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I'm not writing this to shock you but rather some friendly advice
ever heard of
Drug-induced psychosis
i used to smoke cannabis from about the age of 16
I'm now 32
4 years ago i went to the park
smoked a spliff
came home
held my mother and a Friend hostage in the house for about 5 hours till they manged to get on the phone for help
an ambulance arrived and i was carted of to hospital (loony bin, mental home,nut house,)
i was god
i ruled the world
i knew everything
it was the greatest feeling in the world
what comes after that is hell and i wish it on nobody
i was sectioned and put on high observation
given various mental health drugs and lost six months of my life as i was not aloud out of the building for more than one hour without an escort
i was classed a danger to myself and society
i refused to stop puffing and my friends bought me gear to the hospital
not realising that was the reason i was in there
sneaky spliffs out of the bedroom window happen in mental homes all the time
but it aint like a holiday camp
50% of the people i met in there where like me
the other 50% were just mad





I'm OK now
and what happened is rare
but trust me it does happen
i still love the smell of solids when its burning
but i love my sanity more
stay safe and dont panic
it might never happen to you and probably wont
but next time your too stoned to want too go into McDonalds ask yourself

2007-01-06 17:29:55 · answer #1 · answered by have_somefun01 2 · 1 0

Half of young people using cannabis suffer side effects such as paranoia and blackouts, a UK survey suggests.
More than 80% of the 727 young people in their teens and early 20s polled by YoungMinds had tried the drug - the vast majority before they were 18.

The charity is calling for urgent research on the effects of cannabis on the developing teenage brain.

It is releasing guidance for young people and professionals on the effects cannabis may have on mental health.

2007-01-06 09:03:12 · answer #2 · answered by richard_beckham2001 7 · 2 2

u will probably turn out to have some sort of mental disorder paranoia is the least u have to worry about there is also schizophrenia and the other risk is the cannabis stops doing anything for you and you turn to harder drugs oh and u still have the worry of lung caner etc i don t know why people do it i used to but grew out of it as soon as i left school

2007-01-06 19:20:38 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

probably nothing wrong with you, but cannabis causes serious paranoia, 10 years u' say? well then ur body n mind is probably used to it, weed aint addictive thoguh, u ust end up beleivein its all u need to keep urself goin, there probably aint nuttin wrong with u, i no loads of people who do cannabis, they're all fine, for now, but in the long term it might cause some problems

2007-01-06 09:04:33 · answer #4 · answered by fergie 1 1 · 2 0

some people it effects and some it does'nt,i've stopped smoking it for 4 years now,i did'nt no it at the time but it started changing me but i was the only one that could'nt see it,i started getting severe paranoia,mood swings and aggresive but i thought it was chilling me out.as i say it has dif affects on dif people it depends on your personality.some side affects are depression,lack of consentration,anxiety and on the darker side it can lead to paraniod scitsophrina if thats how u spell it,people say it's not addictive well i disagree because i was addicted and still after 4 years get urges or cravings for a scooby doo

2007-01-06 09:53:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i smoked it for18 years daily but i stopped 2 years ago, i will still smoke a little bit very rarely these days. i don't know if it did me any harm?

my memory is better for not smoking but i am more depressed about things as i can't just smoke, be stoned & ignore things like i used to.

2007-01-06 13:16:41 · answer #6 · answered by andylefty 3 · 0 1

Cannabis makes you paranoid as well as all it's other side effects. It Plays Havoc with your brain.

2007-01-06 21:59:39 · answer #7 · answered by Sierra One 7 · 2 0

From personnal experiance from living with someone who smokes, its a nasty habit, your moody and nasty when you dont smoke, you smell like an ashtray and your teeth are yellow. But other then that your fine. GIVE IT UP!!! Its not worth it! LUNG CANCER is not a joke, it doesn't just kill you, it destroys your loved ones, what's more important....

2007-01-06 18:34:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Your body and brain are likely to be full of dangerous toxins-go find a detox programme,before serious health problems set in-
and give up the dirty habit once and for all.

2007-01-06 12:33:48 · answer #9 · answered by mr.bigz 6 · 0 1

psychological problems may happen sooner or later or not at all , most people react differently, something must have madce you start smoking it and maybe you need to work on that. Why fry or brain just to mellow you out?? is it really worth it??

2007-01-06 09:04:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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