Oh, we all know that it's the new "in". Even though it's an "out" it's still an "in".
You know, some people may want to be "that way" without labeling themselves because it actually does make them feel comfortable to be that way.
2007-01-05 08:46:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I like the punk and goth style. It is just a style and that is it. I believe you can dress in any style you like and still be a Christian, but most "traditional religious people don't see it that way." In Jesus's time only thing that was in style were togas and no shoes and that is what they wore. Fashion and personal taste is NOT wrong. And I agree with your point b/c most Christians cannot live without cell phones these days. The point is be who you are!
2007-01-05 08:54:56
answer #2
answered by Melissa Svetlana Flavored Coffee 3
Ever considered that people aren't trying to be "emo" or "goth," but just like that style of clothing?
And if they are living up to the stereotype, why do "preps" or other generalizations conform to that in the first place?
Music wise, everybody has different tastes.
2007-01-05 08:53:37
answer #3
answered by Jade_Rose 1
You make a good point. To me it seems that evey emo, goth, or punk seem to look alike; black hair and clothing, pale skin and black and red clothes. They may not be comforting with the 'masses' but they are still conforming... and lately, there seems to be a lot of emos and goth running around.
2007-01-05 08:52:02
answer #4
answered by nacobelove 3
Posers and insecure teenyboppers do conform, yes. But mature adult punks and goths (I've never met an adult 'emo kid') have made a conscious decision to be that way because they enjoy it, and are happy with it, not to fit in. But applied to posers and insecure teenyboppers, your accusation fits perfectly. :)
2007-01-05 08:47:01
answer #5
answered by Strange Design 5
People who don't know how to create their own identity, but want to be original, try on personas that are non-mainstream. The more interesting ones will form their own style and be original, the less interesting ones will continue to mope, hate their lives, and make the rest of us miserable for having to put up with them.
2007-01-05 08:53:12
answer #6
answered by True Dat 4
Perhaps conforming to nonconformists is better than conforming to conformists.
2007-01-05 08:48:06
answer #7
answered by Doug 2
I agree!
People need to be more "origional" if they want to be different.
2007-01-05 08:54:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2007-01-05 08:46:35
answer #9
answered by Barrypu 2