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right ok i am about i would say 7 to 8 weeks pregs naw i hav taken a test loads of them and it says pos i kept on buying more cuz i really wanted it to say neg, naw my friends are saying am tight because on christmas day i was wasted and new year wel i started partying sunday night round 7pm n finshed partyin round tue morning bout 4 ish somert like that and i was drinking last night naw can people give me answers please show i can show my friends cuz they think am killing my baby witch i dont see haw and my friends are here and yes i know i dont really want this baby but my family will go mad if i get rid of of cuz they dont belive in them so am gona hav to live with it and yes i no it was my fault for not useing a condom ive heard it all before

2007-01-06 14:33:49 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

28 answers

You and the baby share the same blood. If you are drunk so is your baby. When you drink you get drunk right? The feelings of drunkenenss are a response to the alcohol , right? I mean you don't get drunk if you don't drink the booze? And of course you know if you drink too much alcohol too fast you can die from it before you throw up. Well drunkeness is your body's response to th alcohol which is a poison. when you get a booze buzz you are actaully mildly poisoned. If you get really drunk you are really poisoned. I am serious. Look it up. You can use alcohol to kill bugs and slugs in the garden. Alcohol is a poison. Not saying I don't drink it too just tellin gyou why you feel it effect you.

Problem with all that is the baby has organs that are just developing, turing into organs. The alcohol, which is a poison, will damage the developement of those organs. If you look it up babys exposed to alchol while inside thier mothers are likely to be brain damaged, to be retarded to have behavior problems and this conditoin called Fetal Alchol Syndrome which makes thier faces look kind of funny. If you know what the Fetal alchol syndrome looks like you can look at people and you can tell there thir mother's drank while there were still inside.

Look! You are a mother now. Not in the future you are one now. That is a child in you. You are no longer a child. YOu are now responsible for another life. YOu rfamily can't MAKE you have this baby or keep it. Do the right thing. Take real goo dcare of this baby for a few months while it is growing inside you, then give away. There are huge waiting lists of people wanting to adopt a healthy new born! Your baby would get a really good home with lots of love. And you could spend the rest of you rlife knowing you did the right thing and the best thing you could do for your child. That may not seem really important to you righ tnow but trust me, in the not too distant future it will mean a lot to you! HOn you are all this baby has! In th ewhole wide wirld, wide universe you are all it has. Just for a few short months be a responsible adult, Take care fo this baby then you can go back to being a kid again , no harm no foul!

Open your phone book and look for The Right to Life organizatoin. Go to your school counsler. Get help so you can do what you know you need to do.

One more thing. I rad you rother questoins. It is very smart of you to realize you do not want to be a mother at your age. Looks like you are going to but you do ont have to raise the baby! Let someone else. The healthier the baby at birth the better its chances of getting a really, really great home! I understand how frightening this is but you don't have to be scared. I am betting that over 75% or us would not be here if it were not for "accidents". I know I wouldn't. My mom told me I was an accident. LOL MY first son was an accident. Lots of us have had this same accident. Just do the right thing now. It will not be as hard as you think.

2007-01-06 15:13:32 · answer #1 · answered by raredawn 4 · 1 0

I understand that pregnancy can be a very scary thing. But do not drink while you are pregnant! Now think about this what would be worse having an normal healthy baby still hard to take care of but managable. Or you could have a baby that could have fetal alcohol syndrom, which can cause learning disablitys, mental retardation, among other things. If you really dont wnat the baby that bad thin about adoption there are so many people in this world that want children and can no thave them. I child is a gift from god. That baby derves to be taken care of it did not ask to be born. And if your drinking while you are pregnat the clearly shows you are not ready for a child. It is your choice what you do with your babby and your body. Dont keep a child for anyone eles.I really hope that you make the right choice for the baby once you got pregnant your life is not what matters anymore its all about that child.

2007-01-06 14:46:39 · answer #2 · answered by coliepollie22 2 · 1 0

So you don't want the baby, yet your going to keep it, not out of a sense of responsibility, but guilt from family? This baby is going to have a hard enough time as it is thanks to you. Why would you make it's life any more unbearable by potentially starting it's life behind the eight ball, ie: birth defects, mental impairments, etc. Maybe you could think about someone other than yourself for once. You didn't do it 8 weeks ago and you definitely didn't do it over the holidays. Are you asking if what you did was okay? I can't believe this is serious.

2007-01-06 15:22:07 · answer #3 · answered by w2kaad 3 · 1 0

while you're an atheist why might you think in spirits? you comprehend human beings stepped forward fairly than being created so what use might a soul be to any residing organism? the assumption of souls is a non secular thought designed to convenience people who do not basically like the assumption of being lifeless consistently and would not have any foundation incredibly. It looks such as you're seeing and listening to random shadows and sounds and freaking your self out. are you able to get a excessive high quality bright lamp on your stairway to do away with those shadows? Waking up and seeing something unusual is only area of your dream. All those creaks are in all probability brought about because of the fact the home is previous and the timbers are increasing and contracting. If ghosts have been actual how might they make the stairs creak besides? The noises you hear whilst somebody is walking on them is brought about with the aid of the guy's weight on the stairs, and because whilst is a ghost heavy? heavily in case you stop believing in those issues it won't complication you.

2016-10-30 05:12:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I am afraid your friends are right. ANY amount of alcohol is dangerous to a fetus. Medical studies say that even small amounts, 1 drink, can cause an unborn child to develop problems. One common disorder caused by drinking while pregnant is Fetal Alcohol Effect : Child looks normal but grows up having many learning disabilities and emotional difficulties. Then the most common one is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome : Children are born with physical deformities and mental disorders. They resemble Down Syndrome children and are constantly having medical problems. Most do not live to be teens. It sounds to me like you will have major problems with yourself and family with a healthy baby, don't make things worse for you and your child by using drugs or alcohol in any amount while pregnant. I am not making these things up!!!

2007-01-06 14:57:50 · answer #5 · answered by rick m 3 · 1 0

Your baby is in a critical stage of development right now. You could be causing severe problems that will require a lifetime of care.

If you do not want this baby....why would you risk the chance of having a special needs baby? It's 100 times more expensive, a thousand times harder and will break your heart every day for the rest of your life...not to mention what the guilt will do to you.

Don't make your situation any worse than it is...

2007-01-06 15:03:59 · answer #6 · answered by hokiegirlvt79 2 · 1 0

You are a very irresponsible person, I know for sure. Drinking during pregnancy can do serious harm to a baby, and cause birth defects, which your baby will suffer for, for life. You are a fool for not understanding how this is killing your baby. You should start taking responsibility for your actions, because you're acting as if killing an innocent baby is nothing to big. Grow up and use your brain. I'm only 14 and I'm telling you this? You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

P.S. Type properly, gosh!

2007-01-06 14:42:22 · answer #7 · answered by Irene \m/. 5 · 5 0

You can not have a false positive pregnancy test for starters. So yes you ARE pregnant. So please stop drinking for your babys sake, your babys major organs are all developing right now so birth defects may occur with excessive alcohol consumption. Eat properly, drink lots of WATER and visit a doctor. You do have options, discuss these with as many people as possible. You may not want the baby, but many childless couples do. In the end its up to you though.

2007-01-06 14:55:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

uhmm.. Its a REALLY big deal to drink and party so early in your pregnancy. Let alone anytime during pregnancy. I would strongly suggest growing up and dealing with the fact that, this baby doesn't deserve a life with a serious health problem. And there is always adoption ya know. Your friends are right. You should listen to them, you might not want this baby now but think of once he/she is born, everything will change could you live with the guilt of knowing you caused harm to you OWN child?

2007-01-06 14:44:47 · answer #9 · answered by Brittnee 1 · 1 1

It sounds to me that you think if you drink and party it up enough that one of these times the pregnancy test will read negative because you "lost" the baby.

How sad for both of you.

The alcohol won't make you lose the baby, but it will cause damage to it.

Please seek help. You are not the first woman to be in this position and you definitely won't be the last. There are people who will help you without judging you. You don't have to go this alone.

Please, just call and get help okay?

2007-01-06 14:41:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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