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1.What/who is a teenager? 2.What are physical , mental & and emotional changes that take place in the teen years? 3.Why do teenagers have trouble with society? 4.Why do teenagers fight with their parents? 5.What are the consequences of teenagers not getting along with their parents and society? 6.How could teenagers manage to get along with their parents &society? 7.What are some difficulties teenagers they face? 8.Why do teenagers want to be independent from people who support them?............................ any extra info. conserning this topic (even if we didn't post a question 4 it) is welcome... thx again 4 anyone who answers and gives us his/her oppinion

2007-01-06 05:28:21 · 11 answers · asked by plz help 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

11 answers

Being a teen is tough because when you are a teen everyone expects you to know what to do.. but still come to parents for help when you need it. Teens tend more to talk to their friends though because their friends can relate more or are easier to talk to at times... when a teen you get the chance to start spreading your "wings" if you wanna call it that... when a teen you aren't treated as a child and you aren't treated as an adult.. not really.... you are just there.. trying to make it through the teen years where you learn a lot about your self and figure out exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and want to do and things like that.. it is a confusing time.. and sometimes being bombarded with don't forget you have to choose a college.. and a career. and get a job and everything else.. just makes it harder.. teens want friends to talk to and have their backs... they want to be independent becuase at this age (13-19) they can start trying their own things more.. parents let them try more things in a manner of speaking.... but teens know that their parents will listen to them and have their backs and help out.. they just odn't always want to crawl back to them afraid of the fact that that might seem like a sign of weakness or a sign of i can't do this..a sign of failure.. teens want to try things on their own.. not all teens fight with their parents.. not as often as others might.. but teens have a lot of peer pressure to deal with..... school can be a hard place depending on who the teen has to deal with.. friends make it better at school.. if they good influences of course.. teens just have it hard b/c they have high expectations... and once they reach those expectations.. the expectations just go higher and higher.. so teens can sometimes feel hopeless then.. teens just don't always know what to do either.. but they don't really want to admit that to their parents.. teens are teens and know they have to grow up and fight with the urge to still kinda stay young and carefree and also knowing they have to grow up and start doing things themselves.. adn all that.. hope htis helps. and sorry if i repeated myself at all throughout this..

2007-01-06 06:07:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, that's a lot of questions. Lets see if I can help. Q1 A teenager is a person between the ages of 13 and 19. Q2 There are too many to list here. But some of the major changes are puberty, liking the opposite sex(hopefully), and the need to feel independent. Q3 Usually this means they are uncomfortable with themselves. Remember they are going through a lot of changes and may be embarrassed. Q4 Because the parents put rules in place for the teenagers safety and well being and they don't like being told what to do. Q5 Well the obvious ones would be jails or institutions. The homeless don't have many rules either. Q6 The teen has to want to get along. This is the only way. You can not force a teen to do anything. Q7 Teens face many more dangers nowadays. I have noticed more teen sexual activity, lack of parental support and guidance, and the prevalence of the pressures to drink and or drug. Q8 They really don't. They just want to FEEL like they are independent. It is part of growing up. Teens a very fickle beings. They are hard to love at times, but you just have to persevere. Take the time to talk to your teen and instill in them good values and let them learn from your mistakes. Share your teen years with them. Let them know that you have been through the same situations and how you handled them. Good luck and happy parenting.

2007-01-06 05:40:32 · answer #2 · answered by Rick R 4 · 0 0

Well, I'm not from Ontario, but there shouldn't be too much of a difference between the provinces. :P - School starts at about 8:00-9:00 and ends 3:00-3:30. Most school don't have recess, but lunch should start anywhere from 11:30 to 1:00. - The work isn't that bad if you study and do your homework. Some courses are harder than others, obviously, and if you do IB or AP courses it will be harder. You shouldn't have any problems if you work hard. - Band/sports practice, club meetings, hang out with friends, do homework, go to a part-time job... Those are what most people in my school do. - There are a lot where I live... but my province has a reputation for drinking and partying a lot. :P I have no idea about Ontario... it should be the same amount as anywhere else? - Not really. There are the athletic people, the gamers, the partiers, but mostly everyone talks to everyone else. I think that's probably because my school is small, with only about 150 people in my grade. - My school isn't strict at all. We have a lot of fun activities, assemblies and stuff. If you go to a private school, it'll probably be much stricter. Have fun in Canada! Also, everyone will be in love with your accent when you come here haha.

2016-05-22 23:16:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Teenagers are just a level between child and adult.They are ha;lf kid and half adult minded.In other words they have a confussing situation with in themself.So, Its a critical time in their life for choices and guidance.
They dont understand the world so thats why they are against alot of it.They look at rules as a sentance because even though they want to be adults they still want the benefit of living free like when you were a kid.They are not yet experienced in the world with jobs,expenses and resposability so they only understand where they came from and in most times only want to see the benefits of being an adult, not the sides of it that take work and regamine.
The best thing a parent can do to help guide their kid is to not sugar coat their worlds anymore.Give them gradual responsability and start to make them deal with the world in consiquence.Meaning if they get a speeding ticket, make them pay it themself.Its good to expect them to get a job even with school and expect them to save some of it and also make them pay for their car insurance and gas.Getting them involved into adulthood gradually will help them to take it all in stride and adjust better.Dont give them the world then one day send them off into it blind.
Also, spend time talking to them about real life and pick their brains for their ideas and feelings.This will help them to know you are there for them not against them.Be firm but consistant and reasonable and they will learn to do the same with their own life.
Being a teenager is a challenge but only bad if not given the right advise and tools to develop into a possitive member of society.
Hope this helps!

2007-01-06 05:41:49 · answer #4 · answered by vmaxer85 4 · 0 0

It would take to long to answer all of that but I am a teenager and us teenagers just go through a lot of stress, some adults just don't realize that, that's one of the reasons why i fight with my parents but I really try not to. Its stress from school, getting good grades, friends, boy/girl friends, and many more things.

2007-01-06 05:40:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Teenagers are restless.Its time for them to start growing up ,but they still want to play.You know that Brittany Spears song"Not a girl,not yet a woman"?That pretty much sums it up.They fight with parents because they are individuals trying to make their own decisions,but they havent lived enough to know what the parents do,that the decision isnt the best one.So they butt heads.Harmones have something to do with it too.When harmones start,its like your mind and body go in different directions.

2007-01-14 01:15:47 · answer #6 · answered by GranGran 2 · 0 0

Teens are going through life altering things....deciding where they fit in, what they want to be, how they are going to do and with that all the pressures of just wanting to be themselves and not caving into peer pressure at the same time.
Emotions are like a roller coaster...up and down and up and down...always changing around every corner...and for no reason just the ride.... No there is a reason but to have them take the time to explain would dampen their schedule....:O) and slow them down...the only time they do slow down is on a Saturday or Sunday morning and its 11:00 am and they are still sleeping and want to sleep longer if at all possible.
For a teen to get along with their parents its really a simple task...respect, listen and learn. Treat your parents as you wish to be treated.
Difficulties that teens are faced with ....sex, drugs and again the pressure to fit in....I keep telling my kids ...Be yourself don't change just to be liked...when youre Fake...your life will only get more confusing trying to be someone youre not. You'll loose out in the end....

Independent....that just natural ...just like the cirlce of life....every animal or being....thinks its time for them to fly...however not before all the teaching is done.....morals, integrity, being honest, having compassion....parents are there to guide and help...Not to judge and keep you down....When given a chance...parents can be helpful.(thats our job)

We tell our children.....your only job until you grow up and move on is to be yourself, respect others(Meaning Parents as well), do well in school and keep your room clean.

Best wishes....

2007-01-06 05:45:45 · answer #7 · answered by travelingirl005 5 · 0 0

Being a teenagers is one of lives most complicating staged of life. There's peer pressure, the love-n-hate relationship with your parents, belonging to a "group", staying in school and/or finding a job. Take it one day ay a time. It's a learning experience. Nobody can give the answers. Only you can make your decisions. Welcome to life.

2007-01-06 05:35:33 · answer #8 · answered by rspheart 4 · 0 0

I'm a teenager. Hormones. They sometimes can't think straight.They fight because of their hormones, you get annoyed easily. You get grounded or sent to jail. They can count to 10. Bf/gf. Because as a teen, you feel that you should be the boss.

2007-01-13 06:57:26 · answer #9 · answered by Sexy Lilian B 2 · 0 0

You go through a lot of stress and you don't know what to do. Sometimes it's best to talk to your parents. Also your always like out with your friends well at least i am!

2007-01-13 06:47:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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