You should immediately arrange for the monkey to be collected by the police. You have no idea how it got here, and it is illegal to buy or sell animals such as monkeys without appropriate licences. You should also report the illegal immigrant to the police, as they are clearly involved in criminal activity.
many wild animals are illegally imported into the UK, many suffer due to the methods used to transport them. The survivors may be carrying nasty diseases, they have been poached from the wild and people who buy them are contributing to this unpleasant trade. Do your bit today, turn them in.
By the way, how did you find out the person who sold you the monkey is an illegal immigrant? I wouldn't know how to spot one. Trade in illegally imported animals is usually conducted by British criminals with contact abroad.
2007-01-05 11:19:38
answer #1
answered by funnelweb 5
Please take the baby monkey to a zoo or somewhere that rescues little monkeys that have been taken from their natural surroundings.
I don't mean to be a sour thing, but do you realise that the monthers of baby monkeys are often killed so that the monkeys can be sold to wealthy foreigners. I am sure your intentions are good, else you would not have come on here looking for help, so keep that in mind. Monkeys need special diets and special care. They need to be with their own kind. Please do the right thing.
I'm sorry this isn't what you want to here but I adopted a baby chimp for my partner for Christmas - we love the little things. Fortunately our little chimp is in a chimp sanctuary off the coast of Africa. Your baby moneky can be helped too x
2007-01-06 04:17:30
answer #2
answered by icklnickla 2
What does the person being an illegal immigrant have anything to do with why the monkey is sick? You shouldn't be buying anything from someone you know is in our country illegally. Take the monkey to a veterinarian.
2007-01-05 11:06:10
answer #3
answered by Lala 3
Are you joking???? u dont take on a pet with such specialist needs from an illegal immigrant and clearly not knowing the first thing about the animal, you should find a better home for the poor thing and not buy things of illegal immigrants again!!
2007-01-07 07:58:40
answer #4
answered by BABY BELL 3
Who the illegal immigrant or the monkey?
2007-01-05 10:58:40
answer #5
answered by Robb the B.D.C. 5
as much as you dont want to listen to everyone else, you need to get help. I know that you may think that you taking in the monkey was a good idea,and maybe it was, but you need help in caring for this creature, so please contact a vet, animal control, the police, whoever you comfortable contacting, and ask them to help you deal with this, you are in over your head, and you need to get this monkey help, because if it dies while in your care, not only will you go to jail for having an illigal animal, but also for animal cruelty, so as much as you want to keep the monkey, and help him, the best thing for him is to give him to someone who can care for him properly.
2007-01-08 08:57:27
answer #6
answered by blank_red_rose 2
As well as accepting all the advice so far with regards the monkeys' welfare, YOU should have an immediate medical check- up! Like I mean NOW at the hospital! Monkeys can carry deadly diseases in their saliva(including dried saliva) such as, it is thought, Ebola(incurable and quick to kill) and AIDS like diseases.
2007-01-06 02:55:26
answer #7
answered by More or less Cosmic 4
Maybe he is unhappy. Monkeys need to be free! i think you should take him/her to the RSPCA where they can help the monkey. You will be doing the monkey a would you like to be locked up in a strange country.
2007-01-06 00:41:37
answer #8
answered by x yasmine x 3
Beans, Tortillas and Chili pepper.
On the off chance that this isn't a joke, get some goat's milk from the grocery store (they should have it) or baby formula. If that doesn't work pretty quick you should take it to a vet.
2007-01-06 04:48:51
answer #9
answered by Dumb Dave 4
imagine you as a child and some strange person comes and takes you away from your mother.would you eat?would you just have the urge to die? i think you should give the monkey to the zoo or a professional.
2007-01-06 04:43:04
answer #10
answered by Killacam 3