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you hate Al Gore?


2007-01-06 07:15:38 · 20 answers · asked by Dastardly 6 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

Most people do believe that global warming exists. It is just that some people, myself included, don't think that it has as much to do to with what we as a global community are currently doing, as some people (including Al Gore) want us to believe. Also that the results of such increase are not going to be as extreme as they want us to believe. They point towards 2005 and the hurricane season, 2006 was warmer, buy why were they less hurricanes and none on the scale of Katrina?

I have included 2 links, the first tells of a the belief that a temperature spike 250 Million years ago caused mass extictions. The second is from the National Geograpic Society, who is well respected and well known. That link tells of a 15 degree spike in temperature over 10 years during the ice age. Unless wooley mammouths and saber-tooth tigers are driving around in SUV's and burning fossil fuels, those temperature spikes are completely natural. We have gone up, on a global average 1 degree in the past century, some arctic areas have gone up 4-7 degrees over the past 50 years, considerably less that 15 degrees in 10 years. Could it be natural? Yes, but we don't know either way. We may never know, when things aren't what we consider normal, we feel we need to blame someone. So, lets blame each other.

2007-01-06 07:37:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I disagree with the scientific consensus. I don't think it is a hoax as much as I think a lot of people are wrong. I believe weather is cyclical and we do not have near enough data to figure out what the changes we are seeing mean. Such as Hurricanes, we only have hard data from 1970ish to today when satalites became the norm. In 1960 we would have never known about hurricane epsilon, in 1940 we might have just called Ophilia a bad storm. But to listen to the warmist the year of Katrina was the first time in history such and event ever happened (negleting to say 1950 was actually a worse year in America for hurricanes).

Now I am all for controlling polution but I think global warming is not the way to go about it. I also think this whole warming thing has taken a political spin that it shouldn't be taking, because Al Gore is a democrat is not a real reason for a republican to disagree, but I concede that it does happen.

2007-01-06 07:32:45 · answer #2 · answered by JFra472449 6 · 1 3

the call continues to be out as to the reason of worldwide warming. The data which helps the fairly some camps of world warming, IE. organic happening cycle, CO2 emissions, photograph voltaic activity, are actually not yet sufficient to furnish us conclusive data. it incredibly is silly to handle the challenge with the aid of the very high priced help of carbon emissions that interior the tip will basically furnish an exceedingly marginal distinction in temperature. the cost being a help in strengthen fees with the aid of out the international hurting the international's undesirable the main. international governments are wiser to pursue a direction of greater examine and technologies progression fairly than putting limits on carbon emissions now,

2016-10-30 04:32:23 · answer #3 · answered by dembinski 4 · 0 0

I disagree with the theory of global warming because like all theories it attempts to explain phenoma which are observed with the facts. Contary to a law which is set in concrete such as the law of attraction which states that the pull between two objects is directly proportional to their mass and inversly proportional to the distance seperating them. There are simply not enough facts to support the theory of global warming due to the lack of data for a long time frame. We are talking about 200 years here and the weather records only go back to the late 18th century at the best. This concides with the discovery of thermometers by the way. Until there is enough data I suggest the postement of judgement as to whether or not we are in a sun cycle or actually in global warming. FYO the global warming doomsayers are the same bunch that says the Fidel is the greatest leader on the earth next to Kim.

2007-01-06 07:37:26 · answer #4 · answered by bearbait7351 3 · 1 2

Just conjecture, but it seems that those who go on and on about how there is no global warming reflect those who do not want to be inconvenienced in their daily lives by making changes that will only be beneficial to their children and grandchildren. The title of Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, sort of says it all doesn't it? It's easier for the lazy to call foul than it is for them to actually look at the evidence and have to make changes in their lives. Like those, for instance, who simply claim it is natural earth climate change. They conveniently ignore the fact that the acceleration rate goes far beyond any "natural" earth changes ever known in history. Hating Al Gore only adds to it as well. Idiots are everywhere. I had an argument with some fool this summer about it, and when he finally had to admit it was actually happening he then countered with "who cares anyway, it isn't our problem." When I asked him about whether he didn't care about his children or grandchildren he replied "let them deal with it." He seems to be very typical of those who put their heads in the sand because they don't want to be bothered by it.

2007-01-06 07:24:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

i don't think it's a hoax, i believe it's a natural cycle that the planet goes through.
if you ask Al Gore what caused the end of all of the other ice ages, i would bet he would either just stare at you with a blank look or start to give you some sort of run a round without ever answering the question

2007-01-06 07:31:11 · answer #6 · answered by hairpoor 2 · 2 4

I heard an evangelical minister that believes in global warming and is very active in environmental work.

He said right-wingers reject global warming because they believe environmentalists worship the earth more than God.

And they're in positions of power.

2007-01-06 07:19:04 · answer #7 · answered by bettysdad 5 · 3 1

It's because we have people like Bush in office that lie about the scientific data. Then, the uneducated public thinks that there is no proof because that's what our government leaders are saying.

2007-01-06 07:19:03 · answer #8 · answered by arbitrarily_pushing_buttoneer 2 · 1 1

Global warming as described by Al Gore and the environmentalists is pure junk science, and there are scientists who will tell you the same. Global warming is happening, just as it has in the past. It's a normal process.

2007-01-06 07:23:04 · answer #9 · answered by The Scorpion 6 · 2 4

Here on Long island, we should be having snow by now but it is a get spring day here, in the middle of the F#@$!ng WINTER! That's enough prof isn't it.

2007-01-06 07:20:56 · answer #10 · answered by rickle91 3 · 4 1

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