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have you ever been so unhappy that you didn't know why you were unhappy? I can sit here and name off a list of reason's that I could be unhappy but, I couldn't tell you which one could be the "trigger" to my unhappiness. I have been to a dr. I have been put on meds. I have gone to counsling.... and it doesn't seem to get any better. When I discuss the issues that seem to be bothering me... 1 person may tell me its "just life", another one will tell me I am looking at things with a "half full glass", and another will tell me to "just get over it"..... Some days I just want to scream. Anyone have any suggestions on where I should look next for help? I thought I was going in the right direction to feeling better, but now I feel like I have hit a brick wall...

2007-01-06 08:41:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

14 answers

Oh, Denise, please don't despair. I know that's easy to do when you're feeling this way, but there is still hope. First, I would tell you that if you're drinking or drugging, stop that. It alters your state of mind, so any other therapy would probably not help. Remember that some doctors are quacks, others go just by the book and put us into categories and figure out what to do from there. And there are excellant doctors who are truly concerned about our well-being. Don't listen to all the stupid crap that you've been told. I truly care about people, and I when I felt so desperate last year that I wasn't even able to know what to do, I called an ambulance and went to the ER. I was admitted to a different hospital's psych ward for about 4 days until I was no longer a risk to myself. Please do that if you get desperate!! And then you can get appointments with other doctors who will most likely know what meds would help you. Taking the wrong drugs can make you worse. Good luck, Denise. You can e-mail me back if you'd like to, to let me know your progress!

2007-01-06 09:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by Bud's Girl 6 · 0 0

where do you live, is a key factor,and who you live with, and the people around you,you may not realize it, but these all play a major roll in your happiness, (which is not a prerequisite for living) but it is nice to be happy and feel well, and not have to plug into a drug for support
do you get along with the people around you, the people in your neighborhood? Here also is a reason, you live in a neighborhood,where there is street noise, people you do not know interacting with you, these all are reasons for unhappiness, you could not give me a house for free in
San Diego california, because i do not like the area, so much traffice,and no space, just in and out of your car and the same the next day,
what do you do for a living, and probably you Have to work, but if you do not have to work, and can go somewhere, travel, find a nicer place to live, go for long hikes months at a time, BUt whatever it is that is causing the unhappiness, it is probably not you, even if everything is going well, there are people who do not want such things for you, police, whoever,can be the cause for your unhappiness, and you not be aware of it, you might be shuffled off into this area of life the mental health scam, when everything is going well, and you run into a brick wall, i bet it is something external, whether it be people of another race or nationality or all of the above, i have been there, and am here now, in nyc, where the people of certain nationality do not leave me alone, and to call or ask the police for help, that is a laugh, oh, you may not be of the proper political persuasian, or party, these all play a factor, whether you believe it or not, hope you find your way, and then there is God some people need HIm, and some people want Him, take it easy, hope all is good for you, traffice and noise are a big bring down, so are people yelling in the street, just going to work on the subway everyday can do it, hope you find your way, as for help, i really do not know what to tell you, but it is not just life, and it is difficult to get over it, when your world falls in around you, i have been at this for more than fifty years, i too hope i find something for myself, relatives can also be some of the worst,well, i have mentioned alot of issues that perhaps have nothing to do with your situation, anyway again, God speed,

2007-01-06 08:57:06 · answer #2 · answered by chinpingmei 2 · 0 0

Yes, but I think everyone will feel this way sometime in their life. (The fact is, there will always be unhappiness in the world/life - just as there will always be happiness and love in this world /life as well.) I, too, have been through major depression - to the point where I was actually thinking about committing suicide. Luckily, I found a source of hope and inspiration at a time when I needed it most! One of the most important things to realize is that whatever problem or pain that you are facing is only *temporary*! (Nothing lasts forever - except for love. Love is happiness - happiness is love.) Look at your problems/pain this way - although it/they are hard to face, in the end, you will be a stronger/wiser person. You will have learned lessons that you thought you would never have learned! (And by learning these lessons, you will eventually be able to help others in the same perdicament!) They say pain is our greatest "teacher" - that we will learn the most about ourselves/the world around us when we suffer. If this is the case - I hope that your "teacher" will release you from class early. Good luck to you and those out there in your same situation. You may feel hopeless and helpless right now - but I promise that hope and happiness will find your again. Until then, take care and keep your chin up.

2016-05-22 23:44:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone is unhappy at some point in their life, it just comes with living. You've probably heard that before, but its true. Try some anti-depressents or just do things that make you have and stop worrying about everyone else. You may feel liek your life is bad, I do that at times too, but then I relize how good I really have it. There are so many other people out there that have it way worse. You can't have it that bad, you have the internet :-p lol. Theres people out there that are poor and cant afford anything to eat, theres people who dont have any parents, who are sick and dying. People who don't even get to live their lives. Theres a war going on, and beleive me, think of all the soldiers that are so unhappy from missing their families, the soldiers whom are praying that they wont die in that moment of battle. And the citizens, wow thats terrible. Think of how unhappy it would be to see all your traditions takin away from you. So many people have it way worse, and when you look at those aspects and think about them, maybe you'll relize how happy you truely are compared to those people.

2007-01-06 08:52:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know what you mean. i was the same way for like 1 year and finally I told myself I was probably "depressed" and people may say "get over it", but it isent that easy. I know exactly how ya feel.

I dont know how to get over it though, because i just started taking up hobbies and somehow I became better. My husband, who was my boyfriend then helped me feel better. Sometimes at night, I still feel the same. My friend died when I was in 6th grade though, and so it made me scared of "death" ata very young age and sometimes it still comes back and makes me scared and I cry.

Im not sure how to help. Maybe hang out with friends, set goals= im gonna go shopping tomorrow,.... and so u have stuff to look forward to everyday. Thast what helped me out.

Good luck.. ur not alone

2007-01-06 08:46:35 · answer #5 · answered by heidi 3 · 0 0

yes. there's a quote that goes something like this:

"the hardest step towards getting what you want in life is this - deciding what it is that you want."

put another way: happiness (or depression) is the result of a) getting (or not getting) what you want or b) knowing (or not knowing) what you want.

we can be depressed over not having something - especially when it comes to ended relationships, but most of the depression I have experienced and coached people with are depressed because they do not know what they want and therefore are wandering - usually to the disappointment of family/friends which adds extra fuel to the fire.

so, you ask for suggestions. sort out your life/strengths and pursue a career, relationships and a supportive environment that gets you excited. if, as a child, you missed out on learning what your strengths are (as I did and most people I've coached have) try this: do some volunteer work with kids. I've found no better way to learn about yourself than to work and play around kids.

oh, btw, pat yourself on the back. most people I've coached in depression are some of the most talented people I've met - think about it - most people are content to coast in life - you obviously have something greater to rise to - enjoy the journey. Everyone person I've ever known or studied with great achievements battled not a disease of depression, but a motivator of frustration.

historical credibility: Abraham Lincoln, Ludwig von Beethoven, Winston Churchill and many, many, many more.

I wish you the best on your journey ;)

2007-01-06 09:37:52 · answer #6 · answered by Darbo 3 · 0 0

You ARE going in the right direction. Give it some time. Maybe if you quit worrying about WHEN you are going to feel better and focus on other things,ie, get involved in a group activity,volunteer your time (try a soup kitchen, your problems will seem a whole lot smaller compared to some of these folks), put your energy and your focus on someone else. Good luck!

2007-01-06 08:52:46 · answer #7 · answered by Tweet 5 · 0 0

This may sound really way out there. Maybe all you need to do is just to scream. You know the kind where you take a nice deep breath and let it go. Scream as loud and as long as you can. Grant it I am no psychologist, yet at times the simplest things are what we need to do.

2007-01-06 08:52:12 · answer #8 · answered by Laela (Layla) 6 · 0 0

Darling you probably have a mild case of depression. My sister, the life of every party has to take medication for this. I almost fell out when I heard because she seems like the last person in the world that would be depressed. Please tell your doctor and he'll give you a mild medication and then you'll be your old self again.I'll be praying for you.

2007-01-06 08:48:42 · answer #9 · answered by Pearl 6 · 0 0

My advice would be not to focus on the problem but the solution. Find a hobby or focus on a life goal that makes you happy. People go through these stages and it's not fun. Life should enjoyed make some changes to make yourself happy.

2007-01-06 09:19:27 · answer #10 · answered by Doof 1 · 0 0

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