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ive noticed i can't walk down a school corridor or down a street wthiout a gang of people shouting "F*CKING PUNK GET OUT OF HERE" or "GO COMMIT SUICIDIE" <-- when they don't even know me, and it isnt jsut to ME they're saying it, they say it to a lot of people, but why? why cant people jsut respect others? i do ..so why cant others?

2007-01-06 05:28:53 · 21 answers · asked by fergie 1 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

btw, no im not american, i live in britain and im bisexual but...i dont show it, at all in public, but yer..i guess i do dress differently, i dont follow the mainstrem fashion whatsoever

2007-01-06 05:43:49 · update #1

arghh ok sorry latter_rain but i aint no christian and i dont beleive in all tht..and homosexual is a sin is it?..i dont really care though :S thts one persons opinion..i have my own on myself aswell u'no :S but part frm tht i thought i was the only person in the world who had notice ppl jsut think about themselves these days n not bout others, but ill take tht back since i got such good replies xx

2007-01-06 07:21:15 · update #2

21 answers

Hateful people hate themselves! They don't know how to interact with other people!

2007-01-06 05:31:25 · answer #1 · answered by Gerry 7 · 4 0

Firstly Bullies are insecure people who cannot think for themselves and find their strenght in large groups - what is known as the herd mentality. Animals are much the same. You can get dogs which are tame but in a pack they change their whole personality to that of the pack (or pack leader).

As for being hateful, it is more of the macho instinct for men. They think that if they're kind to others, it is seen as a weakness and they tend to do the opposite (again, the herd mentality). Get them on their own and thay are totally different.

I have a theory and that is around 95% of the population are not worth having as a friend anyway, because of their spiteful attitude. My reason for this assumption is that whenever I'm out driving, I judge other people by the way they drive. On average, I have come across one respectful driver in every twenty (ie, they show consideration and let you go first or if you make an error of judgement they don't beep their horns in anger).

My advice to you is to focus on the other 5% ofd the population - they're worth knowing and also, you are not alone (some people can be very nasty indeed).

2007-01-06 05:46:43 · answer #2 · answered by The Trainer 2 · 3 0

It's the group mentality; they feel threatened by anyone who isn't part of their group. It's not something new; I had it at school at lot too and it made my life a misery.
I did survive though and it left me with a deep respect for people who are brave enough not to fit in. I also believe in looking beyond the surface.
It did leave me the ability to do act on my beliefs (and I'm not talking religion here; I'm an atheist) and to try to do what I think is right even if I don't want to.
All you can do is remember that you aren't alone; there are many people like you and you will meet up with them.
Take care of yourself.

2007-01-06 12:14:09 · answer #3 · answered by leekier 4 · 1 0

Hateful people and bigots are small minded fools with little to no social education. They try and prove to themselves that they are superior over other people by picking on, belittling, tormenting others. They do this to boost their little egos.

In reality, all they are doing is showing off their ignorance.

Not many of them realize that they are committing a federal hate crime in doing so, and in many states, they can be prosecuted. But the problem with that is getting the law enforcement who already are filled with bigots to move, and if they do get arrested, to get convicted.

Sooner or later, they do get theirs. Keep that in the back of their minds and remember, that you are better than they are.

2007-01-06 05:42:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0


We are so close to the end of the world! Sin (rebellion to God) is multiplying fast. You are witnessing all of what the Bible speaks of as the Great Tribulation which precedes the returns of Jesus Christ. "Evil men shall wax worse and worse"
If you are at all concerned, start reading the Bible and pray to the Lord for mercy. You do not need me to tell you that homosexual relations is sin just as any sexual relations are before marriage. Noah's flood occurred in 4990 B.C. In a few more years, we'll come up on the 7000th anniversary of the fateful day. I believe that this will be the year 2011 that the Lord Jesus Christ will return and the end will come.

2007-01-06 06:07:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

You have your own identity they don't and are probably @rse licking to keep their mates by taking it out on you - how sad they are. No-one has a right to judge you by the way you look, I was a goth when I was a teenager, I was told I would look back and feel embarrassed by what I was, i'm now 38 and never regreted a thing, just smile and walk on.

2007-01-06 05:40:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

ive been trying to answer that Q too im straight,white,christian,and pure american
i am far from prejudice though.
i have no blacks other religion or peps not born here.at my school
but i talk on line all the time and i support those guy 100% and think that people are mean because they are afraid of stuff that is diff.im not im open and cool with that stuff thumbs up to you man!

2007-01-07 14:59:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fergi 1:

Life is not a nice place. You were lied to if that is what you were told. I know that a lot of people are gonna say different . . and you can put this on a shelf and revisit it at a later time . . . but just stay alive, be nice to people, and watch real close . . . you will find, that this is not a nice place.

This is a fallen world, that needs God
God provided Jesus, Jesus willingly gave himself

God Bless you in your search

2007-01-06 05:39:41 · answer #8 · answered by Clark H 4 · 1 1

Oh dear I've just given up the will to live. Take no notice of what people say, just be happy in your own skin and get on with your life.

2007-01-06 23:00:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I am sorry you have to put up with that sort of behaviour. If possible move to another area. You will find bad behaviour is mostly an inner city problem.

2007-01-10 03:16:39 · answer #10 · answered by David S 2 · 0 0

Most likely because people are judgmental by nature. "Dissing" someone might make them feel better about themselves. "The golden rule, treat others as you would like to have others treat you" is at the basis of most all religious belief systems, but is by far the hardest rule to keep. God DID give us free choice, its up to each one of us to decide. (The ole 'Good VS Evil')

2007-01-06 05:36:41 · answer #11 · answered by SALSA 6 · 4 0

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