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22 answers

acts as if u are not even in his life anymore, he goes places, makes decisions, and totally begins to cut u out of his life, even theough he is still there. most conversation u use to enjoy has stopped, he is ususally more negative, looks back on the past when he met u and wonders why u ever came around him in the first place, he sits alone staring into space, not saying a word, as he is planning and plotting how to leave u, picks fights, finds fault, attacks your person, your looks, generally everything about u, assinates your character. u feel as if this man doesn't even like u anymore, and if u do make love with him, even the way he makes love has changed, it is almost as if the things he is doing are different, and the ways of someone else u don't know. suddenly begins getting rid of things, giving things away to friends or family. puts u last, does not see u or your needs as his priority or duty, even gets agitated if by chance he has to fix a problem with your vehicle. answers the phone but goes into another room to talk, odvious to u he doesn't want u to hear his conversation, or has he suddenly gotten a cell phone, when he never had one before, he has the cell so he can talk to her whenever. have u gone on vacation and come back home to see a strange piece of clothing in your clauset, and maybe something of yours is gone? he just isn't interested in u anymore. and u don't quite get it, how could the man u thought loved u turn on u so quickly.

2007-01-06 07:09:37 · answer #1 · answered by jude 7 · 0 0

When a man cheats, it is the worst feeling in the world at that moment. Here is how you can tell if he is cheating on you, or not...
1) He is constantly busy
2) He is secretive when you ask him where he has been, or what he is up to
3) He might even get mad if you try too hard to get things out of him
4) He sometimes bribes you, to make sure nothing is wrong
5) He doesn't apologize when he does something wrong because he ok if you leave him
6) He doesn't answer his cell at times

Here are some tips to try to find out...
1)If he is nice tempered, and you feel he loves you...then the best bet is to ask him.
2)If you're afraid to ask him, then see if he suddenly too busy, or anything like. Sudden changes in his plans or attitudes, are some more clues. BUT, you'll never know unless you ask. If you think he is LYING by saying he's not, then......follow your heart....

2007-01-06 14:59:56 · answer #2 · answered by yoooooooooooo 3 · 0 0

Less attentive to you.
Buying new clothes for himself
Drinking alcohol more than usual. Or if he doesn't drink, he STARTS drinking.
If he has the money, buying a new car, usually something sporty(and NOT necessarily wanting to let YOU ride in it.)
Hiding when he receives a cellphone call.
Running to get the home phone (if she calls there).
Leaving home at odd hours.
Calling YOU when he is away from home, faking that he is just checking in but is really calling to make sure YOU are at home.
Brushing teeth when he comes in.
Showering when he comes in from work (unless he has a job where he gets dirty.
Loses sex interest in you.
There are countless other signs but these are some. Basically a woman knows when a man is paying less and less attention to her. If the reason is not job concerns or family problems, it is usually another woman.

2007-01-06 15:03:57 · answer #3 · answered by rare2findd 6 · 0 0

1. Lying
2. Blames you about things
3. Takes his cell phone with him everywhere..even the bathroom.
4. Makes excuses for his behavior
5. Buys you gifts out of guilt for no reason
6. You call his phone and is always off
7. Starts arguements all the time
8. Makes you feel guilty for asking where he was
9. You spends less time together
10. He's emotionally detached

2007-01-06 15:21:50 · answer #4 · answered by Sweet Surrender 2 · 0 0

-He's hardly ever around
-He doesn't spend as much time with you
-He comes home late
-He gets a lot of phone calls & text messages
-He's always on the internet
-He doesn't have sex with you as often as he should

So many reasons.....you just know, you will feel it in your gut. It's best to ask him before assuming. If you still feel he is, then just break it off w/him, let things cool off, let him come to you. Don't start any drama. You know what i mean, because it ain't worth it.

2007-01-06 14:58:58 · answer #5 · answered by sugarBear 6 · 0 0

wow... some of these make it sound like my husband is cheating...

If you are suspecting it then it may be, but the best thing to do is just come out and ask him. You'll be able to tell if he's lying to you or not.

2007-01-06 15:03:54 · answer #6 · answered by ksgirl 4 · 0 0

1. his never at home
2. when he gets home late he says he lost track of time when he was out with his mates.
3. he gives u more gifts shows his quilty bout something.
this might not be a good tip but if i thought my guy was cheating i would follow him or get one of my mates to follow him, or get one of my mates that he dont know to ask him out on a date and see what his reaction would be

2007-01-06 14:55:42 · answer #7 · answered by barnetgreek 1 · 0 0

1.He has other things do do, but won't say what or where or with who.
2.He has seen a lot of new movies.
3.Secret messages on his phone
4.He talks about leaving
5.He has less of an interest in sex

2007-01-06 14:55:40 · answer #8 · answered by null_the_living_darkness 7 · 1 0

Running home to shower always wearing aftershave. Change of mood.Never seems to have time for you like before

2007-01-06 14:58:25 · answer #9 · answered by xlhdrider 4 · 0 0

#1 they don't want you to see their cell phone or text messages and wouldn't want you answering their phone orlistening to messages
#2 they don't give you the password to their email. and don't want you to see it.
#3 they are unaccounted for sometimes. like not where they should be or say they are (ie 3 hours for a trip to the drug store)

2007-01-06 14:55:48 · answer #10 · answered by Sufi 7 · 2 0

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