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ok so i live with my bf, and weve lived 2gether 4 a while now. he is very obsessed with me, he tells me things like he couldnt live without me or he would kill himself if i ever left him. these things scre me alot cuz he hits me and yells at me, we were going to have a baby but then i miscarried, so there is no child in this matter(thank god). the last time he hit me was last night and i cant leave the house cuz he doesnt want anybody to see my bruses. when i wear short sleeves i usually cover them with my hair(its past my knees) i cant cut my hair cuz of my culture(my mom and dad are native american). when he hits me and im on the floor he pulls me by my hair, he wont let me leave and makes me have sex with him.i cant get away. my friends dont know about him doing this to me and neither does my family. i cant talk on the phone without his supervision, and i'm treated like a baby my family let me move in with him cuz they trusted him, i want out what can i do?

2007-01-06 12:57:49 · 14 answers · asked by chahta oklah 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

my family doesnt know about me being pregnant or about the miscarrage.he scares me and i really really wanna get away but i'm afraid cuz he says things like if i cant have u nobody can and i am scared he will either hurt himself or me or both of us. please help me, before i moved in with him he was soo good to me and now he jsut scares the bajesus out of me and i wanna go really badly. he beat me yesterday with the broom, and my bow for my cello, he tells me he loves me, i think its allong the lines of being obsesed with me, his whole back is covered with this huge picture of me and he has my name tatooed on his neck.

2007-01-06 12:58:12 · update #1

my family loves him, hes crazy he thinks that he's so good and that he's the best man alive. i have scares on my back from being beaten with an extention cord and he always says he's sorry but i need a way to get away with out him being able to get me.

2007-01-06 12:58:32 · update #2


2007-01-06 13:18:55 · update #3

14 answers

Stop worrying about him since he isnt worried about you. You dont need a phone to get help. You are on the internet and obviously he is not monitoring you right now or you wouldnt of been able to write what you wrote. Find the police web page in your area and send them an email and explain to them what he is doing . THey will come out to your house and will arrest him and give you time to get away. He isnt going to change and he is only going to beat you worse and worse each time since it will get easier and easier for him to do. If you stay with him he will end up killing you. There is no reason in the world that you should put up with being hit. There are plenty of men who will be good to you. Trust me I know . My x used to hit me all the time and had me convinced that no one would want me and that I was worthless until one day while at the store some guys whistled at me and I realized that he was full of crap. I am with a great guy now and he never raises his voice at me. We have been together 12 years and never once fought. You deserve to be treated right. Dont feel bad for him when they arrest him either because he sure didnt feel bad for giving you bruises and causing you pain. Any man that hits a woman is nothing more than a piece of worthless crap. If he felt so manly he should go beat up a guy but he beats up you instead. Who cares what your parents think of him either . They arent the ones living in hell like you are. And i am sure if they knew how he was treating you they would have him picked up too if not worse. Get out in one piece on your two feet before you end up being wheeled out covered with a blanket on your way to the morgue. All it takes is one wrong blow to the head and you could be history. Think about it.

2007-01-06 13:15:47 · answer #1 · answered by hersheynrey 7 · 1 0

You need to RUN-- not walk-- out the door and never look back. First of all, if your family thinks he is so great, than i guess you need to talk very seriously to them about what is really going on in your life. I am sure that once they know the truth they will insist you com back home. If for some reason they don't see things the way it really is, than I suggest you go to the police and file a complaint against him for domestic violence. If you do that than youcan also file a restraining order which will make it impossible for him to come near you without being arrested. You need to realize that no matter what you have done in your life you do not deserve to be treated like an animal. You are a woman that deserves respect. You need to tell yourself that over and over so you will believe it. Do not think he will ever change and do not think that you deserve to be stuck with someone like that for the rest of your life. Thank God you do not have a child. There is no telling what he would do to it if you did. Please resolve to leave tomorrow. No matter if you have somewhere to go or not. There are always places to turn if you ask your local police department. Pack your stuff while he is gone and leave before he gets back.

2007-01-06 21:06:28 · answer #2 · answered by Crystal 1 · 3 0

run...dont walk from this guy. this dude has 'dangerous' written all over him. most often, the situation escalates to the point where 1 of them is dead, usually the woman.
beware of thinking about using a weapon, even for protection. if u have the balls to draw a weapon, u have to have the balls to use it. otherwise, the weapon could easily be used against u.
u need to run back to ur parents, then have a restraining order filed. be advised tho, restraining orders dont mean nothing to some abusers. document everything. maybe u'll get lucky and he'll get put in the pen, but dont count on it any time soon.

2007-01-06 21:34:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is abuse. Inform the authorities immediatey.

Go to the nearest matial arts school (or gun store) while it is populated. Go to the manager's office, lock the door, tell him/her of your abuses, and have him/her call the police. The police should be there by 5 minutes if you are in America. Be safe. Good luck. God bless. May the shodow of the Lord cover you and protect you. Pray to God for protection before executing the plan.

May you never be caught.

2007-01-06 21:21:22 · answer #4 · answered by RedStarYellowSun 3 · 0 0

i am so sorry no body should go through this. if you ever get a chance where he is not in the room with you, call the police immediatly. tell them some one is in your house, give ur address, and immediatly hang up. once the police get there, tell them whats been going on and what he has done to you. You need to report it. pack your bags and leave with the cops. make sure a cop is with u at all times. u have to get out of there. once away from ur boyfriend tell the police that you want to be put in a shelter for battered women immediatly so he cant find you and hurt you. please do this you have to get out of that situation. your family and friends will understand and be there for you.

2007-01-06 21:06:54 · answer #5 · answered by babblingbrooke026 2 · 3 0

call the cops, tell him that you are going to the store and call the cops. either that or research for "women in crisis" they are your best bet because they deal with it everyday! ps. tell your parents everything because if you don't they will find out in the end and it will hurt them even more. I'm sure he doesn't just sit at home all day waiting for you to try and leave right? well when he leaves get out and who cares if you have to walk to a neighbor anything is better than that abuse!

2007-01-06 21:04:05 · answer #6 · answered by jule9104 3 · 2 0

well you do need to get out of this relationship! dont let his threrats scare you! he will end up killing you! you need to get your crap and leave asap ! go to the police department and get a restaining order! he is raping and abusing you! noon deserves that@ you need to get out! run away to a womens shelter around you. go stay at a friends house. say you are gon to the market (if you can even get out of the hous) and stay at a friends house! PLEASE! dont let his threats scare. you and tell your FAMILY EVERYTHING! he is not the person they think he is! they wil lonly be there to help you! you do ot deserve to be treated this way. please leave asap. he is raping you and abusing you. and it will only get worse. you deserve a better guy!(OF COURSE!) please gather up the courage and leave. thats the best thing to do and make reports to the police and stay at a womans shelter. or go outside the state our somethign so he cant find you anywhere.. it will be the best for you...

2007-01-06 21:05:18 · answer #7 · answered by laa dee da 5 · 2 0

stand up call the cops when he is detracted and tell what is happening and after call your parents. or tell him to go some where to get something for the house and when he is out the house call th cops, your family and as many people as you can call. or pack your things when he is not home and get the hell out before he kills you. and do something with the hair that is descuting

2007-01-06 21:11:59 · answer #8 · answered by brebre231 2 · 1 0

This man must have a job, and that is when you leave.

You can leave your house. And you must. It doesn't matter if people can see your bruises or not.

If you work, make your calls from there. First, contact your parents and TELL THEM what has happened. They will support you! They are your parents.

You must tell your family.

2007-01-06 21:04:39 · answer #9 · answered by phamy76 4 · 3 0

If he hits you, you call the police and have him arrested. It should not matter if you think your parents like him. I'm sure they love you more.

No man has the right to treat you like this. Have some guts, call and have your parents come over then when they're over, call the police.

2007-01-06 21:06:13 · answer #10 · answered by Christina 6 · 2 0

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