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I'm an introvert and I'm wondering whether I would be left out because of the way I am.

2007-01-06 07:33:52 · 11 answers · asked by ladybug21 2 in Social Science Psychology

11 answers

Not exactly.

It's a common misconception that introversion or extroversion refers to a person's level of being outgoing but being introverted or extroverted refers to something deeper than just being more outgoing or being more reserved.

You could think of it this way: extroverts are energized when they are around other people while introverts are energized generally when they are alone.

Being an extreme of both wouldn't be so good and like most personality traits, it's better to have a healthy balance of both.

Again, like most things in life, we just have to make the best out of things. If you are an introvert then you could maybe just make a more conscious effort to try and mingle a little bit with others but do remember that long periods of exposure could drain you psychologically. Take time to be by your self and at the same time try going out with others and interacting more with them.

2007-01-06 17:18:16 · answer #1 · answered by raffyinocencio 2 · 0 0

Extroverts tend to get ahead? Yes. Why? Because they are friendlier. Hence, they get noticed. Are they any better human beings than introverts? No. On a qualification , and potential as a worker basis, they would probably be exactly the same, or the introvert will be ahead by a notch.

Good managers or employers are trained to hire according to the job posting requirement. Does it need a lot of social interaction? The extrovert wins .Lots of research? a desk job? The introvert will be better suited.

If you know your strengths, don't sweat the misconceptions about hiring practices. Life is not always like high school where popularity defines the day.

2007-01-06 07:50:14 · answer #2 · answered by QuiteNewHere 7 · 0 0

You'll be fine. Some of the most "seemingly extroverted" people are actually inherently introverted (by nature), like some rock stars, etc. Humans are complex; they often compensate by moving the other way. *You* are in control of what you do, not some fixed, innate disposition; all intoversion/extroversion is is a makeshift dichotomy about your general TENDENCIES. Do what makes you happy and what will bring you success (whatever that is for you). If you want to be more outgoing, but feel uncomfortable, look into yourself to determine why you have such feelings. But you are in control and can be whatever way you wish; don't cop out with the introvert excuse. If you are an introvert, you can still be VERY extroverted/sociable/etc. for small chunks of time here and there so you don't feel "left out," while still being free to spend most of your time thinking or alone or whatever. Your question, the way it is phrased, already has something of a defeatist mentality. The "way I am"? No, you largely *determine* who you are, who you will be, more than you believe right now. So if you do feel "left out"," work to get more involved, if you so desire. Some people don't like that and want to be perpetually "introverted," and that is fine. But if you want to be more of a player, then strive to be, however much resistance your psyche gives you. In short, introverts are often more successful than extroverts because they are generally smarter, deeper people...but if you don't overcome certain "schizoid" tendencies, you might eventually have REGRETS. So get to work and find more balance! (if you want balance...)

2007-01-06 07:45:56 · answer #3 · answered by NietzcheanCowboy 3 · 1 0

Successful at what?

Are extroverts more successful as public speakers, politicians, comedians, hosts, and receptionists - probably as they would be more likely to enjoy those jobs.

Are introverts more successful as pilots, chefs, architects, planners, veterinarians - probably as they would be more likely to enjoy those jobs.

Success is found in the enjoyment of what you do and it is not uncommon for extroverts and introverts to engage in different careers - it is also not uncommon for introverts to be successful in public arenas or extroverts to succeed in private arenas.

The real question - are you really introverted or are you masking as an introvert because of a lack of confidence? Either way, you can adjust and find success.

Best wishes!

2007-01-06 07:47:44 · answer #4 · answered by Darbo 3 · 1 0

In the world according to Don (that's me) Introverts and extroverts are a question of energy.

We are not talking about shyness, insecurities, or confidence levels here, those are other issues...

A real good illustration for this is to imagine a party. Typically there are people laughing, getting drunk, doing unspeakable things with lamp shades, and just having a grand old time.

Then, on the other hand, there are people that are ready to go home 45 minutes after they arrive.

Why is that?

It depends on how they assimilate energy from other people.

There are those people who's energy is drained from them when they are around other people.

Along with this, there are those that are energized when they are around other people.

Those people who's energy is drained, we call them introverts, and people who are energized by being around other people, we call them extroverts.

It's not a question of being successful or not, or being left out or not, it's simply what happens with your energy.

Most writers display introverted behaviour. Jimmy Carter is said to be introverted.

In terms of a career, there are all kinds of different things to do. You will natually gravitate toward those things that you will enjoy, be better suited for, and things you will be more comfortable with.

No one's going to put a gun to your head and say you must go into sales or public speaking...

2007-01-06 08:12:00 · answer #5 · answered by LongSnapper 4 · 1 0

A lot of people say my independence is a good trait that they wish they had. I notice that when I'm out the extroverts never stop talking while I like to observe. I'm a good listener too probably better than most people I know. Nothing wrong with being that way

2016-05-22 23:36:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

actually no. obviously some fields are an exception. Ms popular spends all her time trying to impress people with how cool she is. meanwhile her introverted coworker gets the job done and gets promoted.

that said, an introvert must pratice self-assertiveness. the squeeky wheel gets the grease.

2007-01-06 07:46:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

no when it comes to promotions at work, introverts recieve them more than extroverts

2007-01-06 09:13:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Introverts can write books.
There you can be anything.
Just a thought:)

2007-01-06 07:53:31 · answer #9 · answered by PokerChip 3 · 0 0

only if they are in a field in which extraversion is a valued trait, if i went in to accounting as an extravert then i might very well fail miserably, however if i went in to sales i might do very well

2007-01-06 15:21:39 · answer #10 · answered by Joe S 2 · 1 0

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