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1- Agricultural lands all around the world are getting smaller, productivity of these agricultural fields are increasingly decreasing.
2- Energy sources from oil to coal are coming to their endings. All powerful countries needing energy
3- According to last issues of United Nations released a few months ago, water shortage all around the world is imminent in fifty years. For example, in Turkey where there are a lot of water sources/wells, water rate in its dams is much less than ever.
4- Meanwhile, population of the world is growing rapidly; this booming brings a suck of problems with itself from food shortage to pollution.
5- Global warming also is another phenomenon. According to the numbers, the world encountered one of the highest temperature rates in year 2006.
6- And the world itself physically and chemically is getting older.

What is the possibility of breaking out a THIRD world war?

Thank you

2007-01-06 04:21:07 · 9 answers · asked by olo 1 in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

This is one of the most serious quesitons I have faced in yahoo! answers. Before answering, I want to thank you who put such important issues on the agenda. I think we all think about these matters.
I don't want to give a long long answer. The core solution is that all countries from most developed to developing ones must work on these problems around a table and act collectively.

2007-01-06 04:29:27 · answer #1 · answered by can 2 · 1 3

1. Not true. Agricultural output has been increasing for the last 70 years per acre of land.

2. Not true. The US has enough coal for our energy needs for something like 500 years. The world has at least 50 years of easy to extract and easy to refine oil. After that we have hundreds of more years of less easily extracted and less easy easily refined oil. The tar sands in Canada can supply the world's oil needs for another hundred years alone.

3. Don't know.

4. We've been hearing this alarmism since the 60's. In the 1960's, many believed there would be worldwide famines in the 80s because the world couldn't handle that many people. Never happened! In fact, worldwide hunger has been going down. Read The Population Bomb by Paul Erlich if you really want to see how wrong they were.

5. The world has been cooling since 1998, not warming. At least 4 times in the last century, we've been warned about global cooling, then warming, then cooling again, and now warming again. As far as I can find, the 2006 official world temperature readings have not been issued yet.

6. Yes, the world is getting older. That happens with everything. It's due to a physical law of the universe called "time". No amount of legislation, taxation or gov't programs can do anything about it. What do you mean chemically older?

Look, since the 1800's, and maybe before it, people have been predicting doom. We were supposed to run out of oil many times by now. Funny thing, they keep finding more of the stuff! Billions were supposed to die of famine. The environment was supposed to collapse because of all the people, but it never happens. The world is supposed to get cooler, no I mean hotter, no I meant cooler, no really I meant hotter.

The problem with all these predictions is they assume everything else stays static. No more oil will ever be discovered. New farming techniques won't be developed, etc.

Stop worrying about all the doomsayers and just go on and live a productive life. Nature and man is far more resilient then you give them credit for.

2007-01-06 12:35:34 · answer #2 · answered by Uncle Pennybags 7 · 0 1

I, too, would like to say, thanks for a thoughtful question. These are real worries and I truly hope people will work toward solving these problems. I just saw an article that Sweden has made an astounding pledge to phase out fossil fuel use by 2020.

Keep reading and voting!

2007-01-06 12:43:34 · answer #3 · answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6 · 0 0

Unlike the other two idiots that have answered this,you seem genuinely concerned about these issues, which happen to all be true.(unless your republican) Instead of crying about it you, and everyone else of your generation needs to become proactive about these issues or you may not have anywhere to live or anything to eat! VOTE!!! And vote for the people who share your beliefs! Stop putting greedy warmongers in office and take back your country. It's up to you guys to fix this deal.

2007-01-06 12:34:24 · answer #4 · answered by rick m 3 · 2 2

here`s a comment that`s not so sarcastic.i have the same concerns,but everyone should be doing their part to help the earth like recycling etc.the likelyhood of ww3 is sadly very probable.i just have faith in myself and god that mankind will find an answer to most of our problems

2007-01-06 12:32:12 · answer #5 · answered by lily 4 · 1 1

Ask Iran,
They're the ones who are talking about blowing up the world ,so they can take over.
How they'll do that is a question as they'll all glow in the dark.

2007-01-06 12:27:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

For cryin' out loud, go have a drink and watch the sunset!

When's the last time you got laid?!

2007-01-06 12:27:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Go hug a tree!

2007-01-06 12:23:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You believe in aliens too, don't you?

2007-01-06 12:24:06 · answer #9 · answered by Abu 5 · 2 0

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