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I'm always amazed at the morons on here who insist there is no global warming just because Fox News says so. It's January in Ohio. I'm waking up in the morning to 60 degree temperatures. The glaciers are retreating. Sure there's an El Nino.......but they're more powerful than ever, no one ever heard of El Nino before the 1990's. Any of you idiots out there wanna bite on the argument that global warming doesn't exist? Yeah, and I know the climate historically fluctuates. I know more about it than you, I guarantee. But I'm talking about the morons that are saying it's not even happening at all. Glacier National Park will no longer have summertime glaciers. I'm not saying we should try to stop it, either, or that life will come to an end. It won't, and I'm not an alarmist. I'm not even an environmentalist. I just wanna see if anyone out there still believes it's not real.

2007-01-06 09:54:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

16 answers

I know what you mean, because I live across the lake from you in Southern Ontario (Canada), and it's been in the high 60's all week here ... and this is Canada. We haven't any snow at all yet, and that is really strange. We have had the affects of El Nino here in past years, but we still got some snow. It's for sure the result of global warming. Although I must admit ... it's nice not having to shovel your way out to get to work, and be slipping down the road on ice lol.

I do believe that it is real (the global warming) and although I like this warm winter weather, if we don't do anything about this, one day, half the east coast may be under water. I'm not sure what Fox news was saying, because I don't watch it much even though we do get it here, I usually watch CNN, but they haven't said much about it from what I've noticed. The Canadian weather channel has only talked about it being El Nino.

2007-01-06 10:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by danhh 1 · 1 1

The problem is that the subject has become a political agenda and that has caused a lot of confusion. The question is NOT is there such a thing as "global warming", but how much man's activity contributes to it and THAT IS where it gets murky.

Not all scientist agree with the answers (most scientist do not agree with any off, some disagree with all of it, and some will say anything that will get them money for research).

One cannot take a trend seen in one's lifetime and say that is a climatic trend. Climate is a LONG-term weather phenomenon and that creates problems with definition. For example, in the U.S. what is "normal"? At one time the equator crossed the U.S. from about central Texas through Michigan. At another time glaciers covered much of North America. So what's normal?

As to man's activities being a major contributor...it is hard to accept if you look at ALL factors relating to increasing the total heat content of the earth. Just look at the greenhouse gases and dust put into the atmosphere by just one volcanic eruption from Mount Pinatubo. Now multiply that by all the volcanic activity in the world.

In addition, there is the irregular, but intense blasts of warming radiation from solar flares and solar storms.

While I don't disagree that man's activities contribute to global warming, I think it is insignificant compared to nature's own sources. As a result, I think there is little that man can do that will "reverse" or slow it.

For all of those who say it must be true because it is 50-60 in the northeast....where do you put in the first snow in over 50 years in central Florida a few weeks ago. You conveniently ignore it!

Looking at the temperature increases...look at the facts. Where are most of the official temperatures recorded? At airports -- great masses of concrete (heat islands) and they are recorded with digital thermometers constantly with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees. In addition there are hundreds of remote bouys in the oceans and temperature readings done by satellites.

Compare this to the temperatures from over 100 years ago (which they say averaged 1 degree less than now). Those readings were taken in more rural areas with manually read thermometers with an accuracy of maybe 1 degree. Readings in the oceans were taken by ships in limited areas of the ocean (mostly where currents were helping them move).

So is there any surprise that the "average" temperature has increased? It is a matter of ability to measure these things and not changes in the temperatures themselves.

It is a political agenda item for the uneducated masses because they don't know enough to question the "maybe", "it's possible", "it could possibly", "it might", type of statements made by the politicians and their "I-want-research-money" scientists.

2007-01-07 00:01:14 · answer #2 · answered by idiot detector 6 · 0 1

you are an environmental wacko. the cold and hot cycles occur with and without us. Just light the magnet poles will one Day switch polarity and you'll blame Imus in the morning. Give me a break we all know it will be Howard Sterns broadcast. If the universe can go from negative 400 something to millions of degrees hotter what is the big deal of 1 degree or 10 degrees on Earth. So maybe some other life form will take over where we left off. There goes your whole Jesus thing. Unless religious Icons like Muhammad will reappear as some bacteria or a single sell carbon base life cycle vs. a nitrogen one.

2007-01-06 21:29:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I'm more amazed about the morons who think that every warm spell is evidence of global warming. Yes, global warming is happening and it is caused by humans. That's the scientific consensus and it just makes common sense. But for goodness sake, sometimes it just gets warm. These are the same people who have one day in the summer that fails to get out of the 60's and say "see, there's no global warming". Idiots all.

2007-01-06 17:59:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I watch Fox News but I believe it is happening.I just do not like the alarmists who believe things like we see in the movies.I believe we are experiencing a climate fluctuation mainly but you cannot deny the fact that we as a race have pumped enormous amounts of CO 2 into our atmosphere.And all the while we have significantly depleted our tropical rainforests.They are the biggest consumer of CO 2.Global Warming is a fact but do not think it is the cause of the recent climate changes.However it will make them more pronounced. those morons on Fox news who insist it is not happening are Cleopatra(The Queen Of De Nile)

2007-01-06 18:03:59 · answer #5 · answered by Mr Bellows 5 · 0 0

The earth is warming yes, but really gets me is how many people think its humans at the root of it. Deserts have been recorded as far back as 10,000 years ago!! We have only been keeping records for the last 100 years that is nothing in earth time. These research groups get a lot of money from the goverment every time they they say today is a example of global warming and our burning of crude oil and natural gas, its all about money on both sides. Stop being so blind and open your eyes everyone.

2007-01-06 18:08:34 · answer #6 · answered by jarrow t 3 · 1 1

Global warming existe but now the problem is what to do.

For now scientist use the global warming to hide the human activities which modify directly the water cycle and the consequences on dryness of lands.
This phenomenius is worse on climats than green effet.
In the futur global warming will continue and the only way to resolve the problem is to irrigate the dry lands all over the planet.
But does politic powers all over the world want to do it?
waiting poeple decide to do it , for now i test the solution:

2007-01-06 20:21:15 · answer #7 · answered by pingouin 3 · 0 1

Science is the root of all evil in the US; haven't you been listening (At least for the fundamentalists)?.... Ironically, it was scientists that developed fossil fuels and ways to use them like running cars and yes even video games, computers, the Internet (all of which require electricity, in the US, generated by burning fossil fuels). On the other hand, non-believers don't understand science anyway, world-wide comparisons show science education in the US (and its language mathematics) has plummeted. Perhaps our scientists are doing a poor job in explaining global warming (and its result, climate change) to the other-wise science illiterate public, and the greedy interests groups, including all of us short-sighted consumers buy into what we want to hear, like everything's going to be fine and dandy. Reality check, be very ALARMED! The evidence for anthropogenic cause of climate change is indisputable, is directly linked to global warming, and life on Earth will be very challenged.

2007-01-06 18:13:45 · answer #8 · answered by Ruben Z 2 · 1 1

i believe it! i'm in new england and today it got up to 65! 65! the government is still saying that it's not real and the polar bears have just been labeled, "threatened" rather than their real "endangered".
we have plenty of technology to make a new energy resource, we're just to lazy to do it, and the oil companies are rolling in money from it.

2007-01-06 17:59:49 · answer #9 · answered by dcarcia@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 1

well obviously its happening but im sure if its from us putting CO2 into air im studing it now in school and you sound exactly how my teacher talks about it&the same affects have happened before but im still a little skeptical if we can do anything

2007-01-06 18:02:17 · answer #10 · answered by mamaita15 1 · 0 0

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