Okay, you have been through the route of the bad stuff already, and you need some help now. That is a good thing, because I can tell you WHY you have been gaining weight all this time!
(1) Using diet pills cause permanent weight gain. Why? Most contain caffine in it to try to raise your metabolism. BUT as a side effect, the caffine causes other proplems with your muscle fat and causes you to gain and store the wrong kind of fat around your muscles. So the second you stop doing a diet, boing, your weight goes up.
(2) Yo-yo dieting causes tremendous weight gain. Just as in the case of caffine, when you go on a starvation type diet, your body says "alert! alert!" and begins to store stuff as the more permanent type of body fat. As soon as you eat normally again, boing!, the weight goes back up as your body stores food for the next starvation period!
(3) You are working out heavily. This is great! BUT you probably saw your weight increasing as you worked out and then started going on diets again! What happens when you work out heavily is that you build new muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat, so it appears on the scale that you are gaining weight! You were losing fat and gaining muscle! BUT as soon as you went on the diet, the trend reversed, and you gained permanent fat and lost some muscle!
(4) STRESS is getting to you about everything related to this. This is ALSO causing you to gain weight! Stress produces natural hormones in the body that interact with your muscles, and from the results of working out, instead of producing the necessary nerve sheathing for your nerves around your muscles, that production is blocked and instead gets stored as the more permanent type of fat around the muscles!
Okay, so now we know that everything you have been doing so far is the cause of you gaining weight! Yay! Great! What's next?
Next is some stuff to help begin to get the weight off...
(1) You need some deep meditative time for yourself every day to release stress. Take up a martial art, meditate in a garden, read books, play video games, slam dance, toss rocks, swim, run, punch a bag, whatever gets your stress from life released from you. Pack away all your mirrors and get rid of your scales. You dont need to look at a scale more than once a month to check on your overall weight loss! Any more than that and you are kidding yourself! A daily weight check is too much stress! And stop the suicidal thoughts too! Imagine a newer you!
(2) Get the Beach Body workout program and the Atkins diet book. The Beach Body workout program is essential because of two things. (a) It has a body shaping guide to help you get your body into shape regardless of what shape you are currently in. It will sculpt both an exercise regime AND a general diet plan for you to follow. (b) It has charts in there that tell you how much you need to eat each day so that your body does NOT go into starvation mode! It only cuts down slightly on what you eat for the day, not heavily. And I say to use the Atkins diet book because the food suggested in the Beach Body workout program is exactly the same foods described in the Atkins diet. You use the Atkins diet book and/or Atkins food in the stores to make up your meal plans and meals.
(3) Your body NEEDS sleep. This is VERY important. No matter what, get between 8 to 10 hours of sleep EVERY DAY. Your body's sugar regulation and nerve system regeneration is helped by sleeping.
(4) Take vitamin supplements (B complex, K, iron, C, calcium, zinc are most important - try to get close to 2000% of "daily recommended amount" for B-complex, but do NOT overdo the others at all - try to stay close or under the 100% mark for those), and drink either whole or 2% milk (Skim milk makes you gain weight because your body needs the milk fat in order to digest Vitamins D and K and calcium - so without the milk fat your body never absorbs D, K and calcium - and those 3 combined burn away body fat!). Avoid all "diet" products and artificial sweeteners and diet soda and the like - only use natural sugars. Avoid all products with caffine in it.
(5) Fast for either ONE or TWO days each week, depending on how you feel. Take one day out each weekend, or take out the entire weekend and fast. Contrary to popular belief, fasting does NOT mean eating nothing - when fasting, make sure you drink at least one ore two cups of milk during each normal meal time, and take your daily vitamin supplements. If you feel like you must eat, dont force yourself to not have anything, eat something light for that meal, or eat a normal meal if you cant hold out anymore. Never force it!
(6) Drink plenty of water, juices and milk - BUT do not over do it! Alternate what you drink during the day, and follow the Atkins and Beach Body snack recommendations - eat the snacks when you are supposed to - that will ramp up your metabolism! Drinking too much of the same thing all the time will lead to a toxic poisoning, even from water!
(7) Continue with your other exercises like you normally do too - that will help accelerate the weight loss!
Okay - now some final words. What you should be looking for on a MONTHLY basis only is changes in your body shape and style. Ignore your weight entirely. When your body shape begins to change, you are losing the bad body FAT at that point - and in the meantime all along your have been toning and gaining muscles in the right places. Your weight could go up or down during a month for the first few months, and as the fat loss accelerates, you may even find the weight going back up every month as your body becomes more toned and refined. That is why I say to ignore the weight - because the weight / height charts are all false indicators. Follow your body shape and body tone only.
Good luck! Drop me a note if any questions!
2007-01-05 16:06:52
answer #1
answered by MrKnowItAll 6
Oh honey I know where you are coming from I was there I grew up obese and am still there. First thing you need to think about is the good points about your self bueaty is only skin deep. I'm sure you are kind, sweet girl. Start a journal get a note book and write down all your thoughts good or bad. Drink lots of water, I use a straw and put ice in it cause I don't care for water It will help crave your hunger. Listen to alot of music up beat kind even if you just have it on low on the other side of the room, It will make if feel like your not so alone. Talk to a teacher or nurse or somebody at school and don't worry about having friends, when you find happiness within yourself you will find a friend. Have you thought about volenteering some place like a animal shelter or a nursing home? Animals don't care how big you are or how small just so they have somebody to pet them. And old people are lonely too. It's very hard to deal with cruel remarks from people but remember one thing If they are saying mean things to you then they got the problem not you because they prolly have less of a happy life than you feel you do. I think people would rather pick on somebody then to deal with there own reality. As far as dieting, when you eat leave some food on your plate to throw away like the pounds you soon will be throwing away off your body. Move your body around as your on the computer lift your arms 10 times each side or your legs or stand in front of the tv with a music channel on and just wave your arms walk side to side just move focus on the music and drown out the world. Ok try to eat something for breakfast no matter what even just a piece of toast and even if you eat an apple or toast or anything small atleast 4 times a day never starve yourself. I hope this helps just don't give up take it one day at a time.
2007-01-05 16:08:38
answer #2
answered by michelle 2
You are doing it wrong.
Starving yourself only messes up your metabolism.
Diet pills will NOT help.
There is only one way. Eat healthy, excercise more. It's that easy and that hard. You want to do it bad enough then learn what "healthy" means.
You are 12 years old then you have some work to do, and kids are cruel. You don't want to end up being one of those 500 pound people stuck in the house. You need to act now.
Healthy food. No junk. No soda. No candy.
Excercise. Move your body. Every day. No excuses.
2007-01-05 15:37:06
answer #3
answered by choice478 2
You shouldn't be taking diet pills at age 12. You need to see a doctor and talk about creating a workable diet and exercise plan. It is possible to lose weight in a healthy manner without starving yourself or overworking yourself, but you need to see a doctor and a dietician to make it happen.
Start with your school nurse if you don't know who to talk to.
Good luck!
2007-01-05 15:36:36
answer #4
answered by Erika S 4
hey hon, don't feel so badly for yourself, you are making the situation worse by making yourself feel more and more inferior. i would really see a doctor or a nutritionist and tell them that you are really serious about drastic weight loss, or get a trainer to help you work on your body. i know someone who lost half their body weight, so i know it's not impossible. dieting for days or weeks or even months will not make the situation better, it will just backfire because your metabolism will slow down, and you will feel like a failiure. seriously focus on working out, RUN at least thirty minutes a day, do workouts based on strengthening everything - core, limbs. i would really suggest rock climbing to tone muscles. about the unibrow, pluck it. get a eyebrow definer (or a hard eyeliner works just as well) and shade your eyebrows in, following the natural shape of your brows. UM as for your boobs, they will get smaller as you lose weight, and seriously so many girls wish for bigger boobs. don't hurt yourself - this will only deprive you of the only self-respect that you can have for yourself. diet pills do not work. i will repeat this, diet pills do not work. working out heavily and eating healthily (not skipping meals, not fasting/binging but eating nutritious and unprocessed, low-fat foods) will be the way to a healthier body. GOOD LUCK.
2007-01-05 15:41:57
answer #5
answered by little secrets † 2
honey been there done that... i lost 20 pounds recently and heres what your doing wrong
1. dont starve yourself for days
when you starve yourself for a period of time you body stores whatever you eat as fat so heres what you do... eat 3 meals a day no snacking in between...
2. stop the diet pillsif diet pills arent taken correctly they can actually make you gain weight
3.exersize with a friend
when people exercise with other people they will feel motivated and you will push yourself harder
4. your condition maybe medical... like hypo throid or something
2007-01-05 15:50:03
answer #6
answered by so_what_if_im_a_blonde 3
Considering your other questions stated that you were pregnant, that'd be part of the problem.
BTW: Some guys actually like girls to have a bit more meat on their bones. And if you're clumbsy, it's because of your age - everyone's clumbsy at around that age.
2007-01-08 11:39:41
answer #7
answered by dst3313 3
well you are obviously not trying hard enough! you really can't do anything about it.. unless you lose that weight and exercise but if u do lose the weight u will have alot of excess fat and you can't get rid of that without sergery. I wish the best to you! EXCERCISE! GO BOWLING IT HELPS!
2007-01-05 15:43:42
answer #8
answered by bicker12 1
Look..your only 12 years old and you have plenty of time to start losing weight. Try cutting back on sweets,fast food,soda,etc. concentrate on your portion sizes. As far as exercise , start out slow. Walking is very good way to start out with. My last bit of advice is that is that U-R- Beautiful and you need to tell your self that everyday.
2007-01-05 15:45:54
answer #9
answered by katie a 2
well when i was 12 i am 15 now and i know it was stupid but i was like 100 pounds i was (tall) and i only ate a small salad once a day and worked out and that is how i got to like 78.5 pounds but that was stupid i should have stopped at like 90 ponuds. when you took the pills did u eat chees burgers with it and fatty foods cuz that may be why??
good luck!!!
2007-01-05 15:46:38
answer #10
answered by blondebeauty 4
you are not alone i weigh alot more then you i am 49years old and even my husband makes fun of me cruel remarks it hurts and as i suspect about you we both have low very low self esteem please do not take diet pills i suggest cut down on sweets and calories of 1200 daily drink plenty of water try to walk or bike ride and start to think better of your self remember you are a love child of God so you are a very important person no matter how much you weigh let time pass diet slowly not to mess up your heart or kidneys you can do it good luck my friend
2007-01-05 15:51:22
answer #11
answered by Mississippi's Jersey girl 5