Put half into a REIT, like RRE (stock symbol), and half into a few Master limited partnerships like NRP, MMP and SXL. Terrific dividend type income and growth. You'd make about $14,000/yr and these equities would grow nicely. Good luck
2007-01-05 16:46:00
answer #1
answered by Marmalade P. Vestibule III 2
Real estate is a great way to invest. Since you have a large sum of money maybe you should finance a larger complex and use your cash as a down payment. I think your return would be considerably larger. You might make enough so you don't have to work for some one else.
2007-01-06 00:38:27
answer #2
answered by brown_j_w 2
Where can you buy a duplex for $200 thousand dollars?You cant even by a condo for that here in California..If you can go for it it sounds like wonderful investment.Go for it but make sure you buy yourself something nice as well.
2007-01-06 00:38:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Subscribe to Money magazine. Put the rest in a 5% savings account and take 6 months to think about what to do . Otherwise it will slowly disappear. DON'T SPEND A PENNY. Wisely invested $200,000 can serve you for your whole life.
2007-01-06 15:34:43
answer #4
answered by sm4125 3
im in the same boat but a little larger what i did is contacted a financial advisor to advise me on how to disburse the money. ya i bought a car and a couple of other things which is ok but he said to put it into the stock market which i did and im making 13 percent a year that was 3 years ago
2007-01-06 00:34:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Buy a house as cheap as possible (If you don't have one) with a down payment as small as possible at a fixed rate for as long as possible and invest the rest in the Stock Martket with the help of a Portfolio Manager.
2007-01-06 03:38:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Decide what YOU want. What is most important to you? Safety, income, growth? Talk with a good fee only CFP and work out a plan. DON'T listen to anyone who isn't well off.
2007-01-06 14:43:52
answer #7
answered by Big R 6
Buy a motel
2007-01-06 00:35:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous