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1.Legalize marijuana—War on weed is a colossal failure
2.“War on Dictators”—Special op forces take out our deadliest of enemies
3.Stop playing “world police”—Removal of all troops from foreign shores
4.Aid to peaceful countries—Reward positive world behavior
5.Food/financial embargoes for hostile countries—Punish negative world behavior
6.“Strike Back at Racism” Initiative—Double sentences for “hate crimes”
7.End all homelessness—Provide affordable housing for those less fortunate
8.“Second Chance Program”—Non-violent criminals get to choose (Military vs. jail time)
9.“Stop Animal Abuse”—Double sentences/fines/officers on streets
10.End of pork barrel spending—Remove “monkey mating in the wild” research programs
11.Sign Kyoto Pact—why are we the only “civilized” country ignoring global warming??
12.“Fine Freaks” Program—Restitution vs. jail time for non-violent criminals
13.Loss of Congressional perks—removal of corruption in the political arena
14.End of convict “freebies”—stop giving college educations to crooks
15.Raise standards of correctional facilities—end prison rioting
16.“Release” Program—cut non-violent criminal sentences in half
17.Island Time—Violent criminals will be dropped on island like savages
18.Universal Health Care—free alternative medical health clinics
19.Health Vouchers—Funding for alternative healthcare
20.Grocery Vouchers--$100 food cards every month for each $5000 ($15,000 cap)
21.Flat tax—17% flat tax (all income brackets pay same amount)
22.Alternative Health ads on television—advertisement 24-7 for a healthier world
23.Fiscal conservatism—Slash 5% off budget of every Federal/State program (except social programs which are typically under-funded)
24.Cigarette/alcohol tax—10% luxury tax
25.Gas gift cards--$500 every year for driving a fuel conscious car (30mph or higher for highway mileage)
26.Federal relief—expansion of funds for storm areas
27.Junk food tax—10% luxury tax
28.Fully funded social programs—50% increase for child/elderly/animal/art programs
29.Presidential veto—Federal AND state budgeting
30.Peaceful alliances—reward peaceful countries with low interest financial loans
31.Food/trade embargoes—Countries engaged in civil war/civil unrest
32.Refugee Program—populate all mid-western states
33.Immediate deportation—All illegal immigrants/save slow bleed of welfare program
34.House arrest—all non-violent criminals eligible
35.Vice crimes—all prostitution & gambling
36.“Up the Ante” Program—Double time for cocaine/heroin pushers
37.“Uncouth Youth” Initiative—Military or jail time (21 or younger)
38.Community Time Program—Half sentence for community hours
39.Marijuana Tax—10% luxury tax
40.Gun ownership—10% luxury tax on all handgun sales
41.Handgun Ban—Only licensed hunters allowed to purchase
42.End War on Drugs—Provide alternative health clinics (addicts)
43.“Do Crime, Double the Time”—Violent offenders
44.Public Executions—Give bloodthirsty public reality tv (PPV)
45.“Three Strikes & You’re Out Game”—3 appeals max (death row)
46.Compassionate spending—prioritize social programs
47.“Right to be Free” Program--$100 fee to become US citizen
48.“Child Abuse No More” Initiative—Double sentence for abusers
49.“Environmental Cleanup” Initiative—$500 fines for local abuse
50.“Speed & Alcohol Kill” Initiative--$500 fines (20mph over speed limit/breaking BAC laws for states)

2007-01-06 05:44:41 · 8 answers · asked by WORD UP G 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

8 answers

ban gifts from lobbyists to any elected official in any position on any level of government

create a flat tax rate of 22% for all income classes

eliminate almost all regulations and taxes on stock trading and business (except for insider trading)

give a tax free year for anyone who buys a hybrid car

reform stautatory rape laws to creat a 3 year free zone, ex. 15 on 18 is legal, 16/19, etc

put alcohol privleges on a system similar to a driver's license: at 18 you have to get a permit, wait 6 or so months, take classes, to get a license

decriminalize marijuana up to 1/2 an ounce (this would not subject casual users to prosecution but crack down on dealers, whcih would help to eliminate it)

adopt a policy of isolationism similar to pre-WWI era (this will stop the hatred of America by foreign countries who are resentful of out interference)

eliminate no child left behind program:
- stop fining already underfunded school districts for inadequacies
- use the money we would have spent on out military (see above) and give every single school district the budget per student of the wealthiest state in the country
- pay for education of anyone who goes to graduate school and agrees to teach at a public school for 10 years after

not legalize gay marraige but create an identical status not called marriage that allows spouses to share insurance, pension etc, benefits that straight spouses are allocated
- I would also ban adoption of children by gay couples (I'm not saying youre not capable of being parents, I'm just saying that it is not fair to a child to not have 2 sexes for parents, both for psychological (look up the oedipus complex) and social reasons

allow gay people to join the military (c'mon guys, get over it)

create "drug zones" in major cities in small sections of neighborhoods with no people living there where drug selling and use will not be legal but will be "ignored" to keep violent criminals off the corners and bring life back to bad nieghborhoods

hire illegal immigrants to do goverment jobs that cant be filled in border states where they are bused up from mexico or live in designated camps that they are not allowed to leave unsupervised

give full health and other insurances to people in government jobs like the military and education in particular

2007-01-06 12:38:11 · answer #1 · answered by paulvanderslice 2 · 0 0

Frankly, if I were president, I'd spend most of my time eliminating programs, rather than creating them. In my experience, the government that keeps out of my life is the best one I can hope for. I'm all for #1, for example, because that gets the government out of one more aspect of my life. However, I'm not convinced that they'd do any better preventing junk foods than they do preventing marijuana use. Just let it be...leave people to live their own lives.

I do think you have some interesting ideas, but before you actually get elected, I hope you'll work on some of the details. For example, I don't think you've thought through the price tags on some of these ventures. If you "fully fund" all social programs, there's no way you'll pay for them without going massively into debt. I think there may also be a conflict between your desire to not be a world police, and your desire to make war on dictators. But in essence, I think your heart is in the right place. Just realize that when you start doing this stuff for real, it gets a lot messier. Nothing works quite perfectly the way you'd like.

Best of luck to you.

2007-01-06 07:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would repeal every law passed since 1970 and start over, helping the middle class, which is the backbone of this country, the ones that pay all the taxes and get no benefits from it. they let the rich, get richer, by not paying any taxes and support the poor with with all the tax based programs they get, this country has attacked the middle class for years, when they are successful at destroying the middle class, who's going to pay the bills (taxes).

2007-01-06 06:50:26 · answer #3 · answered by DukeofDixie 7 · 1 0

If all of your initiatives were passed we would have to change the name of this country to "Liberalhellia"!

You have got to be the head of the American Bar Association or the ACLU, because the amount of regulation you will have caused would make the population 80% Regulators and Lawyers!
LMFAO-A few good ideas, but you left reality with about 90% of the stuff!

We do need the Government to expand the Medical programs the Military has to alliviate the load from un-insured and illegals on the private practice, and regulation of the (Very Un-)controlled substances!

2007-01-06 06:07:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Hahaha "right to be free" #47 + gun control #41? The 2nd amendment is the ultimate guarantee of our freedom.

2007-01-07 09:55:16 · answer #5 · answered by benminer 3 · 0 0

The National-Union agrees with the following numbers:

You should become a candidate for office, http://www.voteprimous.com

2007-01-06 06:57:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

drop 4,7 and about half of the repetive themes, keep it to a top XX list, and you got something.

2007-01-06 06:19:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

um...some of these contradict each other. But other than that these are worthy goals, you should e-mail them to your local congressman or congresswomen

2007-01-06 06:06:16 · answer #8 · answered by sur2124 4 · 0 0

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