1 year
2007-01-06 06:13:28
answer #1
answered by kabir sing 1
Your baby has hit the 3-week growth spurt and his eating schedule is completely normal. Your milk production is fine; he is suckling more often so you will produce more milk to keep up with his growing needs. I know how hard it is, because I've been there. It wasn't until he turned 4 months that my son started going 2 hours between feedings.
I would not advise starting cereal or giving him formula unless he starts losing weight. Then you should check with the doctor first.
You cannot compare a breastfed baby to a bottle-fed baby. Breastfed babies do not eat on a schedule and you cannot measure how much he is taking in. Feed him whenever he is hungry. If you need a break, see about renting a high-quality breast pump so you can pump some milk and not have to be the one to feed him every time.
2007-01-06 14:23:33
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm a SAHM of 4 kids and the first impression of your question is that the baby is going through a growth spurt or that you are not giving it enough formula at one sitting, I would ask your doctor.
But also, a baby isn't always hungry when it cries so go through the basic steps to see if the baby is comfortable (diaper/clothing/etc.), also a warm bath can be soothing when a baby is fussy.
Also do NOT put baby cereal in with formula no matter what people recommend-ASK your doctor about it first.
If you are breastfeeding-then you may need to increase your fluid intake to help produce milk or let the baby nurse as long as she needs (on demand). Which is another fact is that a baby doesn't always nurse or feed because they are hungry, it's also comforting to suckle.
The stresses of being a new mom will take it's toll on your daily life so if you need to, ask for help so you can squeeze in an extra nap or be able to go shopping for some new clothes.
Good Luck
2007-01-06 14:20:52
answer #3
answered by LS 4
My son is 4 months old. During the first month or two we had several days here and there where he would eat for 30+ minutes every hour. Our pediatrician said he was having growth spurts and that it was completely normal. 15-20 minutes is a completely normal time to eat. You could try upping it to 30 (shouldn't be more than that, so I've been told) - 15 on each side if you are alternating. It feels like it lasts forever, but it should slow down again soon!
Another problem could be positioning, or latch - your baby might not be getting what he needs at every feeding... My son did more of a furious chewing motion than a rythmic sucking motion. Different holds could help too - my son is most calm and gets his best feeding when we lay down in bed and I cradle him in my arm.
Hang in there! You are doing the healthiest thing you can for your son!
2007-01-06 20:19:18
answer #4
answered by JadeAMurray 2
It sounds totally normal if baby is having 6-8 wet diapers and 2-5 BM's It will lessen to some degree as the weeks go on. This newborn period is such a short time in your childs life just soak up all the time with him you can.
If your nursing try to find your local La Leche League group. Usually they can help you meet other mothers that are facing alot of the same challenges you are :)
2007-01-06 15:05:06
answer #5
answered by Carla R 4
Your baby has hit a growth spurt. It will last 3-7 days. Just feed your baby. It will get easier around 6 weeks, trust me. Almost all moms report that it gets easier then.
In addition, breastmilk is perfectly sufficient for all babies (except those with rare genetic conditions) and 99% of women (who have not had breast surgery) are capable of producing enough milk for one or more babies. Even sick women starving to death in third world countries make enough milk.
Also, do not expect your baby to act like a formula fed baby. Formula makes a baby feel overfull, much like you do after a large turkey dinner (or whatever you over-indulge in around the holidays). Just because breastmilk doesn't make a baby act like that, doesn't mean there is anything wrong.
Here is some more info:
2007-01-06 14:23:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Babies hit growing spurts just like older children. I have a 2 1/2 week old who is also doing the same thing right now (on formula & breast). If you breastfeed only, the baby will eat alot more (almost 24/7). I am mostly formula feeding now because I couldn't keep up with her (I have 3 older children)! You might want to consider supplementing with formula (at least until this growing spurt is over) Good luck and CONGRATS!
2007-01-06 14:23:28
answer #7
answered by wickedness_one 3
Sounds like your baby has hit his 3 week growth spurt. Totally normal. Expect it to last 2-4 days and then he will probably space out his feedings to about every 2 hours again. He will hit another growth spurt around 6 weeks.
2007-01-06 14:16:26
answer #8
answered by momma2mingbu 7
If the baby is breast feeding, offer a ounce of formula after de-latching. If he eats this then he is not getting enough milk.If not, maybe he is not hungry. I assume you think he is hungry because he crys.Try taking him out side( if the weather is o.k) Or walk him or swaddle him( wrap tightly in a blanket)and if he still crys give him more milk. Is he falling asleep during feeding? if yes then that is why! rub his legs or gently flick his feet to wake him up till he takes in enough! It's hard work for a baby to suck so it wears them out, then they do not take in enough milk and wake up because they are hungry. Also watch how many wet diapers he has. is it equal to how long he is eating? Ex: if he take in 20 min feedings every hour you should be changing ALOT of wet diapers. If none of this help call and ask your Doctor.
Trust me it's ok to call for help. I know my Doctor got tired of hearing from me. Good luck and remember this is the hardest time. He/she will be sleeping and eating fine real soon!
2007-01-06 14:25:00
answer #9
answered by queenlandry 2
If you are breast feeding it is unknown how much milk your baby is really getting. You could try pumping or giving the baby formula and feed him out of a bottle to be sure he is drinking enough. If he isn't, try a different bottle nipple or formula. If that doesn't work take him to see his physician. If he is drinking enough than you just have a hungry baby and he will come out of it in time. Breastfed babys do seem to eat more often than formula fed.
Hang in there!!
2007-01-06 14:20:46
answer #10
answered by me_me625 2