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Becuase technically, their has never been a true communist goverment. Countries have attempted to be a communist, but they all resulted in somone taking power over the goverment, and so it becomes a dictatorship. So we don't really know if the communist party really works or not. So when people mention communism, and say its a bad form of goverment. How do they Know??

2007-01-06 01:42:55 · 14 answers · asked by smileshuey 2 in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

Because pure communism relies upon the utpoian idea that everyone will always be honest and get along and treat one another fairly, and that governments will not abuse power.

Communism is a theory which would eliminate all hunger and poverty and end all inequality and labor inequities.

I have a theory which will will end world hunger: everyone becomes a farmer and produces more than they need. I call it "agrarianism".

I have a theory which will end disease: Everyone lives in an isolation suit. I call it "andromeda strain".

I have a theory which will end all rape. It's called "mass castration".

I have a theory which will eliminate all forms of murder: All we have to do is destroy all the weapons and sing songs about peace.

This is just as valid a theory as communism solving world hunger and poverty. It's idealistic, it can never be implemented, and it would never, ever work. People are not perfect and there will always be a corrupt and criminal or even incompetent government or system in charge, and the general populace will never become civilized to the point where everyone will be happy with receiving equal reward for unequal effort.

First, you need a perfect and completely non-corrupt government which will never abuse the absolute authority it is given over the rights of all the people, the general property, and it's neutrality on labor and shortage disputes and so forth. Because since the entire economy and people's basic right to property now reside within the grip of a fascist government, any corruption which takes place will be on a massive scale.

Second, everyone must relinquish all property. Mansions and expensive condominiums must be torn down, because we cannot have residential inequality. Otherwise, everyone gets a huge mansion, which is unsustainable.

Third, no more luxury items. Since not everyone can own a yacht, that means no one can.

Fourth, everyone must eat the same diet. Because there is not enough expensive meat and exotic food to go around, claims that certain laborers are given preferential treatment eliminate the ability to eat rare foods. So it's grain for everyone.

Fifth, because the disabled person earns as much as a productive person, it also makes sense that a working but non-productive person earns the same as a very productive person. Therefore, the lazy will now drain the economy worse than any welfare state in history. Since you can't force people to work (that's called slavery, and it was abolished for a reason) we now have a much lower gross industrial product. That means less food and essential items like medicine.

Sixth, doctors now earn what janitors earn. There is no reason to go through 8 or 12 years of schooling and study very hard.

Seventh, everyone can now afford all the elective medical treatment they want. Which means doctors will now be treating ten times as many patients for one tenth of the salary. Which means all the competent people will become disgusted and leave the medical profession. This is why leaders of communist countries come to the United States for surgery.

Jobs like septic tank repair go unfilled, because no one wants to deal with raw sewage all day for the same price as any other job.

The list goes on and on. Idealistic visions of a perfect world will NEVER EVER come true. Human beings are not mindless zombies which will all conform to a touchy feely futuristic utopia which cannot sustain itself and is inherently unjust.

Treating everyone the same is an injustice. A criminal is not the same as a working mother. A lazy bum is not the same as a doctor. An incompetent doctor is not the same as a competent one. Communism means everyone is always equal. That is an injustice, because people aren't equal, and will never be equal, and if by some fantasic reason we became so, through eugenics and killing of the handicapped and euthanizing the elderly, we would become an inhuman society.

2007-01-06 02:05:09 · answer #1 · answered by askthepizzaguy 4 · 1 0

Well ok here it is.

In communism everything is owned by the state which is supposed to be run by everyone but that just cannot be done so there ALWAYS has to be the statesmen which right there puts the hole in Communism's hull.

In Communism everyone is expected to work at their best effort and receive only what they need. Where the hell is the incentive to work hard? If you are gonna get the same as the person next to you why would you do 7 times the work they do? You wouldn't, so there is another bad flaw..it is based on fantasy not reality. might as well come up with forms of government based on people flying by telekinesis.

In the very nature of Communism there is no incentive or even protocol for innovation and research into new technology..they assume that at the end of capitalism all the technology we will need forever has been found

2007-01-06 09:59:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Communism is not a form of government in and of itself. It is actually an economic system which no one has ever been able to make work without a tyrannical government. The first answer is correct in that when people say communism doesn't work, they don't meant that it is a bad theory, they mean that in practice, in the real world, it doesn't work. It has been tried a number of times and has never worked on a large scale. However, it is important to note that many traditional native groups have economic systems that some economists call communist, paired with an anarchical governing system. (This is not an oxymoron, it means that the government is communal).

2007-01-06 10:39:28 · answer #3 · answered by magpie_queen 3 · 0 0

There is no "good" form of government, none work entirely perfect. Communism in all of it's incarnations has worked least well of all. Cicero said that the perfect world is easy to achieve, first you kill all the poets, because you cannot control their thinking. The communists tried that, but found that they had to kill so many others. By definition, "true" communism cannot work as a government, because all people are not equal. Some are smart, some stupid, some can write,some can sing etc. The only example I can give you for a "true" communist government is a story by Kurt Vonnegut called Harrison Bergeron. You really ought to read it.

2007-01-06 09:52:17 · answer #4 · answered by Sartoris 5 · 1 0

Because they are referring to the 'real world' communism, and not the 'ideal' communism you talk about.

The world has never seen a 'true communist society' or a 'true republic society' or a 'true democratic society', at least not on any large scale.

True communism, if it could remain pure and uncorrupted, would be a good system of government and society. However, it gets too easily corrupted by human beings. And communism leaves too little power to the masses for them to counteract the government corruption, unlike our American democratic republic.

2007-01-06 09:47:02 · answer #5 · answered by Devil Dog '73 4 · 1 0

The fact that is has never happened suggests that humans are both too competetive and too diverse in their abilities and ambitions to live in 100% equality and cooperation.

There are three types of people who think it would be a good thing;

1) Lazy people who want to have what everyone else has without a lot of effort

2) Very kind people who think more of the welfare of others than they do of themselves

3) Power-hungry people who would use the restrictive system to control the population.

2007-01-06 09:51:35 · answer #6 · answered by Linea 3 · 2 0

dont worry about it. most americans are stupid. fact is, communism is NOT a form of tyrannical government -- communism is an economic system that has been abused by the likes of the west, been turned into a boogey-man theory that has, yer right, never been actually tried.

much like "terrorists" of today, america uses terms like communism and terrorism to put fear in the people....and as we smart people know, that's called facism....facism is back, and america is proving it every day...

2007-01-06 10:03:33 · answer #7 · answered by dude s 2 · 1 0

due to ignorance, look at a small state of KERALA in south india, it had the first elected communist government in the fifties and subsequently several communist led governments and the development is phenomenal- as far as social justice, education, quality of life are concerned

2007-01-06 09:48:30 · answer #8 · answered by mpact 3 · 0 1

Do you know what a Communistic government would be like? I would say you do not.

2007-01-06 09:47:32 · answer #9 · answered by jtaylor 3 · 1 0

You answered your own question. Pure communism goes against human nature to suceed and paves the way for dictators.

2007-01-06 10:10:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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