaggerated, the essence of it is that there is a god.

Rationality has brought down and shattered this universe into simple equations. It has brought to light the explanation of many things - saying that science will unite us all - but I beg to differ and say that in fact, it has divided us. One who does not know the Archimedes principle is considered illiterate - bringing feelings of pride thus inequality.

What would you define as the God? Will it be the one who fulfills all your wishes? Or the one who shall guide you? Or whatever.

The definition of god, to go down to the really mediocre level is just what created this world - energy. He is just energy with which we fuel our selves with. Sure people tend to make out a form and all but the basic factor is that he is just plain energy.

What if god was just a state of mind? What if he was a state of the mind where you get holistic thoughts and positive thinking?

Maybe people found this as a source of peace and self - introspection that they decided to give this a form? And the factor that if you think of god you shall achieve happiness and wisdom is because of the fact that we have been brought up in a way since our parents and every one around us tell us to believe in god that we strongly put in our minds that if you believe in god or think about him you will get all your wishes fulfilled.

Thus, it makes it a psychosomatic matter.

I mention this since you say that you are an atheist - instead of taking god as god, why dint you make changes to it? Like add another 'o'.

It turns into 'good'. And is good believable?

Thank you letting me share my views.

2007-01-07 01:41:50 · answer #7 · answered by Adhithya S 2 · 1 0

Simple because YOU 'exist' and the Truth is You and God/Source are ONE and the same even as the 'spark' that leaps from the Flame is but one and the same Fire.
Roll that up and smoke it friend!
Remember since you are the Creator of your own world (feelings and thoughts create is a law of Life) by denouncing your own existence you will soon be a dead atheist.

2007-01-07 12:45:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Does a house have a builder or do the wood, glass, bricks assemble themselves together on their own? Does the body have a designer as complex as it is? Look at creation and ask yourself, could all these complex things just happen on their own? The design of a tree leaf, the beauty of different flowers, different birds? They all have a great Designer and Creator, Jehovah God.

2007-01-07 02:55:47 · answer #9 · answered by pamela l 2 · 1 0

Redefine God in the most general sense possible, rather than the Christian sense. Suppose God = Life, The Universe, and Everything. You'd have a harder time saying that Reality doesn't exist.

2007-01-07 01:17:28 · answer #10 · answered by ey 2 · 2 0

here's one for you (and yes when you prayed for God to prove 'Itself' to you, you began the quest of knowing)

You are curious to know because God created you and seeds your heart with your unique desires dreams and goals (all the blessing love based ones of course)

You will come to know God in a way that only you will relate to on an intimate level (because you ask for unshakable proof)

You will be open to the power and TRUTH of the living God because you are not content with this World's religions.

You will be a great voice for God because you have sought after the supernatural depth that humankind could not 'create' in 'dead' religion.

you are most likely getting chills while you read this because I prayed before I answered this question and wrote the things that have been whispered to my heart for you.

You are stellar, you are called, you can loOK at so many of your quests as being in the spirit school and it's ok to feel spiritual about your 'atheist' approach......it will ultimately lead you home....

2007-01-07 01:13:11 · answer #11 · answered by someone 5 · 1 0

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