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If I'm not mistaken, I think evolution says life started from a big bang of some base materials. I take life to mean existence. What then is the source of those base materials which make up some form of existence as well, even if not conscious existence

2007-01-06 02:27:10 · 11 answers · asked by Bolu 2 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

11 answers

It does. But whether or not it's the right answer is unknown (and probably unknowable). The answers evolution provides don't have anything to do with the Big Bang though - that's an explanation for the beginning of the universe, totally different from the beginning of life.

Some evolutionary theories postulate that "life" began when the first self-replicating molecules came into existence. (They say that the basic tenent of "life" is a thing's ability to create a copy of itself, hence self-replicating.) Some perspective is needed though, since this type of "life" (and the reason for quotation marks) is nothing like the living, breathing organisms we think of today as alive. Plants and animals today are the result of billions of years of evolution, according to the theory. The first "living" things were probably made up of no more than a few molecules for the first few billion years, eventually evolving into single-celled organisms like bacteria & yeast after another few billion years. This is the existence you refer to. Conscious existence, coming from organisms with a brain, presumably, didn't come about until just recently, a miniscule fraction of the time that "life" or simple existence has been around. (Again, perspective is needed - recently here is probably a few hundred million years ago, but compared to billions of years it's a small amount of time).

But getting back to the beginning, how could a non-living, non-thinking thing purposely create a copy of itself? There are many theories as to how this happened too. Many of them start with carbon, itself a non-living basic element, but also the chemical base of all living things. Try the source listed below or any other books on the origins of life published by credible biologists/chemists/scientists.

2007-01-06 03:04:13 · answer #1 · answered by POV 1 · 0 1

I am afraid you are mistaken. Evolution does not mention the big bang in any way. Evolution deals with the changing of one life form into another.

You refer to the Big Bang theory, which is widely misunderstood. Unfortunately noone will be able to answer your question because noone knows, as the physics before the universe was 10^(-10) seconds old is unknown and the understanding of this area of physics is at the forefront of Cosmolgy. What we do know is that Quarks and a load of Radiation were created, which due to the cooling down process of the universe, became more complex particles and then later atoms, which make up most today's matter dominated universe.

A question for hothorserider101...... What created God?

2007-01-06 05:51:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, this is a very big question that has many answers. Personally, I disbelieve the big bang greatly. I am a christian. I believe my lord and savior created this earth. Scientists are trying to prove that the earth was created by a tiny particle that kept on growing and made other particles to form atoms. Eventually, there were so many that they formed a big bang, which created the earth. But there are so many errors in this hypothesis. For instance, where did the original particle come from? Obviously, there had to be a creator. Which I would hope that you believe as well, God made this earth. So, from what I understand, you are questioning the theory. And you are exactly right. What is the source of the base materials which make up the earth? One answer, God.

2007-01-06 03:14:32 · answer #3 · answered by Hothorsebackrider101 1 · 0 2

Evolution deals with life not the origin of the universe, so it does not go back as far as the big bang.

However, it is astonishingly successful at explaining the origins of life right back to the original "primordeal soup" - ie to the stage when the Earth was a lifeless mass of chemicals.

Geology - especially paleogeology - does an astonishingly good job of explaining where all the materials necessary for life originated. Though there is a question still about where we got all our water.

2007-01-06 02:53:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

it incredibly is an marvelous factor and greater of the creationist might desire to attempt to comprehend that one and all distinctive theories are only that. distinctive medical Theories that have been shown to be actual. unlike their mythological "concept" which isn't even close to being shown or genuine in any way. around logic isn't data. clever layout isn't an thought: "One requirement of technological understanding is that it makes particular predictions, which could be examined in a laboratory." states geologist Robert Hazen "yet another requirement is that it would not remember on supernatural or remarkable tactics." the commonplace case that clever layout promotes is that existence and the universe have platforms that are so complicated that they might basically be defined with the aid of a author. The very essence of that concept is thoroughly un-testable. the only try that stands up is that if we can't clarify complicated platforms scientifically then they might desire to have been designed with the aid of some sort of intelligence. If it became designed with the aid of "a author" a single being or entity; no remember if that be God, an Alien or the huge Spaghetti Monster then we are left without sorting out. The implied protocol for sorting out is to offer up and stop studying because of the fact the solutions to the question are to puzzling to describe. The coaching of (un)clever layout is criminal and depraved in it is reason. The minds of our young toddlers and the qulaity of their guidance is being compromised for the internal maximum income of a few non secular zealots that are actually not to any extent further than the Taliban. The Talibabtists have have been given to comprehend that their faith and our public colleges are 2 serperate enties and might desire to stay so if our u . s . is to stay reliable and compettitive interior the international economic equipment of the following day. in the event that they get their way we can be decreased to a third international u . s . in a remember of a few a protracted time.

2016-10-30 04:00:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cosmology addresses the state of the universe (not the origin), tracing it back to a superhot, superdense blob of (we don't know the shape) of energy at a time point shortly after its origin. This enormous energy became the matter in the universe.

Evolution addresses the the changes once life on Earth (since we haven't found life elsewhere) after it arose. There are numerous hypotheses regarding the origin of life, but to date, no means of testing them has been elucidated.

2007-01-06 05:09:37 · answer #6 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 0

WOULD NOT SAY EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. But it explains how live evolves from the original beings to the beings living now> Life started not at he big bang but it took about 380000 years to build the first atoms and about one billion year to have the first galaxies and only after the solar system arose life began ... on earth

2007-01-06 02:36:55 · answer #7 · answered by maussy 7 · 0 0

Evolution Theory says NOTHING (nor does it claim to) about the "origin of life", it just explains the diversity of life forms and how they all came to be the way they are today.

2007-01-06 03:38:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are far too many loopholes in this theory and therefore it is far from a law or fact in science.

2007-01-06 03:32:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Evolution does NOT deal with the origin of life, only what happened to it afterwards.

2007-01-06 02:29:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

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