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I'm interested to know what people thought of the Saddam execution video footage and why people thought it was murder and that he didn't deserve to die for the horrendous crimes that he had committed on humanity? And also why others thought that his execution was justified and right and that we had every right to watch. ALL OPINIONS WELCOME!

2007-01-06 01:37:20 · 24 answers · asked by LMac100 2 in News & Events Media & Journalism

24 answers

Most people seem to agree with him being hanged and that justice was done.

I think the reason there was such an angry response to the video was because the video footage the Iraqi govt released was quiet and dignified, but in reality he was being taunted and verbally abused. This inflamed his supporters and will not help with the already very volatile situation in Iraq.

2007-01-06 01:41:12 · answer #1 · answered by mini metro 6 · 2 0

I had no problems with the footage, he got a fair trial under Iraq's judicial system. His sentence was reviewed and then continued. I do think it shouldn't have been done on the morning of a Muslim festival, that will turn him into a martyr for his particular sect and Hussein is nobody's idea of any kind of a good man or a martry. He murdered people straight out and in wars and had no grief about it.

That being said , that's why there are no more public executions in North America because it enrages people on all sides of the issue. It shouldn't be a public spectacle, the people and guards around Hussein shouldn't have been spewing comments at him, no matter what they thought of him.They were there to do a job and not make public comment no matter how they felt.

The fact is that now supposedly some ten year old kid in Texas upon viewing it on the news tried hanging himself and did.

They're blaming the televised video of Saddam's hanging but more than likely the kid was trying the choking game and the parents don't want to think about that so how much easier it is to blame television and the Saddam hanging.

It's very sad the little boy died, but when I was ten I certainly didn't try to replicate everything I saw on tv and certainly not a hanging.

This will be the chance people will take to blame media for showing it and starting more revenge insurgency in Iraq.

I really hope they don't show us the other guys being hanged, just do it and tell us you did it but don't bother with the pictures. If people don't believe they're dead that's their personal problem.

2007-01-06 02:24:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

What was wrong with the footage, in my opinion, was that it was publisized in the first place. I am sure more people would agree that Saddam was going to be executed no matter what. His list of atrosities is long and someone had to pay the piper. But the Iraqi government is supposed to be US supported and the way in which it was carried out is contrary to how most western countries would have carried out an execution. Was it murder? No, not in my opinion. Was it poorly handled? Yes. Our country still carries out executions but the condemned are given a greater level of dignity. We generally do not hang people anymore (I think one state still does though), or have firing squads, stonings, burning at the stake, etc. We also do not put these executions on for public display. We also allow the condemned many more legal options in terms of appeals. Saddam's case was rushed and was just a circus from day one. He was charged with crimes against humanity. So was Milosevic yet he was not tried in a Bosnian or Serbian court. He was tried in The Hague. Saddam should have also been tried in an international court where the processes are more defined and established. I do not believe that Saddam could have ever gotten a fair trial in an Iraqi court. While he never gave any of his victims a fair trial, the point is, if the rest of the world is to ever respect the US, we need to lead by example. Our current examples have made us out to be a bunch of arrogant war-mongers.

2007-01-06 01:58:18 · answer #3 · answered by Scottee25 4 · 3 2

Setting aside the fact that I don't approve of Capitol punishment: No one has the right to turn a state execution into a circus for the amusement and the depraved desires of the mob. Such spectacles de-humanise and brutalise us. It will make us less sympathetic toward human suffering in future. Face it, 99.9% of the worlds population were not personally involved with Saddam in any way. So, there can be no justification for watching him die, other than morbid fascination. As we all know, it should not have been filmed, and right thinking people would agree with that. State executions, if they must take place, should be dignified, and respect the final moments of the condemned. Would you like to see the video of a member of your family being executed? If you personalise it, it makes you realise what you are saying.

Final point. Believing that Saddam should have been executed, does not mean that it should have been filmed for the benefit of voyeurs. These are entirely seperate issues. Civilisation, is a much thinner veneer that I first thought.


2007-01-06 03:24:20 · answer #4 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 1

I felt sorry for Saddam because he was another human being, and also because i think there are a lot more people who deserved the death sentence, why wasn't he given life in prison? or why wasn't he exiled? why was his execution carried out so promptly? why wasn't he given a fair trial? if this was a real trial for crimes against humanity, then he would have been tried in the Hague, just as other dictators have been tried in the past, instead his execution was all about the Americans scoring one on Iraq, it was all about George W. Bush getting his own back, because Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his dad, Bush couldn't enjoy Saddam's execution enough, Bush gave his final snub when, at the same time, during Saddam's final moments, when Saddam had that noose put around his neck, and was shouted at and being insulted, being called every crappy name to throw, -Bush was sound asleep in his Texas ranch, how arrogant can one be? Saddam Hussein showed more dignity in his final moments, then many of our own troops show, or any of our member's of government show. His last act was his dignity and his defiance, he acknowledged it was the end of his life and he accepted it, like a real man.

2007-01-06 02:34:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Nothing was wrong with that footage. Nothing was wrong with the way he was executed. Here's the thing...it doesn't matter if he was executed in that manner or another...people will find a way to talk about it, criticize it, and get their panties in a wad over it...no matter what! Those that criticize need to take a look another piece of footage. The one where children, men, and women are lying dead on the street - because of HIM. He got what he rightfully deserved. He brought that on himself. Anyone that says otherwise feels pity for him, and that's not right. Feel pity for the innocent people that had to die at his hands and on his orders.

2007-01-06 01:43:29 · answer #6 · answered by Beth 6 · 1 1

There was an official video and two done surreptiously with cell phones. That represents a breach of security at the very least.

Everyone, even the scum of the earth, deserves to die with dignity, and these individuals were taunting Saddam.

Saddam showed more class than his captors at that point, and that's hard to do.

2007-01-06 02:35:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am torn between Death and Sitting in a jail cell for life. To kill anyone is murder with or without the law on your side. That's why they use more than one person to push the "button". But to have a high profile person in jail for life is just asking for a "break out" attempt.

Now for the Video footage. It's wrong because the world is watching it like it's Saturday morning cartoons. They enjoy it. THAT"S WRONG.

2007-01-06 01:52:54 · answer #8 · answered by geartravis 1 · 1 1

Most people who think he deserved to die don't actually know the full facts, in other words they simply believe what the papers say and they don't bother to do any research. I'm not saying he was an hero or anything like. The one fact that came out of the execution was he died like a man, and did'nt retaliate to the childish banter from his executioners, who it would appear were chosen from a school playground.

2007-01-06 02:04:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

For the main area i'm against the dying penalty, besides the shown fact that Saddam, if in penal complex for existence might quicker or later be gotten out with the aid of his followers raiding the penal complex. He became considered one of those viscous guy that i think of he may well be back in ability if that occurred. If he thought he had it tough here, only look ahead to him to communicate with seventy two virgins:)

2016-10-30 03:58:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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