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Im having my first baby boy in TWO WEEKS! ...oo I can't wait. But I'm getting pretty nervous, which i think is normal!?? haha Can any one tell me about their experiences with an epidural or any other kind of pain meds you can have during labor? ?

2007-01-06 14:56:42 · 30 answers · asked by Brittnee 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

30 answers

I have two kids and I can't tell you about any epidurals. I had both of my kids by water birth and it was the best experience of my life and the best pain med (so to speak).

I do know that with epidurals you have to make sure it is given in adaqate time.

Otherwise congrats on the baby!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-06 15:01:32 · answer #1 · answered by akitamom05 1 · 3 0

Having your first child is not an experience you want to miss because you are in so much pain. I was an avid supporter of natural birth until giving birth to my daughter. Labor is never what you think it will be, despite all the classes you can take.

To start off with, I would recommend asking your obstetrician about simple pain medication that he can give you once you are in labor at the hospital. It is usually given through an IV and does help quite a bit. However, if the pain is too great and the drugs don't seem to be working, I would definately recommend an epidural.

I got one when I was 14 hours into labor, and did not feel it at all. Once you have the epidural in, you will not be able to move around much except for shifting your weight from one side to the other, but your pain will be completely gone. You will still be able to feel contractions, but they feel like when your baby kicks now. You will be able to sleep if you want, and also still be able to push when necessary. It may also save you from having a C-Section because you will be able to rest and relax while in labor and prepare to push. If I would not have had an epidural, I would have been too exhausted to push and would not have gotten to enjoy my daughter after she was born.

Many will tell you that there are after complications with an epidural like prolonged back pain, but I haven't experienced any since I had it. Visit the hospital you're giving birth at and ask to see an anesthesiologist. Ask him any questions you have and have him explain the procedure. If you're properly informed before you decide to have one, it will not be a big deal at all. Hope this helps, and congratulations and good luck on your baby!

2007-01-07 01:29:27 · answer #2 · answered by brit 2 · 0 1

Epidurals are science's greatest gift to women. Here's the thing: if you get an epidural, you might have much less pain during labor. If you don't get one, you will DEFINITELY have MUCH PAIN during labor. So you might as well try for the less painful route, right?

I had severe back problems during the last 2 1/2 months of my pregnancy and the 12 hours that my epidural was in effect during my labor were the first hours in 2 1/2 months that I was not in pain. Now, I had a pretty long labor, so it wore off by the time I actually pushed the baby out, but I still had many hours pain-free and would definitely have an epidural again.

Some people who answered this suggested water births, but they are not available where I live. I might try that if there was the option anywhere near me.

2007-01-06 23:21:01 · answer #3 · answered by Elaura 3 · 1 2

When I went into labor, I wanted to have a natural birth, but by five centimeters, I couldn't take it. I was given Demorol, which made me sleep almost the entire time. My husband was amazed when he was watching the monitors that I was having strong contractions and slept through the whole thing. When it wore off, I was at close to 10 centimeters, but couldn't stand the pain, so I got an epidural. I didn't feel much pain, but it made the labor last another hour and a half longer. I think if it's too close to the birth, it slows things down. Also, I wasn't allowed to walk for an hour and a half afterwards until it wore off. I'm planning on going without the Demerol this time, but definately going with the epidural. I actually am interested in the water birth but I have to find out if my hospital offers it. Good luck to you and your baby.

2007-01-08 01:17:26 · answer #4 · answered by zuckie44 4 · 0 1

I have had 3 children. I had an epidural with my first child, and I swear, it was the best experience. My second son (and my largest child) I went cold turkey, no drugs, and had the worst experience I thought anyone could ever imagine. With the birth of my daughter, I wanted to find a happy medium. After 36 hours of labor, I opted for the epidural after they broke my water. The epidural itself was a miserable experience. It took the doctor three times to get it inserted right, and while he was poking around down there, I started having a panic attack, something I'm not prone to. After the delivery, the doctor came back and informed me that he'd "knicked" my spinal column, and that I could expect a severe headache the next day. The headache didn't wait that long, it came that same night. While in the hospital, I was given the option of a "blood patch" which is basically the same procedure as the epidural, but they inject your own blood to the site that they knicked me to patch the hole. I didn't want to undergo the same procedure again, so I opted to go home with the headache. I was advised to stay laying down to relieve the pain, and was also given T3 and motrin to help with the pain. After a couple days, I opted to stop the pain meds, because I was breastfeeding, and I wasn't sure what they were doing to my baby. I ended up laying down for over a week, because it hurt to bad to sit or stand.

All in all, my first epidural was a good thing, and for whatever reason, I think this last one could've been good, but ended up going bad for whatever reason.

Good luck to you.

2007-01-06 23:05:24 · answer #5 · answered by salemgirl1972 4 · 1 1

I had my daughter 11 years ago and had her at a birthing center..I loved it and was only in labor 2hrs and 45 minutes!! I had my son almost 6 months ago and had him at a hospital..After being in labor 10 or so hrs., I got an epidural...Unfortunately it was not placed right and did not work..I was giving the option to have it taking out and put back in but was also close to being fully dilated..So by the time they checked me....35 min. later I was and started to push...So I was mad that it didn`t work and I still have a small spot on my back where it hurts if I'm bent over or standing to long...I have #3 otw now and I`m still deciding if I want to try the epidural again...Good luck to you on what ever you decide to do.....

2007-01-06 23:43:10 · answer #6 · answered by bad kitty 4 · 0 0

Obviously MOST of the posters who are totally against epi's have never given birth and been in labor! I SWORE with my daughter I was going natural and wanted to drugs or meds NO MATTER WHAT! Then you actually go into labor. I held out as long as I could- and then tried demerol- but it did nothing- once my water was broke- i couldn't handle it anymore- and after talking with the anesthesiologist (my uncle is a paraplegic and i heard all the horror stories of them paralyzing you from an epi) i decided to get one. Contrary to what another poster said- they will let people in the room with you.. I had my mom with me- and when my sisters had theirs- there were like 3 of us in the room with the nurses and the anesthesiologist. I was so scared the epidural would hurt and be awful- but compared to labor pains- I honestly don't even remember the epidural hurting. They did it between contractions and I was concentrating so hard on my breathing and being as relaxed as I possibly could. My advice- try going without if you can- but don't feel like a failure or less of a person if you opt to have pain medication. Everyone has a different tolerance of pain. And let me tell you- thinking back on it- I don't know how I would have possibly gotten through 23 hours of labor without having the epidural. Mine didn't totally take away the pain- but it helped to relax me a little. Good luck!

2007-01-06 23:45:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I will be glad to answer this one for you, I have 4 children so I'm pretty experienced in this.... anyways, my first 3 I took nothing but demurol, which just takes the edge off, but you still feel every contraction, it relaxes you to where you go to sleep, but when the pains come you wake up, it seems never ending.... with my youngest which he's 2 now, i decided to take an epidurol, i was always afraid to take those, but I didn't want to go through the hard pains again, and let me tell you.... if I knew then what I know now, I would have taken it with my other children, and I'm pregnant again.. this is it though.. and I'm am definatly gonna take an epidural...they will also give you demerol to relax you, while your waiting to be dialated to 4 cm....I hope that my answer helped you out some, but good luck with your delivery and your baby.....congrat's... : )

2007-01-06 23:39:26 · answer #8 · answered by mmarie1221 2 · 1 1

I loved my epidural...
Labor pains were literally the worst pain i have ever had in my life...gut wrenching, horrible pain. I had my epidural at five centimeters, which entirely numbed everything from the navel down. Since the pain was gone, I slept for the next nine hours, woke up to have my water broken, pushed for five minutes..and boom...baby boy. The doctor had to tell me to quit pushing before I saw that the baby was out because I didn't feel it. It took several hours for the epidural to wear off, so I couldn't move my legs for a while, which was inconvenient, but I still think it was worth it.

2007-01-06 23:19:07 · answer #9 · answered by Mandi R 2 · 1 1

I have had 3 boys and had an epidural with all 3 of them. It is wonderful because it takes away most of the pain and you can actually enjoy the delivery of your baby. Just make sure that you don't get it too late into your labor cause it might not work then. That happened to me on my last baby and then you have to go through all the pain involved and its not fun at all.

2007-01-06 23:03:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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