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My wife senses earthquakes before they occur. She is able to predict a few days in advance nearly accurately when earthquake would occur and at what intensity. She experiences severe dizziness or numbness in different parts of her body before sensing the impending earthquake. She feels that her different body parts denote different regions of the world likely to be affected by earthquake, like dizziness in her head could mean earthquake in Eastern Europe or numbness in limbs a different region. But she is unable to pinpoint the area and time that the earthquake would strike. She is greatly moved by the pathetic conditions of the people affected by earthquake. She feels that the victims could have been forewarned and saved of their misery, if she was in a position to predict accurately the day, time and area the earthquake would strike. Could anyone explain her experience (i.e. is it 6th sense?) and advise how to train her self to predict precisely and forewarn authorities.

2007-01-06 03:35:10 · 11 answers · asked by Vishu 1 in Science & Mathematics Earth Sciences & Geology

11 answers

i know an old man who accurately predicts earthquakes by watching the clouds. He can pinpoint exactly the epicenter and magnitude, but he does it by watching the signs nature gives us.
Dogs and birds have been known to predict earthquakes, so maybe your wife has this same sense developed.
I couldn't tell how to help her be more accurate, tho, but i assume there might be more ppl like her in the world, so why not ask around the net, the USGS or maybe even a psychic?

2007-01-06 03:50:19 · answer #1 · answered by MICHAEL G 2 · 2 1

There can not be any scientific proof for your wife observation. You can make a record of her prediction and inform to the local media and compare with the real one. It is possible for some sensitive person to observe the earth shaking before the normal people feels it. This may be just a week before. But it is not at all possible to find the intensity and location by her sensing. When people never took care to find out the fact of my claim that I issued the warning to local T.V.Stations 2 hours before Tsunami struck our Indian coast how can you convince the seismologist. I think forget about your prediction. It will do more harm than good to the society. About 3 months back a professor in the geological department issued the warning of earthquake to the people of Assam in India. But his prediction failed. There are so many factors affecting and helping the prediction. We have not yet developed any fool proof method so far to predict the occurrence of earthquake in a proper way. That is why I am working on reliable early warning equipment for earthquakes. It has proved its capability on 5 occasions including on the day of Tsunami. My equipment can be manufactured just for U.S. $20. Our Government is spending millions of dollars for mitigation. But failed to find the truth of my claims.

2007-01-06 19:17:51 · answer #2 · answered by A.Ganapathy India 7 · 3 0

I don't know about earthquakes but my grandmother had a dog one time and she started acting crazy and running around the house and following me around and wouldn't leave me alone. I was going outside and the sky was looking very scary and there was a tornado swirling ahead and coming down ready to touch ground. I ran towards the house and into the basement with the dog right behind me and right before the tornado went by the house she threw up all over the basement floor! I think she knew something was wrong so I believe they have a sixth sense. You also hear all the time about people watching their dogs act like they see something that you don't see and believe they can also see ghosts.

2016-03-14 02:21:22 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia 4 · 0 0

I know that a lot of animals, specially elephants , were forewarned of the recent sunami in Indonesia.Scientists claim thay the sole of their feet contain a high density of pressure sensory organs(pacinian corpuscles) to explain their advanced warning.
There is actually a medical condition known as barometric knee.In fact it is a degenerative disease (OA) of the knee that end up having tiny air cysts in the bone . These respond to changes in atmospheric pressures by varying degrees of pain. The patient ,with time ,learns to predict the weather.
In the relatively recent earthquake inTurkey it was very well observed that ,suddenly and unexpectedly, dogs were refusing to go indoors for 2-3 days and nights before the devastation. It was interpreted that they had advance warning of the impending disaster.

To come back to the wife's prediction I feel she should get in touch with a meteorological body to interprete her forcasting abilities which may be well explained scientifically.

Good Luck

2007-01-06 07:12:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Her condition is not connected with Earthquakes. They happen so often around the world (big and small) she would be dizzy and numb 24/7 if that were the case. If she is having dizzy spells and numbness, this may be due to her bloodpressure and if not careful, could let to anuerisms, stroke or heart attack.

If I were you, I'd stop worrying about superstition and have your wife checked out at a doctor's office.

2007-01-06 03:41:44 · answer #5 · answered by hopelessmagic 3 · 5 0

First obstacle, no one would believe her. It is kind of like the Tsunami warnings, might be big might be a 6 inch increase in the tide it is not an exact science. Unless she gets really good at being exact she will never be able to help them all. Pray for discernment and hopefully her ability will become more precise.

2007-01-06 04:15:01 · answer #6 · answered by Serenayowlerlove 3 · 0 1

Maybe your wife should contact the National Hurricane Center or some other National weather center. Maybe they would listen and take her seriously. Tell her to keep calling different agencies until someone believes her. Also, tell her to call different newspapers to speak to reporters--maybe if she gets attention from the press that will help. But tell her that she should not feel guilty if no one takes her seriously. Its not her fault as these things are in God's hands.

2007-01-06 03:45:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Since there are hundreds and often thousands of earthquakes a day she must be in constant pain!!!!!

Dream on!

2007-01-06 09:15:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I too know of s/one who can predict rain and hailstorms!
Most living things are affected by natures moods but few are sensitive enough !!!

2007-01-06 03:55:49 · answer #9 · answered by Shemit 6 · 1 1

OMG she must be a lizard woman! All Hail Godzillas future wife!

2007-01-06 03:37:13 · answer #10 · answered by melvinbenjamin 3 · 1 3

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