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i dont want to get fat... and weaken my bones that will cause asteoporosis..... i needed to know if there is something else

2007-01-06 01:51:24 · 20 answers · asked by farida f 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

20 answers

Get sterilized, kids are a pain in the rear! Only joking, i would say Condoms, which have 2 uses and you can always try different pills, everyone is different and the pill as different side effects.. I was lucky and didn't gain weight on the pill nor did i gain weight when i was sterilized, sometimes i think that these things are blamed for weight gain!!! The side effects of the pill, only effect a small percentage off people!!!

2007-01-06 01:56:16 · answer #1 · answered by anney 4 · 1 0

WOW! I'm surprised so many people are willing to just not have sex! That's great, I suppose. But it wouldn't be so easy for me, or for my husband.

First of all, there are methods with hormones and those without.

Without hormones -- None of these will make you gain weight, give you headaches, osteoporosis, hair loss, moodiness, or any of the other possible hormonal side effects.
1. Condoms, which are quite good if used carefully, correctly, and every time. It's the only method which can protect you from STDs
2. Diaphragm -- hardly anyone uses this anymore because there are so many other choices; It's a rubber disc you insert into your vagina, to cover your cervix every time you have sex. You HAVE to insert it correctly, so it has a higher failure rate. (But I used it for 10 years without a mishap). It's also a slippery mess, I might add.
3. Cervical Cap -- similar; and not many clinicians know how to insert it these days
4. Paragard IUD -- No hormones, and as reliable as depo or the pill. It's inserted into the uterus by a trained clinician, and can be left there for up to 10 years. Some women experience increased menstrual flow, and cramping. Not everyone -- many women don't even notice it's there.
5. VCF -- vaginal contraceptive film; this is not so effective on it's own; it's great to use it with a condom, as a back-up againse leakage

Now, hormonal methods
1. Oral contraceptive pills -- average weight gain is about 5 pounds; if you gain much more than that, it's probably not the pill. You have to be able to remember to take it every day. It's makes your periods very regular, with a lighter flow, which many women like.
2. Depo provera -- the shot. This is the method which causes the most weight gain. But not everyone gains wieght. If you exercise and are careful with your diet, you may not. This method also affects the ability of your bones to hold onto calcium -- but it only has a negative effect if you use it for more than 2 years.
3. The patch -- You put on a new one every week. Some people gain a little weight, not much. Probably less that with the pill, even.
4. Nuvaring -- You put this in your vagina, and leave it there for 3 weeks. It's soft and flexible, not uncomfortable. It does not have to be placed in any exact spot, so it's easy to use. Supposedly, it does not cause weight gain. Because the hormones are absorbed through the vaginal tissues, it doesn't have a lot of systemic side effects. Nuvaring is becoming more and more popular. Many women love it.
5. Mirena IUD -- This IUD has the hormone progesterone in it. The hormone has a local effect on the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It should not cause weight gain or other systemic effects. It is good for 5 years. It sometimes causes irregular bleeding in the first few months, then eventually almost no periods at all.
6. Plan B -- It's so important to know about this one. It's 'the morning after pill' also called Emergency Contraception. It shouldn't be your only method, but if you have a lapse in judgement, or the condom breaks, or you missed some pills, WHATEVER --- You can take this up to 5 days afterwards, and it's about 85% effective in preventing pregnancy. The sooner the better, though. It does not cause an abortion if you are already pregnant.

Those are the main ones that I can think of.
Sorry this is so long, but I hope it was helpful.

2007-01-06 02:30:43 · answer #2 · answered by who me? 5 · 0 0

Mirena IUD. This does not prevent against sexually transmitted diseases. The use of an additional condom would prevent both pregnancy and STD's. Mirena is inserted by your gynecologist or doctor during a routine office visit. This does not take very long but is considered a minor surgical procedure. This only causes slight, temporary, cramping upon insertion. Almost like getting a Pap smear. You should not feel this or notice this after a day or two unless this slips out of place which is not that common I do not think. This will last for up to five years and you will only pay a one time fee of $500.00 or just over. Most medical insurances will cover this fee or most of this fee. This seems expensive but it is not over a course of five years. Also, you can have this removed at any time by your doctor and this will not effect your fertility once removed. You do not have to worry about remembering your birth control on a routine basis. It is not known to make you gain weight.

2007-01-06 02:09:12 · answer #3 · answered by Justme 3 · 0 0

The best birth control varies from person to person.... I can only tell you my expierences and give my opinion...
I was on DepoProvera for about six months. I didnt have any side effects until my second dose (one dose every 3 months). I became really sensitive to the sun and being in Florida at the time meant Migrains on a daily basis. I never gained any weight, in fact I lost weight b/c I didnt have the urge to munch all day (one side effect taht was rare but I loved having!).. .The worst was my mood. This stuff made me psychotic! Literally. After a few trips to the mental ward.. I decided to get off of it and I'm doing 200%better. This doesnt happen to everyone, but if you do get mood swings around your period and get emotional or "fiesty" as i Like to say.. veer away from this! Also after I quit taking Depo I didnt have a period for about 6 months. Not healthy, you need to have a period at least 4 times a year. Depo also dried me out.
The next kind I tried was the patch. It didnt stick well, but thats because i screwed up putting it on. The second one that I put on stuck really well. I didnt like that the edges of the patch become the lint collector of your body.. made it really noticeable. Also I discovered that I'm allergic to the patch.. that was a fun discovery- if you have sensitive skin... stay away from this one. The major risk with the patch is the higher dose of estrogen which significantly increases your chance for blood clots- consult your doctor!!
The NEXT thing I tried was the Nuva Ring. I am still on this. Its a plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina much like a tampon. Like a tampon you shouldnt feel it. Your partner may feel it, but most guys dont even notice it. The ring is changed out every month. I havent had any side effects from it as of yet. Be sure your hands are clean when you insert it or you may give yourself a yeast infection- especially if you are prone to them!

I never tried the pill because I Knew I would forget to take it. Other things were just too much of a hassel or were not available to me b/c I havent had children yet (IUD).

2007-01-06 02:03:40 · answer #4 · answered by Ky 2 · 0 0

Besides the obvious (not having sex), look for birth control with low doses of hormones. Use the web for a list of these (search yahoo for "birth control options" and take a look around).

Orthotricyclin (spelling?) Low & the NuvaRing are two off the top of my head.

Also, taking birth control doesn't necessarily mean you'll gain weight. Birth control has changed a lot in the last 10-15 years.

By the way, I use the NuvaRing and it's also hassle-free. Insert it for 3 weeks, take it out for one. Ya don't have to remember to take a pill each day at the same time.

Good luck!

2007-01-06 01:58:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is no direct answer to your question. There are so many methods available for it not only the pills. It also depends on your life-style, social values, social norms and values of the society where you live and most importantly on your likes and dislikes and your set of thinking as you just mentioned i.e. being fat or obese. Not everyone suffers from obesity by taking OCPs. Although, majority may have this.
If you are scared of taking pills, then you can use " Diaphragm" a device which fits on the mouth of uterus and not allow the sperm to ascend. There are injections available to use if you find tablets on regular basis. There are Copper Ts to be placed in uterus to render it unsuitable for conception. But it may cause sensitivity reaction in some cases.
There are "female condoms" available now to use if you can get few ones.
In short, it all depends on your likes and dislikes. Better if you contact your health care provider to discuss it in detail and what are your fears and what you want.
Pills do not cause " Osteoporosis". It is the lack of estrogen in old age after menopause which may lead to this. Not pills.
Hormonal treatment is getting controversial now. Pills are also associated with some increased chances of ovarian cancer. So please consult your physician and especially if you have some family member who had breast, ovarian or uterine cancer.

2007-01-06 02:26:26 · answer #6 · answered by Dr. Hashmi 2 · 0 0

Well everyone is differant, and birth control effects them in differant ways, talk to your doctor about what would work best for you, I do happen to know that the Depo Vera ( SP?) shot causes weight gain, I recently started usuing the Nuva Ring, and its great, i found it has a lot less side effects as apposed to the other forms and brand of pills I have tried in the past.. Hope this helps

2007-01-06 02:34:48 · answer #7 · answered by *STAR* 3 · 0 0

Abstinence (what a novel idea!)

or else a combination of barrier methods with one spermicidal, combined with paying attention to what time of month it is. In other words, have back-ups for the back-ups if you're not on the pill.

None of the above causes weight gain or osteoporosis.

2007-01-06 01:58:10 · answer #8 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 1 0

A diaphragm. You inset it yourself (Dr teaches you how) before sex. And take it out after, its used in junction with spermicide. It can be left it up to 24 hours I think. Its not as weired as it seams and neither person can feel it if its put in right!

2007-01-06 02:05:26 · answer #9 · answered by angelmwilson 5 · 0 0

taking the pill is one of the safest things but you might gain weigh..etc....
Condoms are also safe but you gotta know nothing protects you 100%! Make sure you´d be able to care for a kid.

2007-01-06 01:58:23 · answer #10 · answered by Carrie 2 · 0 1

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