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Listen....who can possibly believe in the Bush administrations goals In Iraq ? Few are that blind....or ignorant...how can anyone support the US military as they ride the SUICIDE TRAIN to nowhere in IRAQ?

The USA is a sick War Monger nation that will be defeated any time it choses to fight a war such as this.

The Bush Admin has disgraced our military and every citizen of the world with this pathetic WAR.

We deserve to lose...we will lose...we should lose....because we started the war on a lie......the USA has been captured by flag waving idiots that are just making things worse in IRAQ.

The USA will be worn down and crushed in IRAQ....the sooner the better.. we will leave a trail of EVIL , DEATH and Destruction in our wake as we did in Vietnam. All citizens of the world will be proud when the rotten hearted, empty headed americans are flushed from IRAQ and emptied into the sewer

2007-01-06 14:06:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

I feel that more than enough people have already died, not just on the American side and even though this war is making some people feel better about the US it dissapoints me to know how people people are dying.

2007-01-06 14:34:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Take a Prozac and get a life loser. If you don't like it then get the hell out of my country. Your logic like your attitude is plagued by hate programmed by your hate controller who feeds you nothing but hate filled lies. You have not even expressed one single rational or original thought, your just an automaton trying to express anger that isn't even truly yours. Now lets answer your questions/statements shall we, in order of appearance:
1. A soldier has no legal recourse or choice but to be in Iraq. Every last one of them are legally and morally bound by their oath taken upon enlistment to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the officers appointed over them, blah, blah, etc. While this may mean nothing to you it means everything to them (the soldiers). It is smart to remember you obligations and heroic to stick to those obligation even in the face of great adversity.
2.What does it really matter who believes in the Bush administrations goals in Iraq? There are more blind and ignorant people in this country than you can possibly imagine.
3. One should support the Military simply because they have no choice in the matter. A choice between going to War and possibly losing your life and going to prison and loosing everything, your freedom, your dignity, your family and even your life. That isn't a real choice so support them even if you don't agree with the mission because they don't have choice.
4. Who are you to judge a nation by the actions of a select few? Contrary to popular belief the US is NOT a DEMOCRACY. It never has been and probably never will be. Read the constitution , specifically Article IV section 4.
5. Disgrace is simply a matter of choice and perspective. The only thing disgraceful is your hate filled ignorance.
6. The only thing that is making things worse in Iraq is too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Interference by other politicians only make things worse. So what if the war was started on a lie, did you really expect a politician with his own political agenda to tell the truth? Get real, there isn't a politician on the face of this planet that will ever tell the truth. If you think a Democrat would have told the truth then you are deluding your self.
7.Anyone such as your self who would be proud of such a horrid outcome is not deserving to call them self a decent human being.

The only thing evil about the American people are its politics, this is true with any nation. I am disappointed by the President but there is nothing that I or anyone else amongst the common folk can do about it. True intelligence is being able to change that which can be changed and accepting that which cannot be changed. Wisdom is knowing the difference. We can no more stop the War in Iraq than we can prevent the sun from rising in the morning. The people with the power to stop this war aren't doing it, so just accept it.

2007-01-06 23:20:31 · answer #2 · answered by ikeman32 6 · 0 0

Obviously, you are very uneducated about this subject. If you really think that Iraq was never a threat, then what's with Saddam killing all those Kurds with Chemical and Biological agents? Those are weapons of mass destruction!!!! If you had any bit of knowledge in you, you would shut your mouth. Those of us that are overseas right now (ME) are here for a reason. If you don't agree with the war, that's your opinion & our great country allows you to have such an ignorant opinion. But you shouldn't wish death upon the soldiers or anyone else that is over here fighting for freedom... I bet you are one of those people that was all about war back on 9/11 and 2003... So since you changed your mind, we should just stop everything and leave... So that way, they can come and attack the US and maybe blow up your home for no reason... Or just kill a mass amount of people who didn't even do anything to them... You're ignorant... And if you are an American, you should just get the hell out because we don't need cowards like you.

2007-01-06 22:21:06 · answer #3 · answered by ~~You Who~~ 2 · 1 0

Howard Dean, is that you? Oh well.

I have had the pleasure of knowing several people in the military who have served in Iraq (all of which volenteered to go back). Each of them have told me how they are welcomed by the citizens and that the general population fears the possability of our military leaving.

It has been said that we have made things worse in Iraq. To those people I would like to point to the mass graves, the widows, and the perminantly injured who were left in the wake of the former leader of that country. Yes, there are people dying, and that fact pains me. But there are things in this life far more important then our lives and it is truely sad that we as Americans are beginning to forget this.

Before the war started, a peace activist was in Iraq interviewing some local people. To the man's supprise they did not call for America to not invade. Instead they wanted it. Their sentiment was this, they knew that many people would die and that even themselves might not live through the war, but to them it would be worth it. They wanted the daily terror to cease.

Whatever you may think about Bush's reason for going to Iraq, the facts still remains the same, there was a tyrant and the people wanted to be rid of him. We were in a simular situation before, but it was us asking for help. If it were not for the help that the French provided to us during the Revolutionary War, we would have lost. Do we not also owe it to people stuggleing under tyrany to make freedom a reality for them?

Yes, the war has gone on for a long time and has not been handled very well, but can we realy blame them? There has never been a war quite like this one. We are moveing through uncharted waters.

People have compared this war to World War II and noted that it has lasted longer then WWII. To these people I would like to also make the following analogy. In World War II, the United States lost 3,000 civilians. Remember that there was never any fighting on US soil and the number of civilians that we lost is only slightly less then the total killed in the Iraq war.

Also, it is important to note that this figure of WWII's length actualy refers to the length of time from the United States declaration of war and the call of Hitlers government. Actual fighting continued for along time after that with small groups of Nazi insurgents. To apply these same standards to the Iraq war, we would have to count the length of the war from our declaration of war to the fall of Sadam's government. In other words 2 years compared to WWII's 6 years. It's about time the people spouting this rhetoric actualy used their brains to think about what they are saying.

It must also be noted that just because everyone else doesn't agree with what you are doing, doesn't make you wrong. In fact most of the time in those situations you are right. The same thing goes for war. Before World War II started, there were a lone few who thought that war was right. Churchill was called a warmonger by nearly every one else in the world, including England. That didn't make Churchill wrong. Neither does the fact that most of the world call us wrong make us wrong.

So the time of arguing over our reason for being their has passed. We must now come togeather to resolve the conflict in the most peacable manor that we can. We know that we can not trust syria to help in this as we found syrian military officials in Iraq helping insurgents. Help from Iran seems equaly unlikely. We cannot simply pull out because the country would fall into chaos. We cannot set a time table because that just gives the radical eliment envolved in the fighting a time table of when they can lay low for. These options would all lead to civil war in Iraq, which is not something we want. You may not agree with everything (or anything) bush has done, but there are no better alternatives.

2007-01-06 23:04:47 · answer #4 · answered by BoranJarami 3 · 0 0

Our President has avenged the threat to his Dad, and that is what he wanted to do! We do not belong in Iraq, but now we cannot just leave because the innocent people need our help! Our troops are brave and heroic for just being willing to help our country and others, but their blood shed could have been averted. I will always believe in the man or woman willing to fight for their country. It's too bad their Commander in Chief doesn't care himself! Unfortunately there is no winning in this situation! Hey Bush, where's Osama? Hey Washington...there's a village in Texas that wants its idiot back! Peace...

2007-01-06 22:30:24 · answer #5 · answered by Kimberly M 2 · 1 1

Just who/what are you? In some sentences you talk like a foreigner and in others you're saying "we". The Bush administrations policy is the U.S. policy and if you're a citizen of this country, whether you like the policy or not, you're stuck with it. We have elections to try to correct policy that we think is wrong. If you are a citizen, then address your problems with your vote. If you are a citizen you have the right to free speech. If you haven't voted then STFU.

2007-01-06 22:28:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

United States soldiers are the most intelligent, brave, generous, open hearted, courageous men & women that have ever walked the earth.
Despite your opinion and dire predictions, they will stay as ordered by their commander in chief and will fight to the best of their abilities, regardless of the outcome.
I really hope that you are not in the United States; if you are, please accept my cordial invitation to leave.

2007-01-06 22:16:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

These so-called targets, as you call them, have guns and can shoot back. When did you ever hear of that? Besides, it sounds to me like you need an enema. Get rid of all that stuff clogging your brain. Have fun.

2007-01-07 07:27:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why aren't the Democrats doing something about it?

2007-01-06 22:15:33 · answer #9 · answered by carolinaevns 2 · 0 0

id like to throw you over the fence into any marine or army base in the world and hear you spout this crap....move to iran you fool...

2007-01-06 22:16:33 · answer #10 · answered by badjanssen 5 · 2 1

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