2007-01-06 04:36:24
answer #1
answered by balderarrow 5
no the U,N, is not our enemy, and they do disagree with us on some issues and I feel some are justified , maybe more if I knew exactly all of the details, where most of the problems come in for the U,S, from the U,N, is our unconditional support of Israel, and so is the entire world against us mainly for that one reason,I have talked to people from different country's who constantly ask me why we support Israel , when they have been so wicked, as they thought America was the one country they could look to for fairness, and yes there has been major corruption in the U,N, but, look who we had as the General who ran it, I think we will see a great difference in the UN, now that we have what I think and hope is a good honest man to run it , the U,N, is no different than any other business or country, if you have crooks and thieves running it ,how can it be good or successful or decent? lets just pray this new man from South Korea is a good and honorable man?time will tell. People tend to forget America who has veto power in the U,N the U,S, , has vetoed many things the U,N, has contemplated doing , but, the U,N, always gets blamed..
2007-01-06 05:05:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you want an end to freedom and human rights you must first get rid of the only mechanism left in the world besides the A.C.L.U.and that is the U.N. .Once you bash these groups with enough disinformation from the controlled government press and media outlets ,controlling the populations of the world will be easy .
You have to look at the United States and its undeniable role in shaping the world and its human rights violations .
A prime example is how residents of a community where prevented at gun point from reaching safety after Katrina .
To Cross a bridge to safety was prevented by a group of machine gun wheeling white police officers who violated the rights of thousands of Americans to cross a bridge to safety .NO guarantees that rising flood waters would not of drowned thousands existed at the time the bridge was closed by local authorities in violation of the law .
Now this is just one example of human rights violations and mentioning the color of those held from crossing the bridge is irrelevant to the bigger picture of violations of the constitution and a change in Americas freedoms . We are no longer free to communicate in private ,our mail can be opened our phones tapped our freedoms denied at gun point and nothing is done about this . Where was the press .Well in the pocket of the government doing its best to spin the story so it does not look as bad as it is .
The United States government is systematically eroding our freedoms in an effort to prevent us from rebelling against the methodical take over off the world .
2007-01-06 04:58:56
answer #3
answered by -----JAFO---- 4
No the U.N. is not the enemy of the U.S.Take a look at your own history.Who supplied finance,arms and training for the Taliban and Saddam Hussein to become these terror regimes the U.S.A.The biggest problem i see to World peace is your own country because your whole economy is based on war.Your own leaders are making money from the blood of the youth of your country and trying to blame someone else.In this war of lies there is only one winner[terrorism].So is the U.S.A.the enemy of the World.
2007-01-06 05:34:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
no. they don't always agree with the US,but it is ridiculous to label the UN an enemy. you can not expect all the counties that are members of the UN to always agree with the US. nor can we declare that any country that disagrees with the US is our enemy. it is hard to get 6 people together that can agree on what to get on a pizza.
while i'm glad you did respond to my question,you can't condemn the UN as a whole,or annan, for the acts of a few or the acts of a member state.
2007-01-06 04:45:50
answer #5
answered by kissmy 4
The UN sucks big time. We need to put all them on a long boat back where they came from. There is so much corruption there that they should all be hanged. I vote we get rid of the united nations .We can can run our country just fine with out there likes.And not to forget all the money us tax payers give to support there worthless leftest actions.Stand up Americans
2007-01-06 04:38:20
answer #6
answered by xlhdrider 4
The UN is the enemy. A bunch or rinky-dink countries get together and think their opinion should determine what we do? Only the liberals (notice I did not say Democrats) want us to subjugate ourselves to this idiocy. Our sovereignty must be protected -- not mocked with the "one world" ideology.
2007-01-06 04:38:30
answer #7
answered by Git r' done 2
Yes it does. They want to the ability to tax the American citizens. They will not enforce any resolution they pass and complain when the U.S. does. Enemies of the U.S. are given privileges and praised as heroes.
2007-01-06 04:39:58
answer #8
answered by ♥ Tori ♥ 5
Name something good the un has done just 1 thing
2007-01-06 04:43:41
answer #9
answered by bob b 3
Helloooooooooooooooooo, The UN belongs to the USA. have you not noticed???
2007-01-06 05:36:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes according to their actions
2007-01-06 04:43:14
answer #11
answered by Anonymous