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i have a six week old baby boy, who is already taking 6oz sma gold, every 4 to 5 hours, trouble is he never seems satisfied, ( this is my second child so i do know about babies seeming satisfied after feeds) I would like to know if any mums have given their babes sma white ( for hungrier babies) and if it works, i also thought about putting 3 scoops of gold and 3 scoops of white in each feed has anyone done this???? the reason i am asking is because my midwife recommended i keep him off the sma white for as long as possible as he would have nothing to move onto before weaning him at 6 months, even though i know i will wean him before as i did my daughter at 4 months..

2007-01-06 07:38:00 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

some people on here really wind me up.do they not read the question right???? i could not give him more food as he would not take it and you cant force feed babies silly, and to the person who said i have to think about weaning earlier than 6 months, why the hell would i do that for my benefit??? why do you think i am on here asking advice for my hungry baby?? for his benefit stupid. i would wean him earlier as i did my daughter because he wants it, not for my benefit, like the other lady said they keep changing the recommened age for weaning and i believe in going with your child.

2007-01-06 07:54:27 · update #1

oh my god, please do not tell me about giving cereal or rice or bloody rusks to a 6 week old, i only want advice from good mums who have used sma white please

2007-01-06 07:59:13 · update #2

31 answers

i gave my daughter sma white at 3 weeks and she was OK
if that's what your baby needs then i would give it to him

2007-01-06 07:43:56 · answer #1 · answered by KELLY 3 · 1 0

There has been some good advice on here. Firstly, every baby is different as you well know so what works for mine might not work for yours.
Thicken his bottle by adding an extra scoop in his milk. If this doesn't work, give him the heavier feed..ie SMA white..as directed and if this doesn't work add an extra scoop.
For my first baby this wasn't enough and I added a scoop of baby rice instead..better but not fulfilling enough. This child is now 18 and is perfectly healthy and I certainly dont see myself as a bad mum. Making sure your baby is satisfied is a good mum. At 7 weeks she moved onto basic solids as she was never satisfied...remember all kids are different. Guess what? she was happier and much more settle, I just made sure she had plenty of fluids and that solids were made with her milk.
I hope this helps...seems to incorporate all the ideas so far said.
Oh I have three children...all who were hungry babies and none overweight or ill.
Good Luck!

2007-01-07 07:55:37 · answer #2 · answered by twinkletoes 3 · 0 1

That is a lot of formula. My son wasn't on that amount until he was 5 months! He slept through the night from 8 weeks and would wake up a very hungry boo, he'd have his bottle and still want more. So for the first feed of the day I would give him an extra oz. That may help you? You could also try giving a dream feed, simply give baby a bottle before you go to bed yourself. The beauty of a dream feed is that you don't have to wake baby for the feed, it's a natural reflex for them to take the bottle and drink it whilst sleeping! It may mean that baby won't wake to be so hungry. If still no luck then you could try giving less formula but more frequently so she's not too full and won't spit it back up again. Then if that doesn't work, then try the hungry formula. That's what I'd do anyway. :)

2016-03-28 23:25:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can empathise with you! my wee boy is 11 wks and a real hungry boy, I had to take him off the breast because he was too hungry, he is taking SMA gold, 7 oz and hoovering it down! I was advised to stick with the gold because the whey content is different than the white, and it would be easier to digest. As far as hanging on for 6 months before weaning, stuff that if they are hungry, I know my boy will not last that long. Why not try a larger feed, I know that is not a great help to you, I try sips of water as well, but that does not go down as well! I am sure you have tried all that as you are a mum already. Sorry, that is not much use, good luck, hungry boys are hard work!

2007-01-06 20:24:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

O.K, from a mum who has tried SMA white- go for it!!!! Health visitors are great but I hate it when they give you advice for a baby they are not raising. 6 weeks should be fine for sma white and it changed my life for the same reasons as you have now. My daughter was not satisfied at 8 weeks with breastfeeding and it was killing me feeding every 3/4 hours. Health visitor said to keep going at all costs and to use controlled crying when she was crying for more. Useful eh? Friends mum heard about it and saved me by coming round with bottles steriliser and the glorious life saver called sma w! My daughter slept for 5 hours, to the point where I was checking her every 2 mins to see if she was o.k and eventually woke her up!!!! After that she settled right in to it, didn't change it until she was one and used sma follow on ( so I don't understand why your HV said you'll have nothing to move onto!
Go for it, you know your baby, don't be at the whims of the Health Service (which is 99% great etc) Good Luck!

2007-01-08 00:39:11 · answer #5 · answered by emmy 2 · 0 1

i never actually never used the sma white, but my friend did and she swore that it helped alot and he seemed alot more satisfied. I have never heard of putting 3 scoops of each in a bottle and would recommend yalking to your health visitor to see if this is ok. The midwife was being helpful, but at the end of the day, it's your baby so experiment with the feeds and see what works for you. At the end of the day, if he doesnt want the white, he wont take it and what have u got to lose? Good Luck.

PS. Weaning at 4 months is fine, so ignore those who are saying that you are doing it for your benefit. I did it for my 2nd although i was recommended to leave it till 6 months. I did it at 4 months with my first, so what difference does it make!

2007-01-06 09:11:58 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

Relax. You know your baby better than anyone and if you feel that he is not satisfied after a feed then you may certainly move him to the formula for the hungrier baby. This formula differs from the one that you are using in just one respect - the distribution of the protein. At the moment the formula that you are using has 60% whey protein and 40% casein protein. Babies find it really easy to digest whey, casein takes a little longer. In the hungrier baby formula whey drops to 20%, casein rises to 80%. Because casein takes longer to digest it will stay in your baby's tummy for longer, keeping him more satisfied. The changeover must be done gradually. On day one feed your baby the first formula all day, except for the feed that comes closest to lunch time - then give him a feed of the hungrier baby formula. On day two do exactly the same as day one. On days three and four give your baby two bottles of the hungrier baby formula and on days five and six give him three bottles of the hungrier baby formula. Keep on increasing the hungrier baby formula by introducing one new bottle every second day. NEVER mix the two different formulas in the same bottle. Their composition is different, because of the different proteins, and they cannot be used together in the same feed. If you have any more queries visit the Cow and Gate web site - it is so informative - or 'phone their Careline, the number is given on the web site. Enjoy your baby and make the most of every moment. before you know it, he will be grown up and leaving home!

2007-01-06 10:26:59 · answer #7 · answered by Maggie Ann 2 · 2 1

Increase the feeds to every 2-4 hours. 5 hours is way too long for your baby to wait to eat at this young age. By the time your baby eats, he probably feels starving. 6 ounces is also a lot to give at one time. When you decrease the hours in between feeds, your son will eat less at each feeding. If your son is spitting up after feeds, this is also an indication that he is eating too much at one feeding.

Make sure you mix the formula as indicated on the can. Adding too little water can cause you to add to many calories to your infant and can be dangerous. If you do not add enough water it can also be dangerous, causing water intoxication and too little calories. Mixing two different formulas, is also not a good idea.

As far as weaning from formula, I hope you mean to another formula. Babies need formula or breast milk for the first year of life.

If your baby seems completely unsatisfied after the above measures have been taken, you may want to talk to your pediatrician to rule out any underlying health conditions with your infant.

I hope this helps you and good luck to you and your newborn.

2007-01-06 08:59:26 · answer #8 · answered by jns 4 · 1 1

I also had a very hungry baby boy, he was also a very big baby, born at 9.5lbs so I was feeding him SMA every 2 - 3 hours day and night which was very tiring. I asked midwife about changing him on SMA white but she was very against it, as apparently it is really quite hard for them to digest, but I thought I knew better and at 8 weeks moved him onto it. It was a nightmare he got terrible constipation, and became really miserable, so after a week he got swopped back again and within 24 hours he was back to his happy ravenous self.
I just read Maggie Anns comments and they sound really helpful, i wish somebody had advised me to introduce it slowly!!!
Hope you find the information you are looking for and enjoy your bundle of joy.

2007-01-06 10:50:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I say go for it ive done the exact thing with both of my girls 5yr and a 6month old,and there both fine i got told the same thing off my midwife aswell,i agree with i dont listen to all these rcommedations by these so called exsperts i listen to my children and if gold isnt satisfying your boy and he wont take more of the gold go onto the white,your the one who no's your child best so follow your instinct's.(i weaned both of mine at 4 months aswell mothers no best).just dont tell your midwife if you dont want a 3 hr lecture.xx p.s DO NOT put an extra scoop into the bottle like sum suggest it can cause problems for babies kidneys.xx

2007-01-07 20:46:34 · answer #10 · answered by deliciousde 4 · 1 0

There is only one person who knows how much or what kind of food to feed this baby, and that is NOT a doctor, it is NOT a midwife, and it is NOT anyone on Yahoo Answers. The person with this answer is: THE BABY! If the baby is still hungry, keep feeding it! If they baby prefers to eat sma white or sma gold or sma purple, the baby wants that because that is what its body needs. In general, pay attention to your baby and fulfilling his/her actual needs, not chasing numbers in a book for how often to feed or worrying about some relative's advice, etc.

2007-01-06 07:46:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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