Get him circumcised. It's the smart and responsible way to go.
I don't understand why people decide not to circumcise their boys: What kind of excuse could you possibly have for putting your child at risk of infection, disease, etc.? I don't get it...
Circumcised men have less chance of getting infections, less chance of getting and spreading STDs, and circumcision practically eliminates their chance of getting cancer of the penis.
Besides, these days they have anesthetics so your son won't even feel a thing.
2007-01-06 09:43:32
answer #1
answered by CelebrateMeHome 6
Our son is circumcised and it was a hard decision. I honestly think it's going to become rarer and rarer. We felt that we wanted our son to "look like" Daddy and that most of his classmates (for gym, etc.) would still be circumcised.
There are people (see some answerers above) that will ignorantly rant about sexually transmitted diseases and hygiene and basically tell you that you are an irresponsible parent if you don't circumcise your son.
It is true that there are some advantages to circumcision but there are good arguments to support either side. The undisputed fact is that worldwide most men today and in history do not undergo this procedure.
See the link for an interesting article about the history of circumcision in the US. Most sources agree that the routine circumcision of baby boys in the US was in part to inhibit masturbation.
2007-01-08 09:54:28
answer #2
answered by eli_star 5
Boy, you'll get a lot of different responses on this one. This question really is like opening a can of worms but it's great you are researching your options.
I did not circumcise my son nor would I do it for future children. At the time, our insurance wouldn't pay for it and our doctor said it wasn't needed. He said there are myths out there about boys having problems and cleaning. Our doctor was from Europe (we lived in Florida at the time). He said over there boys are hardly ever circumcised and don't ever have problems.
My husband and I researched it, asked our friends & family, and we just decided there was no reason to put our son through that un-needed surgery.
I don't understand the women who say they circ because it looks better sexually. Should you be looking at your son as a sexual being? I mean, I'm sure he'll grow up & have sex one day, but not with you. It's possible he and his partner might both prefer the natural, uncircumcised look.
I think you should leave it alone. Besides, all the research I've looked into says men are more sensitive sexually & enjoy it more if they are uncut. A man looses many nerve nedings when he is circumcised.
I have asked my son about teasing twice (well, just once when he was younger & my husband asked him when he was older). He's never been teased. He says he knows boys both cut & uncut but nobody is standing around comparing or talking about it anyway.
We're in Nevada now and I guess the current circumcision rates are about 50%. I work in a hospital and I have a friend who does medical records. I've even asked her to look into the rates at are hospital and she says plenty of boys are not circumcised now.
Many boys (non-Jewish, of course) are not cut nowdays so you don't need to worry about that.
I just don't understand how anybody would want to put their baby through the pain and surgery for no good reason. And if you do have him circumcised, the baby will be in pain every time he pees or poops his diaper - because the excriment will be on an open wound. How painful!
So to answer your question - we thought we couldn't have it done because of insurance & our doctor but when we really looked into it, we found there wasn't a medical reason to do it anyway. Hope that helps!
2007-01-06 09:58:30
answer #3
answered by PT C 2
I have three sons, all of them circumcised, none had ANY problem. I was there when the doctor did the procedure, and they were perfectly fine. Just a little normal crying at the beginning and then they relaxed as the doctor worked. They were peacefully sleeping by the time he finished. A week after the procedure their penises were completely healed and they were happy and joyful.
I never had any doubt that I would have all my sons circumcised too, even after some people *tried* to convince my of their catastrophist and surrealistic theories against it.
Circumcised men have less risk of contracting AIDS-HIV and other STD's. UP TO 70% LESS RISK, and that has been proved by scientists!
Is it NOT true that the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics) does not recommend circumcision. They simply say they leave the decision to parents. But recently, and specially after the recent studies by the US National Institutes of Health, the AAP has been discussing if it may be necessary to change their policy and recommend circumcision to all newborns as they used to do, so in the future we may see that the AAP advocates circumcision again.
Have a look at:
Circumcised penises are cleaner, healthier and have no risk of contracting urinary infections. You will not have to worry if your son is washing his penis properly.
2007-01-07 05:01:19
answer #4
answered by Scuba 3
I decided not to circumcise my son. I believe it is medically unnecessary despite the recent research showing that circumcised men are less at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. I'd like to think that my son will be responsible enough not to have to worry about getting an STD when he's an adult.
I also decided against it because his dad is not circumcised. I read somewhere that if you are on the fence, then look to your husband -- if he is circumcised, then you may want to consider also getting your son circumcised; if your husband is not circumcised, then don't circumcise your son. Of course, this only works assuming you are not a single parent. Otherwise, you may want to check out these facts on
2007-01-06 09:46:26
answer #5
answered by mamabear 2
I chose to circumcise my son and I just cried and cried about it. The reason I did it, is my husband is and I felt as a parent that I would have an easier time keeping it clean. Don't feel pressured by anyone else to do it or not. And don't watch any videos - that will only make you cry.
My son is now 7 - and it was easier to clean when he was little and now easy for him.
Does he even remember the procedure when he was an infant? No, he doesn't have any recollection at all.
If you do decided that it is best for your family, have it done while you are in the hospital, not later. If you decide not to do it, then you make the decision.
Good luck! And, congratulations! Having a baby is one of the best times of your life, and it only gets better as they grow up!
2007-01-06 09:41:15
answer #6
answered by Flowerlady NYC 2
I decided not to have my son circumcised. I am from Holland and it is only done there to Jewish boys, as is the case in most the world, so for as far as fitting in, which was my only concern ( my son fits in with my family, where none of the men are) I guess that would be the case in Amerika, where I heard by the year 2006 only 60 % would be circumcised. There is no medical reason to do it. For as far as hygene, well, we teach girls to wash, so we just teach boys how to wash themselves when they are not circumcised. Also I heard an orgasm for a noncircumcised man is more intense than for a circumcised man. So why heard a baby boy for no reason, and believe me from the movie I watched on it before deciding, I don't care what doctors say, the little boy was hurting. It is inhumane for as far as I am concerned
2007-01-06 09:44:55
answer #7
answered by Cherie 2
I've don't have a son, but recently there was a study done which indicated that circumcision reduces by half a male's chance of catching AIDS. Another study released in Pediatrics, which followed circumcised and uncircumcised males for 25 years found that, after controlling for other factors such as number of sexual partners, safe sex practices, etc., UNcircumcised males were three times more likely to acquire an STD. For that reason alone, I'd circumcise, at this point. (In my opinion, it's like saying you won't immunize your child because the shots would hurt).
Some people circumcise because of religious reasons, other people don't because they believe their child should be able to choose later on. It's your decision.
2007-01-06 13:15:10
answer #8
answered by katheek77 4
I have a 3 months old son. I was thinking to get him circumsized when I was pregnant because most of males in my family side have it done. But then I learned that it is not really necessary reduce the risk of infections. And if you live in developed country where the environment is clean, the risk is really small. My husband and all of his relatives are not circumsized and they never has problems.
I'm really glad I decided NOT to get him cut and if he could speak, I'm sure my baby will thank me a lot.
2007-01-06 13:08:11
answer #9
answered by depitaz 1
My son in uncut and if I have any other sons they will be too. I don't see the reason for it to be done, it will not benefit him medically. For those of you whose said that it cuts down on STDs, there is an invention called the condom, you might want to learn how it works.
My husband is not cut because he is Mexican, and hey guess what, they follow the rest of the world and don't do it routinely.
I don't ever want to think of my son having sex, but from my point of view it is more pleasurable being with an uncut guy than one that is, and I think it looks a lot better.
I almost forgot that the only person I know that had any problem with being uncut is one of my uncles. He didn't have to get cut but the doctor told him that his wife kept getting yeast infections because he was uncircumcised. From what I know is he was only in pain for a couple days, but the worst thing was when he had to go to the bathroom because that caused him the most pain.
2007-01-06 11:44:56
answer #10
answered by Mommy of 2 3
I decided not to. It is a very painful procedure, there is a reason the babies scream so hard when it's done, and don't let them feed you a line about how they are too young to have full sensation there, malarkey. My husband and my father were not circumsized at birth. My father in his thirties got it done because of an issue that had occured. He was put to sleep for the surgery and was in some pain for 3 days, that's it. Why is they don't put the babies to sleep when they do it to them? I've been told that there is more sensation if they are not circumsized, and there is really very seldom issues with infections etc. Now days it is so common not to have it done, there is really no ridicule that goes on in the locker rooms either. I say let them stay as God made them until such time as it is medically necessary. Good luck in your choice.
2007-01-06 11:14:43
answer #11
answered by Anna Hennings 5