They are not allowed to see any females the entire 20 years. How many of them would relieve their sexual tensions on each other?
20 answers
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Society & Culture
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➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
People can become addicted to anything. We see this in cases of beastiality, rape, etc. The repetitive practices of these cases warps their behavior. So.. they end up actually enjoying it.
If straight guys (notice I am saying "straight") spend 20 years in jail with many other straight guys and they end up having sex with each other... their behavior and mental wall or stronghold against "gayness" crumbles to a certain degree. Having sex with other men is no longer a big a deal as it use to be.
Many here claim that if a man has sex with another man by choice, he is not necessarily gay.
However, he engages in a homosexual act. If one engages in a homosexual act (and isn't forced into it at gunpoint), isn't he considered homosexual?).
A person who rapes a person is a rapist. A person who abuses his child is a child abuser.
At what point is a person a rapist? At what point is a person a child abuser? At what point is a man considered homosexual?
19:21:40 ·
update #1
If the issues you speak of are continually rolling around in your head you are in need of serious professional help.
2007-01-13 18:43:10
answer #1
answered by ? 3
I don't think they turn gay. You either are gay or you are not. I think that they have needs and become desperate and they get to a point where they don't care how they get it as long as they get it. I guarantee you that if most of these men have been having sex with other men in jail for 15 years, then get released, that at least 90 some % would never touch a man again. The first thing they would do , is start looking for a woman, any woman to tap! I have a friend in jail, we have talked about this. He says he has NEVER dropped the soap.????
2007-01-13 11:50:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think any of them would any more or less gay than when they went in, even if they did voluntarily engage in homosexual behavior.
Perhaps the lack of available females, and the use of rape in prison as a way of proving and maintaining dominance, provides inmates with sufficient justification to act upon the homoerotic impulses that most men normally suppress?
After all, it's been hypothesized that most people are more bisexual than they have been socially conditioned to accept; maybe all they need is the right set of circumstances (be it a stint in the slammer, or a night of heavy drinking) to act on it?
2007-01-05 23:30:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
ok, first of all, a full grown man after a child, is a pedophile, period.
a man willingly to engage in homosexual acts with another man
is gay or closetted gay, meaning will engage in dark but not to the public. in prison they have tried to minimize this act, who is to say.
a straight man that has never touched another man, more than likely wouldnt engage, its against his morals, no matter the crime he committed. or he may willingly let a man suk it, but as far as penetration any other way doubt it, and not allow himself be penetrated. i guess it has to do with your "will" not to allow certain things to happen to ya. men will know how it feels from a womans perspective, when a woman is raped. for the ones with that tendancy to do this, yeah they need in population
2007-01-13 17:28:37
answer #4
answered by sharma 4
If you lock 20 straight guys in the same jail cell for 20 years, you would have 20 straight guys locked up. None of them would "turn" gay. Gay people have been locked up with straight people for centuries and they aren't turning straight. Sexual orientation doesn't change, but sexual behavior does. They might have sex with men if it's all there is, but if you set them free and they can find women, chances are unless they were gay to begin with, they will return to having sex with women. If you are not sure, I'd suggest you get yourself locked up and try it.
2007-01-12 14:38:45
answer #5
answered by Richard K 2
I'm sure many would relieve their sexual tension on each other, and the rest of them would be forced to against their will for safety, protection, or voluntarily do it not for pleasure, but as an exchange of favors or money/drugs.
How many would 'turn gay'? Not a one. People don't turn gay- you either are or you aren't, and a gay man in denial may go to prison and discover his sexuality, making it seem like he 'turned', but he really didn't. The majority of gay sex that takes place in prison is due to the environment, and the acts have no bearing on the heterosexual orientation of the men doing them.
Hope that makes sense.
2007-01-05 23:08:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You asked 2 different questions.
1st, none of these guys would "turn gay". But in my experience I'd say at least 3/4 of them would help each other to relieve sexual tensions.
2007-01-06 02:54:59
answer #7
answered by ? 6
none would turn gay, you dont turn gay you either are or youre not
and likely all would in some way or another relieve there sexual tension with each other. but they would still be heterosexual.
2007-01-06 04:52:48
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Men wil have sex with anyone and anything if they can get away with it in the situation they find themselves in.
That has NOTHING to do with homosexuality.
2007-01-06 01:46:54
answer #9
answered by tjnstlouismo 7
That does not make them gay. they may commit the act of homosexuality, but they are not gay. The have a desire to be with women, but cannot.
2007-01-05 23:06:35
answer #10
answered by didjlord 4