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Are Genusus and evolution in conflict? Evolution is true and Genusus is false?
Are Genusus and evolution in conflict? Evolution is true and Genusus is false?

2007-01-06 15:04:28 · 18 answers · asked by ABDALSALAM 1 in Social Science Anthropology

18 answers

Evolution is how scientists have resolved that life has developed on Earth. It is very logical, has lots of evidence to back it up, and explains how different types of animals are the same and how they are different.

Genesis was written by men about how they thought the Earth came into being. Generally from stories handed down by word of mouth. There is no scientific evidence to support it.

The short answer is - yes, they are in conflict. They cannot both be right.

I believe the evidence for evolution is too great for it to be wrong, and there is more evidence being uncovered all the time. Evolution is officially supported by the Catholic church, so there is no conflict there. Which one you choose to believe is up to you.

2007-01-06 15:24:42 · answer #1 · answered by Labsci 7 · 1 2

Genesis is not a scientific book .It was written to instruct the people, to teach them the value of life as well as some principles for good living.It stands the theory of evolution which is an established fact.
There is no conflict if we can understand the time it was written and the purpose of writing it.

2007-01-07 11:42:46 · answer #2 · answered by cupid 3 · 1 0

Well, there are a lot of people that will tell you the bible is a bunch of baloney and that evolution is truly the way the world happened.
God could have used evolution, but evolution does NOT stand up to inspection.
There are numerous organs and parts of animals and humans that could NOT have evolved a little bit at a time. Evolution requires survival of the fittest, but organs like the eye would not work without a whole bunch of different parts to have evolved at the same time. There would be no reason for a non-working eye to survive. All the parts had to be there at the same time.
How could a chicken have evolved from an egg? One had to be first.
With all the things that would have had to evolve at the same time, it would seem logical that paleontologists would have found a transitional fossil, but they haven't. Not one. Millions and millions of fossils exist, but NOT one that shows transition in any form. Some whole periods seem to have just exploded all at the same time.
Last but certainly not least, there is no record of anyone finding any creature that made even the smallest evolutionary step during the time mankind has been recording history. With the diverse amount of animal and plant life and all those complex organs that had to evolve several if not hundreds of different things at the same time, why has no one seen the first evolutionary change in even one organism?
Have you EVER heard of order happening from Chaos? Not likely. Genesis is as reasonable belief, maybe more so than evolution.

2007-01-06 23:24:38 · answer #3 · answered by plezurgui 6 · 2 4

No, I don't think so. Evolution is scientific fact, yes. That doesn't preclude what Genesis tells us. The Bible isn't supposed to be a history text, and God is obviously heavily into allegory. Jesus' parables don't have to be strictly true in order to derive truth from them.

Genesis tells us that God created the world and that he gave humanity stewardship over it. Yes, it talks about it happening in seven days, but that doesn't have to happen literally. Heck, it doesn't even matter that there are two creation stories in there, and Eve is created at different times in each (once with Adam, and once after). After all, you'd be hardpressed to explain evolution and DNA to an ancient Hebrew guy, and the important bits are that God created him and everything around him, and that he's gotta be a good steward of the earth. That's conveyed nicely, and in a story form, which is easier to remember. The bits about the DNA could be filled in later.

2007-01-06 23:19:57 · answer #4 · answered by random6x7 6 · 0 1

Genesis is what you mean. Yes thay are in conflict. Genesis teaches God as the Creator and all the universe, both the visible and invisible as His creation. Do you want evolution to be true? Do you want to accept that you are a by-product of accidental mutation that may have never happened?

2007-01-08 11:56:40 · answer #5 · answered by karakittle 3 · 0 1

Some of the answers I read are surprising.
That some rudimentary organs gave no advantage at all is absolutely false.
A rudimentary eye or even a light sensitive cell is better than nothing, and it gives a survival advantage.
A rudimentary wing is better than no wing at all. Look at the flying fishes in the Caribbean... and so on.
Evolution is just a tool of God's creation.

2007-01-07 08:29:26 · answer #6 · answered by PragmaticAlien 5 · 0 1

No, they aren't in conflict.

But they come from different times and different purposes, don't they?

The Bible answers the deep question, "Where did all things come from"? But the answer was written long ago and the original audience was the common man.

Considering the beliefs of the day, the state of their knowledge and so on; I'd say that Genesis did a good job.

How well would you do explaining a microwave to a sheepherder from the Middle East 3,000 years ago?

Pretty hard, huh?

So lets leave out the stuff they don't understand yet; what's left to use?

Yup. It's VERY hard STILL, isn't it?

OK. So you decide to tell them what is important for them to understand. Right?

The Bible isn't Wrong. It's just written to people who have little knowledge of the nature of things; how the laws of nature work.

Why? Because the purpose of the Bible is not to teach natural history, geology, or astronomy; it tells us about God; about His importance to all things; about our relationship to Him; about His plans; about our relationship with each other.

Do you read a cookbook to learn about carpentry?

Just because the difficult things to understand are written in short, simple paragraphs doesn't mean they are not helpful; it means the God who made all things knows our lack of knowledge is unimportant compared to knowing Him.

2007-01-06 23:38:05 · answer #7 · answered by T K 2 · 0 2

Of course they are in conflict. Genesis says woman came from Adam's rib. Evolutionary theory correctly points out that various forms of animals, including people, came about from a process of natural selection with genetically passed on traits from both male and female.

2007-01-08 12:26:12 · answer #8 · answered by JimZ 7 · 0 1

If you understand that Genesis is an evolution of sorts and in reality in need of a different form of interpreting the story so as to conform with reality one sees no real conflict. And evolution also is in part natural and in part intelligently manipulated so as to conform with Genesis

2007-01-06 23:12:50 · answer #9 · answered by JORGE N 7 · 1 2

Of course they conflict. One is based in fantasy, the other in fact.

People have fears, and they want not uncomfortable answers, but reassuring ones; insurance against what they don't understand. Thousands of years ago it was easier to keep them in fear because we understood less about life and the universe. Fear is the basis of religion; it's origin and controlling power. "Creation" as a concept consolidated the premise for focusing that fear, it demonstrated the unlimited power of the god and made mankind the "favorite son" of this god, his pet project. An explanation for all unknown things, that simultaneously placed man as superior to all other things except god, and equally- placed believers as superior to all other men. How convenient!

And from the first suggestion of a source of creation other than that described by scriptures, religion has attacked, denied, punished and undermined science. Fairly successfully, too; they have probably retarded the progress of human knowledge by several hundred years.

As the scientific proof of life and origin builds, the premise on which all religion is based erodes. Religions don't seek the truth. They seek to preserve the power they have wielded over humanity for thousands of years. They have a vested interested in maintaining the status quo.

Religion is power- power over people, power over their wealth, and power to be god's self appointed deputy, authorized to tell others how to live. Man created god in his own image, for the purpose of acquiring such power. That's also a description of what we know as human greed and evil.

The truth of this is in the history of religion, which holds the record as the cause of more human death and misery than anything else by a wide margin. The tradition continues today. This would not be the mechanism of a sensient, caring, all powerful god; it's more that of a paranoid homicidal maniac. As any competent psychologist will tell you- regardless of what you say or claim, what you do is who you are.

Only a fool thinks there is no higher power than man. But if that power (lets call it mother nature) is indifferent to the future and well-being of mankind, if it is really up to us- then the role of religion as a medium between god and man is a hoax, and loses all it's clout and power. Therein is the threat, and that is why the church fears evolution as nothing else. As the proof of evolution grows, you will see religion trying to integrate evolution into the theory of creation as if it was always part of the big picture. It's not going to work, because what we know now about evolution is only the tip of the iceberg. A mountain of proof is coming, and it will build for thousands of years.

Lets take a smaller time frame for a comparison to what is happening now.

The truth was known about the dangers of smoking 50 years ago. The tobacco companies attacked the proof, made up counter theories and new explanations for what they couldn't deny, and successfully won lawsuits against them for 25 years. Why did they deny the evidence? Vested interest in preserving the status quo. Even now, with the truth pretty well accepted- many smoke, and suffer as a result. They still can't take that proven truth and use it to overcome their addictions. Religion is the opiate of the masses. Truth and understanding will eventually free most of them.

Religion is in the early stages of this process. It will never die; there will always be those who think that somehow they are greater than others because they are blessed by an all-powerful being. They will perpetuate the myth, regardless of the evidence.

2007-01-07 11:28:37 · answer #10 · answered by spiritgide41 4 · 1 3

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