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I am 37 weeks pregnant, and beginning to get my bags ready for the hospital.. Anything that really helped you through labor?? I have read numerous checklists, but people with experience- what are some things that the checklists leave out?

2007-01-06 01:32:57 · 14 answers · asked by Miss Taryn 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

14 answers

usually the checklist have too much crap to bring. Most of it you probably won't use! My basic checklist:

+ pillow from home - it's nice to have a 'familiar smell' from home when you're trying to relax and get comfy!

+ camera/video camera -if you end up with a c-section they dont allow video cameras so if you want pics right 'after' the birth you need to bring in a regular camera.

+outfit for you to wear home -something comfy- probably a pair of your maternity pants- for some reason some women seem to think they'll fit into their "pre pregnancy" pants as soon as they have the baby

+outfit for the baby to go home with- otherwise the hospital provides onsies and blankets and hats for your baby during your stay.

+ a medium size box to have in the trunk- so when you leave your hubby or whoever can put all your vases with flowers you get in the box and they won't all tip over on the way home.

+ shampoo and conditioner and body wash/soap from home. Nothing beats the first shower after labor =) Also- hairbrush and hair ties or bobby pins or whatever.

+ Slippers and a robe and a pair of comfy pajamas. Just remember though- youre going to be bleeding a lot and also keep in mind if you are breastfeeding- so nothing too fancy- and if you plan on breastfeeding- i would bring a pair of nursing pajamas! they are soo nice to have- especially if you are planning on having lots of "company". Also a nursing bra!

+ don't forget to have babies car seat in the car and ready to go! =)

I can't really think of anything else- sorry if I'm forgetting anything. I wouldn't worry about bringing books for labor or whatever- during labor you aren't going to have the concentration or focus to read- or even to want to read- and after birth you want to sleep every minute you can! good luck!

2007-01-06 01:47:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I got sent to the hospital and induced early for health reasons, so I was there for almost a week. Since it was a month early, I didn't have my bag made up. Here is what I wished I had.
Your own toiletries-soap, shampoo, razor, perfume. If you end up having to stay longer for some reason, you will really miss these things.
Your robe and slippers. My hospital had these thin robes that made me uncomfortable and the cold floor was felt right through my socks.
Chapstick, gum, and hard candies.
Different size outfits for my baby(the ones I had were all way too big).
SNACKS!!!My baby was born at 1:25 am, then I had to wait an hour before they let me eat. There isn't much available at that time of night to eat except from the vending machine. Quarters are good too.

Good luck and I hope all goes well and fast!

2007-01-06 01:52:54 · answer #2 · answered by cerah_micah 3 · 0 0

I ended up having an induction, and later had to have a lot of drugs, so I cannot really tell you what made my labor easier (Although I seem to remember a lot of laboring!). What I can tell you is that I forgot to bring my daughter's baby book (and didn't get her footprints in it). I also had my husband write down the nurses' names that took care of me during labor and my unplanned c-section, as they were VERY attentive to me during the whole event, and I wanted to send them thank you cards. This next time, I will plan on bringing little cards and/or gifts for my husband, and my 5 yr old daughter. I also plan on having extra change and $1 bills so they can use the vending machines, while they're stuck with me for long periods of time, along with reading material for them both. I think most other lists will be pretty helpful (calling cards, hair scrunchies, pillows, socks, hard candy, etc.) Congratulations!

2007-01-06 02:37:47 · answer #3 · answered by Florida girl at heart 2 · 0 0

Scrunchies* i forgot about everything once i went into labor and afterward my hair was so knotted up in the back where i was turning my head back and forth trying to deal with the pain. Also having hard candy* to suck on because you will not believe how dry our mouth gets afterward! I prolly drank a gallon of water just the night i had him. Lip balm* is important to. Also having something to focus on during the contractions really helps.
These might be the most important things you will need for the labor.

2007-01-06 01:45:29 · answer #4 · answered by Curious J. 5 · 0 0

I remember wanting my own UNDERWEAR! I can't believe I forgot enough underwear. You may be bleeding a lot after you have the baby and the hospital has some little strange contraption with a stringe to hold a pad in place, but bring plenty of clean underwear because you aren't going to want to keep recycling the same few pair everytime you change a pad, with baby number one I ended up having to send my husband to the store to buy underwear and of course he bought bikini cut cutie pie underwear, not the kind meant for granny pads!

2007-01-06 04:15:39 · answer #5 · answered by dorriewilliams 1 · 0 0

lanisoh (lanolin)
a COUPLE cute outfits for the baby because you can't be sure just how big or small or long they will be. You can have a guess but it's best to have a couple outfits for pictures.

bring your checkbook

bring some snacks because they will deny you food during labor and dad doesn't get hospital food

bring panties and normal sized pads. The hospital pads are shockingly large.

2007-01-06 01:39:41 · answer #6 · answered by iampatsajak 7 · 0 0

Chapstick a easy weight gown and a activities bra Snacks, yet i surely propose waiting till at last you're on your restoration room and laying down earlier you initiate eating, in case you could wait cellular telephone + charger digicam + charger/batteries in case you have bought newborn pacifiers on your toddler, evaluate packing them and giving them to the nurses to offer your toddler, it is going to possibly get related to the 1st type provided to him/her. in case you haven't any longer yet bought pacifiers, you may get the comparable type the well being center makes use of at objective, the well being center will probable supply you a million or 2, yet its continually stable to have extras! something to think approximately while packing your bag- you will adventure bleeding for as much as six weeks after transport, you won't be in a position to apply tampons... purchase a great inventory pile of pads while you nevertheless have some capability.

2016-10-06 12:51:03 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Chewing gum or candy. You'll want to chew something during labor and possibly after. I always have the munchies after I have a baby so I like to pack snacks that I've craved sine cravings can last weeks after delivery. Good luck!

2007-01-06 01:42:28 · answer #8 · answered by Babyface 4 · 0 0

Interesting !!
According to my knowledge, you just need few clothes for baby (even those are initially supplied by hospital but some prefer their own and we have no objection if baby is normal)
And, of course, you will need father of your baby to be there if possible to give you emotional support( and to know what he has done and to feel the experience of new life coming into existence"
Don't worry about other things. Don't waste your energies in such thoughts.
Everyone will give you advice based on her or his experience and you will always miss something as everyone had.
So relax.

2007-01-06 01:41:52 · answer #9 · answered by Dr. Hashmi 2 · 1 1

i was induced so we were at the hospital many hours before labor started.....
we bought a pack of uno cards.. that passed time...
eye drops
your own toothbrush and paste
srunchie.. if your hair is long
a pillow for significant other because those chairs are uncomfortable to.. we were at hospital a couple of days and he had to sleep in the hospital chair and they wouldnt give him a pillow or when they did the cleaning staff would take it when cleaning up...
your own soap
and face soap ... if they dont let you out of bed and you start having visitors i had to wash at least my face... i had a c section so i was in bed for like 3 days before i got to shower
if you plan to use a pacifer bring one of your because hospital binkys are huge... my daughter wouldnt keep it in her mouth so i got one from home and she was content.

hope some of this helps

2007-01-06 01:44:28 · answer #10 · answered by Veronica's Mommy 6 · 0 0

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