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We leave Iraq - then what?

Wait for our next building to be blown up here. If they can't fight us there then they will surely come here...

2007-01-06 06:10:56 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

27 answers

you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't. democrats are always whinning that the grass is always greener...

didn't the democrats vote "yes" for the wr in Iraq? i know that their next presidential canidate Hillary did.

2007-01-06 06:18:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 6

Biden became having a senior 2nd,the fulfillment in Iraq is as a results of the fact Obama persevered Bush's coverage.Obama and Biden voted against the troop surge and Biden had to carve Iraq into 3 sections so each faction might have their very own territory.

2016-10-30 04:21:04 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I live in New York, 15 miles from the city, I work in the city. I had friends Die in the towers. Why am I less angry then you appear to be? I am angrier that we have a a dumba$$ for a president that has lead us down a slope it will take us decades to get out of, we are losing our youth (again) in war that has no meaning ar basis in fact. Make no mistake I had no problem with stomping the fools in Afganistan. We were manipulated by our own government to take on Iraq as well. Our Own govenrment used FEAR and LIES to get us to capitulate on attacking Iraq. Our last president the congress voted to impeach because he lied about getting a *******, this one lied and it has killed 3000 of our sons and daughters I dont even hear a whisper for impeachment. Conservative Americans are motivated by fear Greed and ignorance hiding it all behind christianity. So sit back and cast dispersions from your midwestern setting, the tide has turned, soon nobody will be listening.

2007-01-07 00:42:34 · answer #3 · answered by Rossghjr 3 · 2 1

The funny thing is that most terrorist come from countries other than Iraq. So while we are busy stopping sectatian violence in Iraq and fighting the insurgents there we are missing out on chances to stop the terrorists who will come after us at home. You have to remember that 15 of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudia Arabia. None came from Iraq.

2007-01-06 06:22:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

The insurgents are fighting for control of Iraq. We get in the middle, we get attacked. Happening every day. You are getting Islamic terrorists mixed up with the inner quaqmire of Iraqi political factions vying for control. Please name the Iraqis who drove those planes into the WTC and the Pentagon. Some teacher...

Try to remember that Al Queda takes an average of five years to complete plans for large scale attacks. We're sitting right on top of that five+ years. If Scotland Yard (NOT Homeland Security) hadn't foiled their plan to blow up numerous planes full of Europeans AND Americans over the Atlantic we'd be talking about their last big attack right now.

2007-01-06 06:32:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

People that say "if we don't fight them there, we'll have to fight them here" are acknowledging that the Bush administration is incompetent and can't protect the country.

But this contradicts the same people that praise Bush for keeping us safe for 5 years.

So when the terrorists come, will they march down Times Square, or 5th Avenue? It's amazing that adults believe this crap.

2007-01-06 07:07:38 · answer #6 · answered by bettysdad 5 · 3 1

Your profile says you're here to teach? I don't see what your qualifications would be. Wild opinions are not facts. Thank goodness, my teachers taught me to distinguish between opinion and fact.

By the way, that's why we were in Vietnam-"fight the Communists there instead of here", "keep Communism from spreading". And there was that Gulf of Tonkin lie that escalated the Vietnam War. From wikipedia: In August of 1964, United States President Lyndon B. Johnson claimed that North Vietnamese forces had twice attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. Although there was a first attack (in response to U.S. equipped and orchestrated South Vietnam's commando raids on the coast [1]), claims of a second attack were later proven to be unfounded. Known today as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, this led to the open involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War, with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

Yes, Johnson was a Democrat with ties to Texas and big oil. The Dems were fooled that time. You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time.

Iraq isn't Vietnam but there is some odd similarities.

2007-01-06 06:25:23 · answer #7 · answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6 · 8 3

OH MY GOD are you really that stupid ...if we secure our boarders not let them in...which is a whole lot easier than fighting them there. they cant touch us....now if they wanted to hurt Americans and had such easy access to America dont you think those car bombs would be going off here everyday????what are they going to do come invade us with their fleet of aircraft carriers and stealth bombers. they might show up in a row boat full of rocks... and if they are here its bushes fault for not securing the homeland and creating more and more people who hate Americans...i know you get all excited by bill orieley but you really need to change the channel and forget rush limpbaugh that *** treats objects like women

2007-01-06 06:32:38 · answer #8 · answered by Unfrozen Caveman 6 · 5 1

they are already here.....our borders should have been closed within hours of 9/11! Why is it more important to protect Iraq than America & Americans? They have been fighting for centuries let them kill each other!

2007-01-06 06:14:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

You seem to buy into all the hype about how they will come here .They have already come here and have been operating since the 1970's in America . We have had assassinations car bombs hijackings and many terrorist attacks committed on our soil including a previous attack on the world trade center . The attacks only get larger and we are due for another one soon .By that I mean in the next three years . I fear it will be nuclear and come in a container ship .Or one of the many multi million dollar Yachts that travel the globe .
Terrorism is only prevented by communicating with terrorists and meeting reasonable demands .Whats reasonable is if Iran wants nukes then they should have them . They should also know that the use of such force is unacceptable and they will be exterminated .
I am not for war of any kind and would gladly see an end to human rights violations .
Yet WE can not dictate to other cultures that they follow our lead or suffer for failure to obey our orders .
We in one breath used Saddam ,Bin Laden ,Noriega , Demarcos and other leaders to further our agenda and look at how the world perceives our interference.The Shaw was once our friend and if it was not for our stead fast interference in others nations we would not be under attack from the Muslim nations who have a radical violent sect among them . We have Colombians killing Wittinesses judges and prosecutors here in America . Bribing police officers and government officials .Terrorism is such a broad encompassing word that it now enjoys the status of the cold war .
This allows the continued build up of military forces and weaponry in America .Profiting Some of the oldest and wealthiest families in America .This expansion is due in large part to the Size of these families .Each with a division or company to run or invest in that must make a profit .
You have bought into the system the way it is for one reason and that is your own survival .
It is nice to have a job that pays well offers a nice retirement and has health benefits .
This comes at the expense of every person who really pays taxes .
After all if the profits from defense contractors is paid by taxes and the salary of the workers is paid with taxes then by default people who profit and are paid with taxes are not able to contribute to the system .They are a drain on the economy .
You are blind to this and I feel sorry for members of your own family which you must turn against .
Those who have abortions are gay support the use of medical pot or even choose to smoke weed rather then poison their liver .
Its nice to be the king .But when the king is absolutely wrong in so many respects about the freedom people should have i fail to see how anyone can support him .
The government has lied to the people and involved us in wars for the last 50 years that could only result in one thing .A tidy profit for the smallest % of Americans .
Step back take a deep breath open your eye's and see what has become of this once beloved nation .
We freed Europe from Hitler true but began a cold war that has resulted in millions of American lives lost to poverty and illness .Seems there is just not enough money able to be taken from working Americans to build the empire and still build homes provide utility services and expand the exportation of goods that are manufactured for the benefit of humanity .We really needed to spend over 9 trillion dollars in the last 30 years to prevent a guy with a bomb strapped to his butt from bringing an end to freedom .How do you defend against people who hate you for being a war monger and raping the resources of the planet . I give up try to change the minds of people who are just to ignorant to see the truth .I feel so sorry for people like you .
Had we focused on our needs rather then easy profits from a military build up that resulted in 35 million Americans paying taxes and living in poverty jailing 2 million people in a war on drugs at a cost to society of 1.6 trillion in the last 20 years and greating a government and industry supported solely on the backs of real American workers . Those people who open a grocery store a build homes ,manufacture diapers , make toys and in general provide something of value to the community .The government has taxed these people and given it to teachers police defense contractors and what have we gotten in return .Stupid Children police beatings and corruption 3000 dead soldiers and 25,000 wounded .
This is what you defend and your fall back is always it is better then any place else .
Well look around and compare a 35 hour work week 4 weeks paid vacation and health care .These people have homes cars take vactions and eat the same foods we do but do not have the level of poverty and misery America does .
For once in you life yank that brainwashed head out of the sand and explain to me what you really value .Bombs and world domination or homes for all and healthy families .

2007-01-06 07:02:51 · answer #10 · answered by -----JAFO---- 4 · 2 1

Well democrats cant force the withdraw of troops only the president can issue that order. So they can say all they want but they cant do anything about it. Thats just the way the law is written.

2007-01-06 06:17:34 · answer #11 · answered by Mazlow01 2 · 0 2

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